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[[小语种资源]] 第十七期有奖写作练习(1个威望)

发表于 2006-6-24 10:31:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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发表于 2006-6-24 12:02:51 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-6-24 12:25:57 | 显示全部楼层
I am the second.

Difficult Time

As I am concerned, difficulty time is during the research.

Firstly, as we all know, it is common sense for a Bachelor student that Professors taught
the technologies and knowledge to you directly. You can do what they said and it is ok to
complete your study. So when you graduted from college, you are full of professional background. You can use it directly in routine work.

However, to the opposite, when you go further in the field of your major, you had to teach
yourself. You supervisor told your topic and some limited reference. The rest work depends
on yourself. It is a hard time for me to conduct the research by myself just like a baby standing
without support. I search for the references and study the critical knowledge in the area.
I take lots of time to conduct the research. In fact, if your supervisor told you about that,
it will be completed soon. But, you must do it yourself, which necessarily trains yourself.
When you meets problem, you can fina an approach to solve. This chacteristic is different
from Bacholar.

During the research, I experience the whole process as previous described. I inneed understand the extensive efforts of the scientists and scholars. These experts have trained themselves again and again during every research. Although the process is hard, they are approaching their objectives and achive their sucsesses. I do not expect that I can do a significant result from the research, and I only want to train myself when I am in trouble and growing up everyday.

The old saying is that you can grow up when you have a difficult time.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-24 13:16:33 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2006-6-24 14:04:54 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-6-24 15:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
On my memories, time is difficult for me, one in the end of 2002, the other one last year. They are strongly impressed to me.

Last year, it has past two years since I started the studies for master degree. But the result was not satisfied. It was the time for us to look for the job, or prepare for further studies abroad. But as I was concerned, it is the time when I started to conduct the project. I had not start the project until Apr.2005 due to some reasons. But unluckily, I had to change the project in Aug.2002. The project is very strange for me. Furthermore, I must finish the project in one year. Later I met the problems. Test curves is very complex and strange, very different from the usual ones because the curves I considered is not taken into account in tests conducted by senior mates, it was byproduct from tests. The result was very clear that the curves obtained by my finite element models differed from the test curves in any case. But my supervisor thought the test curves should be simulated by the analytical method, and I must study not hard. In Dec., the research was stopped. I thought then the time when I obtained the master degree was very remote.

In addition, the funding for me would expire in the end of last year. I possibly have to support myself, to face the high cost of living.

Thirdly, my grandfather suddenly passed away in December. My grandfather was well healthy before the time. It was in the night of one day that he suddenly passed away.

Fourthly, because I was busy with the project, I missed the best time to look for the jobs. In contrast with other mates at the colleges having found the job, I was very anxious. But if my project was not finished, I could not obtain the master degree. So even if you had find the job, and fixed the data when you go to work, you was not allowed to work unless you gave up the degree.

Fifthly, there were some problems about the feelings.

In a word, when I lay down in my bed in my cold room, I did not know what I should do, how I deal with these problems, where my path would go to. At that time, I have nothing. At that time, I also found that it was very much that I liked drinking beers.

Thanks to my parents, my teachers, my schoolmates now, the schoolmates at my college, and the schoolmates at my high school, I had successfully pulled through. Now the project is going to be finished, funding problem has been solved. The difficult time has been gone, perhaps it will be treasures for me.

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发表于 2006-6-24 16:22:46 | 显示全部楼层
     I grow up in the happiness family, I have a brother, I was protected to my parent and brother in my childhood, so I have not the hardest time in my childhood, In university, I was diligently, so I have not the hardest time, I think my the hardest time is my work time, in the other word, it is now, I feel that it is my hardest time now because of enterprise culture, I am a teacher in the college, the management is very closing, in the same bureaucracy is very pop in the college, it is not learning culture at all in here, obtaining teachers and students, I do my best to adapt the college, but I feel that it is difficult to adapt the college, I think that I must adapt the culture, in the other hand, the college locate in the countryside, and the management is very closing, I do not touch the society at all, after long time, I will become clumsy, the result I will be abandon by society, I want to touch the society now because I am younger, I have not ability to touch society when I am older. So the present work is not the work of my dream, the work of my dream is in the society. I feel that the present life do not adapt me. So I want change the present life, but I don’t know to true or wrong when I make the decided, so it is difficult between stay or leave. In the same I have not money, I want to marry with my girl friend, but I can not because I have not house.
    So I think that the present is my the hardest time, I feel to helpless, the emotion never have before in my brain, now I face to work and marriage, my press is very heavy. I hope that I quickly change my life.  

