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[[小语种资源]] 第十四期论坛英语辩论活动(1个威望)

发表于 2006-6-5 20:47:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式







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发表于 2006-6-5 22:25:38 | 显示全部楼层
i do not think it is necessary for people of all the professions to take the english test.
at first, english is not really useful or necessary for all different professions, though our country is more and more open to the world. most jobs do not require usage of foreign languages, especially for most middle or small cities. on the other hand, for the people who work for foreign companys, they will try to learn english in order to survive their jobs, even it is not a compulsory regulation.
so basicly, i think it is rather a waste of time for most people that are required to take this kind of examination. and in fact, they will not spend time on this, but try to cheat in the exam. that really make the examination kind of form...and maybe only a way to make money for some department...

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发表于 2006-6-6 08:31:45 | 显示全部楼层
Yes and No

This question is good enough to bring up an argument. English nowadays in China has become more and more important to our working life. As our economic develops and opens to the world more widely than ever before, and with the increasing competition in all area, english has become  a compulsory course in school and in universities.  

Technology has advanced far more than what we ever expected.  Job market becomes more competitive. Job vacancies are always much less than what it supplies.  For any individual,  every one can feel that competion that they have to face to.  Every year, many organisations lay off workers due to the more advanced management etc.  But most people who have been a professional position or are applying for it are required to take professional english test.  In many area, I agree that is a right.  For example, in engineering professions,  if you don't have good english ability, it would be imposibile for you to reach all the new technology in the world. Because english is a universal language that is used in all academic area.  

But in some fields,  I don't think taking the professional english is quite necessory.  Such as painting artists,  musicians, etc. Sure,  it is helpful for them to understand fundermental english,  but  no need to achieve to professional level.  

Whether one can be more successful than the other in his/her field  or not has nothing to do with how high his/her professional english test score is going to be.  English is just a tool for learning and communicating, it should not be used as a standard test to verify one's profesional ability in most area.  Unless in area where english is the main subject,  then sure " Yes"---pass professional english test is definitely required.

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发表于 2006-6-6 08:59:19 | 显示全部楼层
    To frankly saying, I think that profession english test is very important for everyone in China. because everyone need promote their occupition in work, you must past profession English test and computer test before promotion occupition antithesis,you occupition is never promoted.then.your status will become lower and lower in future,your fame is not spreaded in society,at the same time, if you do not past profession English test ,you will have iffluence in your economy,and so on, in word you do not past profession English test ,then,it will bring a series of iffluence in your life, your life will become more and more faint.
    But, I think that profession English test is very easy,it facilityly past profession English examination, so, the certificate only is utility in government ect company. and in fact, in society or in foreign company, profession English test is not at all utility, they must try to learn more difficultion and complication english in order to survive in society.
    So, profession English have different utility for different people,it is very important in undertaking company ect. it is not very important in foreign company ect. I am a teacher, I must past profession English test, but I do not think to take part in profession English test in my heart,because I think that the profession English certificate have not heavy for my life.

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发表于 2006-6-6 13:28:26 | 显示全部楼层
I would like to say yes,absolutely.

The national English test for professional title promotion is hold by the ministry of

personnel. The aim of this test is to examine how well the professional who want a

promotion can read or write English. Of cause it is necessary. In the past years when a

professional want a promotion there were lots of strange rules like he must be keen on

politics, if there was another person who is older than him want a promotion too, then

he must wait. There would be a group of men: all kind of leaders who would decide

who would get the promotion, absolutely by their own tastes. Now we have the exams

for the professions who want a promotion. It is easy to see who the best is and who

behooves to get promotion. During the exams English test is very important. Someone

said: English is not really useful or necessary for all different professions. Yes I agree

with it. But the national English test for professional title promotion is hold for the

professionals for whom English proficiency is as much important as the professional

knowledge. So in my opinion the national English test for professional title promotion is

necessary and we should adhere to it!

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发表于 2006-6-6 14:56:55 | 显示全部楼层
Sure, I agree with the opinion above. That is to say, the English test for the title of a technical post is very important.
It is true that most professionals dislike of English test, because it is a big pressure for them. However, I think, if you want to make more progress in your career, you should face the test bravely. The reason can be listed as follows.
To begin with, we need English language in our work and research, especially in nowadays, we link with foreign affairs frequently. If we don’t know other country’s language, we will be limited in our little circles. Moreover, English language is the most popular language, and it is a key for us to communicate with other’s country’s professionals. Thus we open our vision, and get more and more information. A case in point is that we deepen our knowledge and directly talk about the problems in foreland. In addition, every one has a shortcoming, laziness. That is to say, we all are lazy by nature. It is just in competition, that we are becoming industrious. The English test is a force and it will push we go forward and quickly.
It goes without saying that English text is very important. There is no doubt that all of professionals should take part in the examination. In conclusion, more and more professionals take part in the test; it will form a good study style in adult career men and stimulate our career’s progress.

