1 she said that she love the person who have super talent but i only the person who is honest .my friend persuade me not so dedicated.
2 happiness was always temporary,the only thing left was inexhaustible anguish and
affliction to exchange .
3 why did woman can love a man all her life while man will always have lots of wives and
concubines. why can't man care for each other always with one girl.
4 your husband,exceeding fascinating and charming,having super talent .he will flirt with
woman by fate.
5 your observing ability that was earth-shaking and ghost -wailing that moved me to cry .
i would be died without regret if i were to have a intimate friend as beautiful as you .
6 i'm not a ungrateful people,but none can identify the people heart exactly at love this
7 it shouldn't express love with people .love and hate seem the two sides of the coin,paying
litter bit attention,the love will change into hate.
8 whether you love the girl or the girl love you ,either is the most boring thing on the world.
3 为什麽女人可以做到从一而终而男人却要三妻四妾,就不能和一个女人长厢斯守
4 你老公风流潇洒,才华横溢,命中注定会招花引蝶。
5 我感动的有点想哭,你的观察力真是惊天地、泣鬼神。如果我能有你这位红颜知己
6 我不是一个忘恩负义的人,但在爱情这挡子事上,没有什麽可以准确地定义人心。
7 人对人,是不可以生情的。情和恨,是枚硬币的两面,稍有不甚,情就被翻成了
8 无论女人爱你,还是你爱女人,都是天底下最麻烦的一件事。 |