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发表于 2006-6-24 16:34:07 | 显示全部楼层
yes, everyone may have a difficult time in his or her life.
For me ,the hardest period of mine untill now, is my child hood. I have suffered a lot during my childhood.
To be frank, i did have a very good time before my mother died (when i was only 5 years old.) . Then i had a step-mother,and my life began to change.You know there're usually lots of quarelles and conflicts between the step-mother and the grandparents of both sides, and relatives.
then my life became extremly hard. i spent 7 years with my grandparents.because i didn't want to stay with my step-mum.and also i just want to avoid conflicts.
during that period, what i hate most was the spring festival, you know why? Bcause, i don't want to see the reunion of the other families.and i don't want to spend the festival with my "sm".
But, i have to. because, my grandparents couldn't support me any more,and i had to go to my father's home. you know what when i am with them, we don't have common interests the same topics. oh, god, it was so embarrassed. they're chatting happily with my sister and i seemed to be a stranger here.and my father even insist that i should go to my step-mum's home. my god, the atmosphere there would kill me. nobody cares about you, except my father. talking with me occatinally.i don't hate him ,bcause i know it's difficult for him to keep a balance among three aspects.and he is always kind to me.he is my father.
Things are much better now. Bcause i'm now in college and i'm a grown-up now.
thank you for listenning to my long sad and boring story.
anymore, tommorow is  another day!

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发表于 2006-6-24 16:48:03 | 显示全部楼层
Everyone has his/her most difficult time. Many of them are during study or about career. What let me feel embarrassed is that the extremely difficult time in my life is the time when I lost my first love.

When I was a fresher in college, I found my first love which lasted about four years. But happiness is always a flash of time, I only have endless pain. The day I left my college as a graduate is the day I became a really bachelor. A old saying which told us that a few words can put a person into the hell from a heaven is quit right. In the hell, I have to came to remembrance the happy time with her. But more happiness I remembered more damage my heard will get. The painful days are always endless, and I guess my life is ending too.

To conclude this endless pain, I began to do sports during the whole day. Because I believed that the suffering in the body was better than the affliction in my spirit. I transfered the pain from my spirit to my body like this day after day. To my surprise there was a day I waked up and found I became a man whom I had been. From then on, I understood the meaning of the words: every man is the architect of his own fortune.

My first love, which had been far from me, gave me both extremely happy and painful days. Today I want to say thank you to her, because the unforgettable experience make me leave the naive childhood and told me what is the true love and what I should pursue. I am pleased to face the most difficult time now, just like my mother always told me that no rain, no rainbow.

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发表于 2006-6-24 17:17:50 | 显示全部楼层
The most difficult days -- exam for postgraduate time
   I left my university nearly three years, i always could not forget the time of exams for postgraduate college in my heart, because that was besides the college entrance examination, my only true time i strives for success, although the result was fail, but not slightly affects me remember to those days.

  At the beginning of the determination of takeing exams for postgraduate schools is swing. I practised in Xinhua News Agency economical news center In summer vacation, I plan to make money. however,I saw dormitory the elder brother all run the old library to review books for postgraduate schools the period before I graduate. Then my plan turned to take exams for postgraduate college again. The contradictory follows all the process, for instance,  when the Bank of China comes in the courtyard to enroll, heard the treatment is good, I then lay down the review, runs to participates interviews; But, when I and dormitory schoolmate listen to the old brother which tests five road junctions to introduce his success experience, as if really made the resolution me to have to take exams for postgraduate college in that moment, moreover did not want my university, directly aim to people bank postgraduate collegel.

   the exams for postgraduate college life :review exams for postgraduate college life is a formula. Early morning 5 o'clock, along with snatched the place competition intensely to turn 4 and half o'clock, early ran to the old library entrance lines up, Usually is takes a pile newspaper to occupy the whole table, afterwards altered to the tablecloth, again was unreasonable is that volume toilet tissue, gently as soon as flung has occupied a table. Now I admire the will at that time, every day persisted that already gets up, and as soon as sits in the independent-study hall is whole day. When i tired, go to the new library for relaxing. which the electronic reading room accessed the net is I most likes, at that time in order to review the exams for postgraduate college, my website which organized oneself entrust for others to looked after, but inside the heart I can’t forget there,-- until now this kind of plot as if still to exist, therefore frequently had to go looks, sometimes unconsciously has forgotten the time, one afternoon was passed in the electronic reading room. this also was one of the reasons of my fail to pass the exam Afterwards i analyzed the exams for postgraduate college unfavorable reason.

