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[[考试与证书]] 英语四六级的训练

发表于 2006-6-11 20:16:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



  1)In American universities,classes are often arranged in more flexible _______and many jobs on campus are reserved for students.

  A.scale  B.patterns  C.grades  D.ranks


The answer is B.其意思是在美国,课程以十分灵活的形式安排,校园里有许多事留给学生去做。我觉得在写校园生活的作文中,这是一个很好的参照范例,对比中国的校园则不是这个样子,顺便谈出自己的感想。

  2)The _____runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes.

  A.common  B.usual  C.average  D.general

The answer is C.这几个单词都有“普通”的意思,容易用错。“common”一般指现象的平常,比如说Taking the college English Test Band 6 is quite common today on campus.Do you ever think why?“average”是指“平常的,普通的,平均的”,比如在谈及现在的大学学费时,可以说:It’s a sum of money that an average family can't afford.“general”强调的是少有例

外,有大多数的意思,如果让你写一本书的介绍,你可以说:The book is intended for the general readers ,not for the specialists.“usual”相对来说比较容易,在此不举例了。通过这样的比较,一方面可以加深对词义的理解,另一方面在我们自己写作文时可以避免类似的错误。不失为一个一举两得的好办法。

二、阅读。一般考生在复习时做的最多的我想是阅读。中国有句古语:读书破万卷,下笔如有神。所以说做大量的阅读练习对写作的提高是最有帮助的了。在阅读过程中获得的信息可以丰富写作的素材,更有很多名言警句等着你去发现去“漂亮”(名词动用)你的句子。阅读的时间要保持连贯,最好根据个人习惯有所安排,不要挤在一个时间段内做,也不要把时间间隔得太长。阅读是提高英语水平最基本也是最重要的途径,当你的阅读量积累到一定的程度,启然会由量变到质变使你的英语水平上一个档次。这是我大一时一个英语老师告诉我的,我一直铭记在心。除了平时上课时的精读,平时我也看一些英语读物。你尽可以挑你喜欢看的,茶余饭后翻看一下,当做消遣。很多英语故事是很有趣的,可以积累日后写作的相关背景知识,也可以在不知不觉中make you speak and write like a native。

   其实每次做题时都有四篇阅读可供练习,不要对完了答案就算了。好句子和段落不能放过,大声读一两遍,留些印象在脑子里,对写作会有帮助的。我经常看的东西有《21世纪》报,那里边的一些文章和学生生活很贴近,没准就碰上了考试要写的题材。还有我最喜欢的一本小说是《Daddy Long Legs》,里面所写的大学生活一定会让你在其中发现自己的影子,而且用语幽默。下面就是其中的一些精彩段落,你会发现阅读中真有无穷宝藏!

1)   It isn’t the big troubles in life that require character. Anybody can rise to a crisis and face a crushing tragedy with courage, but to meet the petty hazards of the day with a laugh I really think that requires spirit.

2)   College is a very satisfying sort of life; the books and study and regular classes keep you alive mentally, and then when your mind gets fired, you have the gymnasium and outdoor athletics, and always plenty of congenial friends who are thinking about the things you are.

3)   Not to be forever regretting the past, or anticipating the future; but to get the most that you can out of this very instant.

4)   Most people don’ t live; they just race. They are trying to reach some goal far away on the horizon, and in the heat of the going they get so breathless, and panting that they lose all sight of the beautiful, tranquil country they are passing through; and then the first thing they know, they are old and worn out, and it doesn’t make any difference whether they have reached the goal or not.


三、听力。其实听力是我最喜欢的了,尤其是纯正的美式口语。我这里讲的可不仅是听力磁带哟,那比较程序化,且内容多枯燥。还是原版电影听得比较过瘾,比如说《Forrest Gump》,我想大家对其中最有名的那句life is like a box of chocolates,you never know what you gonna get记忆犹新。适当地引用一些电影中的精彩对白或口语,会使你的文章与众不同。如果你能很好地将电影中的故事作为事例写进作文中,不仅十分生动而且会让评卷老师感觉到你对英语学习的浓厚兴趣,不知不觉会提高印象分。当然前提是你能巧妙地运用听到的故事。下面就是一篇我看过的比较好的范文:

                   On Fate

    Some people say that we can’ t choose our fate, just like we can’t choose our parents. Fate is fair to everyone and it is clear about what is right or wrong, who is honest or crafty, who is diligent or indolent. As long as a parson works and tries, he will surely get what he deserves.