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发表于 2006-6-6 16:44:52 | 显示全部楼层
Nowdays it is becoming prevalent to learn english.Perhaps some colleagues are crazy at learning  english,and it is  also not surprising you .Maybe in your mind ,it is necessary to gain this international tool in the competitively severe world .Especially after our country stepped into  the WTO membership.In our daily life  ,people can invariably be asked about "how about your english"if he has a resume.sometime you perhaps  can hear this kind of thing that some people who makes application to a foreign company is rejected because of his poor english.It is almost known that the salary is a little higher at foreign company than any other one .So this kind of people may have this  opinion that  learning english  is essencial when somebody want to get a good jod.
On the other hand ,somebody maybe argue that learning english is really a waste of time ,because they never take  english into practice .So the capacity of english which is gained  through hard working is  nothing but 'white elephant'.
Given more consideration ,there might never be easy answer to the argument.Whether  the
examination is essential or not depends on what kind of job the people want to get.If the job needs english as a communication tool ,so it is ok .in the contrast ,learning english or not is depending on the people's interest ,in other words ‘suit yourself'.

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发表于 2006-6-6 16:44:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-6-6 17:06:59 | 显示全部楼层
I think the answer depends on what profession is concerned. I take two cases for example. If one works as an Interpreter in English, it is necessary to test one’s English level, for that is the attainment of this profession. But on the other hand, if a Chinese traditional culture scholar is asked to get through an English test to prove his capabilities, it will seem rather ridiculous. Many experts in some specialties need to read original materials for research and have to spend lots of time on English learning. It already becomes a heavy burden for them, in spite of the irrational test. The sensible way to solve the problem is to train a great deal of professional interpreters. They should have the knowledge of a specialty as well as master one or two foreign languages. Then many experts needn’t lavish so much time and vigor on English and can only concentrate on their own work. It is more rational, is it not?

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发表于 2006-6-6 17:34:51 | 显示全部楼层
This an old question ,and many people have discussed it for several times.Some people said yes,and the others said no.
As far as i am  concerned ,I would  say yes.  As a developing country,China has made a great progress in the economy、military affairs and the standard of living.our country has been more and more open to the world,especially after China taking part in the World Tourism Organization .In those days,English played an important role to the national development.It has been used widely in many fields,such as politics、economy、agriculture and etc.And English will be more and more important in nowadays.I suggest  all the people who  need English in their  work 、study and lives make great effort  to learn English well. To take English examination  is a good choice.But remember ,examination is a resort ,not perpose.In China,most people are more or less lasy.Examination  can spirit up them to conquer this disadvantage,because people have payed money for it.So Isuggest English examination.
Maybe there are some people who hold contrary opinion.They suggest that only the people who work in foreign companies learn English and take the Engliash examination.Actually,many people who don't work in foreign companies  use English more or less.For example ,to a college srudent ,he or she would read several  English articles if he/she want to make a great progress in the filed,because English is a widely used language and it is used in all academic area.
In one world ,I support people take the Engliash examination.

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发表于 2006-6-6 19:02:19 | 显示全部楼层
In my opinion, a qualify Engish exam is needed in order to demonstrate your professional ability. The main reasons are as following:

Firstly, To master a foreign language is of importance in the current era. The international
communications are undergoing everyday. People must own a universal language to exress themselves and make others understand. English is wide and easy to master. Therefore, People shoud be skilled at English.

Secondly, the test is a feasible and fair way to examine people's qualification in the language
skill, although other ways might also be useful to evaluate the qualification. In the same questions, everyone writes his answer to demonstrate his ability. From the scores, it can
objectively indicate you are better or not.  

Last, if you are qualified at English skill, you should not be worried about the Engilish exam.
Just to take exam, and to prove you are capable of that position. Someone is afraid to take an exam and always says it cannot reflect his real conditions. However, the exam is more suitable for a qualified person, when many kinds of people face the same exam paper and give their own answer.

In a word, I strongly recommended that the exam is need to select a qualified person.