  After those most unendurable days, I summarized the experience and the lesson, once makes the exams for postgraduate college decision, you must persist finally.

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发表于 2006-6-24 20:12:33 | 显示全部楼层
The toughest time in my life
I am so young now, I am not sure if the experience I will narrate is really a big hard time. But as I said at the beginning, I am so young; I do not have enough opportunities to taste many difficulties.
The toughest time of mine till now is the period when I was doing my graduation thesis. It was a strange field for me. My major is biology technology and the thesis belonged to the field of botany. It was because there were comparatively more students and fewer teachers in our college. Some of us had to compromise to do something about other related subject.
At that time I had already signed the contract with my employer-my present work place, what I really care about was to graduate favorably, what I did referring to the graduation thesis was really nothing to me.
As the time went on, I found that the work was not as easy as I had imagined. The professor forced me to do many tedious and time-consuming works. I had to work for her form dawn until dark almost everyday, sometimes even till late night. The last month, I was almost mad. There were six students instructed by the professor, we are all male. One of us design instructional software, two did research work about ashtree, the rest two do research work about Juglans mandshuarica with me. We had to work till mid night at last. Some time, I went on work after hasty dinner till I realized that a new day had come to us. The most depressing thing was that the professor kept us working for him, which was far more than enough for us theses, and concealed the consequence from us. I felt so tired and angry at that time. Though she is a professor, thought teacher as a career is worth respecting. I must say that there are a few bastards among them.

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发表于 2006-6-24 21:17:18 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-6-25 02:27:24 | 显示全部楼层
A Hard Time
In October 2005 I left home for Germany in order to study there. It was the first time that I traveled alone so far away. At the airport when I bade adieu to my parents, I could see their anxiousness and unease in their eyes. I tried my best to make them sure that I would take good care of myself, although I could not even assure myself, if I really was able to. The flight was long and boring. I was planning what to do after I landed and imagining the experiences that would happen to me in the strange country. At last I arrived in my destination. When I came out from the airport, a blast of cold wind chilled my body and gave me a strong emotion of loneliness. Standing in front of the gate of the airport, I was totally at a loss. The local university had only sent me a post three months before to invite me to take an examination, which would decide if I was qualified to begin the college study. The examination would take place after five days. In that moment I had perfectly no idea of what should be done firstly. The city was a maze to me. I would surely lose the way if I wandered about to no purpose. At the end I was determined to take a taxi. At first I’d like to find myself a place to stay at over the night. So I asked to be driven to a youth hostel, which was recommended in the mail of the university. Another thing should be done at once was to find some food to eat. I had not eaten anything since the breakfast on board. Unfortunately it was precisely the national day of Germany. All the shops were closed. Just as well the restaurant in the hostel offered some cakes and bread, so this problem was resolved. I had to wait for a day, since not only the shops but the university agency as well closed. In the following four days I ran about all over the city to handle some affairs, which were necessarily to be done, such as registering by the local government and by the university, application of a dormitory. It took me much vigor to accomplish these missions, for I was not good at speaking German and not familiar with the streets. Luckily I had passed the exam and entered the university later, and began a new life in a new environment. In that hardest time, all filled with tire and dejection, I encouraged myself by speaking to myself “It will surely be better tomorrow!” And now I am confirmed in this faith all the more.

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发表于 2006-6-25 07:36:09 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-6-25 11:38:03 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-6-25 14:39:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-6-26 00:04:44 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-6-26 11:52:51 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-12-7 23:47:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-12-8 11:58:52 | 显示全部楼层
the hardest time

The hard time may be you are poor of money,or you have difficult in the work.
But i think the hard time is in our spirit.
I am poor now, but i am hopefull of future.
i can earn the money with working hard.
i lost the aim of life
Before my edugration ,the life seem hopeless to me
i don`t kown what to do
I think this is the hardest time for me .
hehe 好久没用英语了。

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