However, others claim that we can do the best with what God gives us although we can’ t change our fate. There is a famous dialogue about fate between Forrest and his mother in a movie “Forrest Gump”. When Forrest asks his mother what his fate is, Mrs. Gump answers, “you gonna have to figure it out for yourself. I was destined to be your momma, I did the best I could. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get.” Forrest was born a person with low IQ, that is to say, he is destined to be stupid. But God gives him persever-ance, will and a good mother. Finally he does do the best with what God gives him and becomes a football stardom, Vietnam hew and shrimp tycoon. He learns to deal with not only the prejudice, hate, hope, fears and dreams of human nature but also life and death.

In my opinion, the story of Forrest Gump does happen in real life. Though my life is designed by fate, maybe I should make full use of what I possess to achieve a better result.So believe that Cod helps those help themselves.


四、背诵。上面提到的都是六级要考试的内容,为了有效利用时间,我将写作基本功的练习融于这些题型的准备之中。这不是偷懒,因为其中每个部分你要真正获得写作的锻炼都是要付出努力的。背诵就是在以上这些环节的准备中不可缺少的方法。有很多同学都是在考前背好多篇不同类型的范文,这的确是一个很有效的方法。但如果没有平时的积累,是不会只背几篇东西就自然能“下笔如有神“的。在这里我要说明的一点是,我本人其实是很讨厌为考试而学习的,所以也就厌恶为考试而背诵。但是就单纯提高写作水平而言,背诵确实是必要的。所以在平常的语言学习中,我都会去记忆一些内容有价值、语句优美的句子或段落,这对于培养语感也是很有用的,尤其是一些谚语,真是又精辟又实用。要说明一下的是,在很多作文指导书中都会介绍不少谚语和俗语,以致于考试作文中千篇一律的都会出现:No pains,no gains.Better late than never.我要说的是,大家在平常的学习中应该去多留心一些新颖的段句,找到一些可以与众不同的,点缀在你文章中,会是精彩的亮点。下面是我最喜欢的一部分句子。

   1)One ship drives east;another drives west,by the selfsame gale that blows. It’s the set of the sail and not the gale that determines the way she goes. Or again; the heights by great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.

2)   In doing we learn.

3)   The voice of one man is the voice of no one!

4)   Wise men learn by other men’s mistakes; fools by their own.

5)   Good company on the road is the shortest cut.

6)   To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.

7)   One of these days is none of these days.

8)   Actions speak louder than words.

9)   Knowing something of everything and everything of something.

   10) Life is not a bed of roses.


            Should People Be Always Honest?

    Should people be always honest? The answer, I think, is absolutely YES. But here “honest” doesn’t only mean“telling the truth”, I think that’s far from enough. Honesty is a virtue.  When we say that someone is honest, we mean that he or she is fair and sincere, free of deceit. So, what I want to say is that people should be honest all the time but if he or she tells a lie for good purpose, I don’t call that dishonesty.

The reason I should say so is because of such a story. It happened in a small town. An old lady led a lonely life in a lonely house. She had no relatives except a poor lawyer as her friend. This old lady liked writing very much. She was eager to have her novel published but of course she could not afford the cost. Though the lawyer was also lack of money he still promised to help her. The old lady continued to write until she was dying.  And before she was dead, she finally got her published book, and died with a smile. The book fell from her hand to the ground.  Wind blew it open, and the pages in it were all blank! You know, the old lady had very poor eyesight and she was nearly deaf. She used her old typewriter to do the job but no one could recognize what she wrote. But the poor lawyer fulfilled her dream. It was cheating. Yes, I know that, but, I still think he is honest, he is far more honest than those who can tell beautiful lies but mean nothing at all.

So, try to be honest, try not to tell a lie. But if that lie can save a life, comfort a heart, just do it. I don’t think that’s dishonest because you still have an honest heart!

  老师给我的评语是:Very touching,very convincing! I like your writing style very much:easy,flexible,and attractive!





   基本功的训练和考分的提高是个水涨船高的过程。如果把平时的英语训练比做是做“自选动作”的话,那么针对考试我们还要做一套“规定动作”,即完全是根据考试作文的要求而进行的练习。为此,我们需要知道的是:六级作文的评分标准是什么(这好比是要先知道比赛规则)?通常会考什么类型的作文?怎么写?又如何才能写好呢?针对这些问题,我把我以下要写的内容分为这几个部分:评分标准和作文的重要性,这几年的常考题型和范围,六级作文总的写法,拿高分的一些小技巧以及我的个人心得和体会。Are you ready?,Let's go!




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