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发表于 2006-6-6 23:41:15 | 显示全部楼层
I dont think the title English test is necessary for us.In the work cannot avoid having each

kind of test and the comparison and appraisal. Why but comments the title to have to test

English? English is only one language, now gradually has had to substitute for our mother

tongue? Why did the university graduate must look English result, responds to a call for

recruits to need to look English result, the job appraisal also needs to look English result, I

have participated in the title English test, passes smoothly, but this test has unexpectedly no

use in the practice.

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发表于 2006-6-7 09:29:43 | 显示全部楼层
 This topic have been discussed on many papers.THere are several viewpoints.Someones think the English test is not necessary to assess learning level,but the others think it is  necessary for every every one.
  I think the English test is necessary to assess a man`s profession learning level.beause in my opinion,our technology is relatively low to developed country,English is a tool to use advanced machines.If we don`t know a English word,it will be a impossibe misson to using it completely.
  On the other hand,I don`t think the English test  is necessary to college students,beause they have passed the test of English level.Let them test again is wasted the time and money.
  In a word,I think whether the professional English test is necessary or not may be decided by defferent  people and profession.

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发表于 2006-6-7 10:55:06 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-6-7 12:05:51 | 显示全部楼层
I think the English test for the title of a technical post is necessary. There are some reasons following below.

1. Most of publishcation all over the world is written and printed in English. Take the papers indexed by SCI. More than 85% of papers indexed by SCI are English papers. For a professional person, it is necessary to learn advanced techniques and experimence from foriengn country. But most of publishcation is in English. So if he does not master English, how he will learn the advanced techniques and experimence? Maybe some people said the professional person could resort to translated version of English publishcation. But to translate English into Chinese is a long course, so perhaps it will not latest when the related English publishcation has been translated into Chinese.

2. As opening of our country, we have more and more changes to walk out of our country to communicate with foreign craft brother, to popularize and recommend our adcanced techniques and experimence. English is all necessary in these activities. So English is indispensable.

Of course, to learn English cost some time. In a long run, although to learn English cost some time and money, it is very worthy. Hence, I agree with the opinin that the English test for the title of a technical post is necessary.

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ynylb 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-6-7 13:23:31 | 显示全部楼层
The English test for technical certification is not necessary for everyone.

   It is ridiculous to require a postgraduate, even a PhD to attend such a low level examination. They have already past the degree English test for masters or for doctors. Apparently, these tests are more difficult than the one we are discussing. So, if they have not failed to pass to the difficult one, why it is necessary for them to take part in the easy one while all these tests share the same aim, i.e. to determine one’s English level. In a word, to require a master or a PhD or someone else who has a high level of English certification to take the easy English test for technical certification is just a waste of time and money. And it is an unnecessary repeat.

   Of course, there are still some other kinds of person, such as who had majored in English, who had got a certification of CET-6 or CET-4, who had joined the TOEFL and got a score higher than 550, etc., should be considered of exempting from such examination.

   In short, the English test for technical certification is not necessary for everyone, especially those who already has a powerful proof of their English learning. Here is a typical example: one had studied abroad for several years. After he returned to mainland China, she or he, like it or not, still have to take the middle-school level English test. If our time and energy are always wasted in such unnecessary things, how could we have time and energy to fulfill anything meaningful which is beneficial for the construction of our socialism?

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发表于 2006-6-7 18:49:38 | 显示全部楼层
Following my opinion, I do not  think it is nessary for all the professional  people even it is a must for some of them.

   Why we study English? Perhaps somebody never think this problem carefully. In deed, English is just a tool to study the foreign resources and communicate with foreign guys. If it is not a obstruction, that is enough. Just like the computer, it is also another tool for us. If you are not focus on the design area, you only need to know how to operate it instead of study how it works. So I don't think it is necessary for all the professional people. Just a little of them need pass the test.
   I have heard a humour before about why chinese  haven't win the Nobel Prize. Why? the answer is that we Chinese is busy in studying English!  So I think we should not waste too much time on English test but make us more professional. Otherwise, even we have pass the test, we will soon be dilapidated because of seldom using it.

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发表于 2006-6-7 21:07:50 | 显示全部楼层
English is an very important tool for our chinese people. But it can not be the excuse to make it the exam of it be the toll-gate for a lot of people.
Nowadays, with the development of global economy, a lot of foreigners and foreign companies have come to China to search for more benefit. Through communicating with them,a number of people have been good in English.So, English have been in popular.Because  foreign companies's high salary, many people want to join them, so English is neccessary. Then English exam have come into being.
I think these kinds of exams can not show one's English level. Because  one's English level can not realize fully in exam. Eaxm can only show one's English writing level. Other levels such as reading, speaking especially communication in English will show in daily life. So, these exams of English are not neccessary. If some departments want to test one's English level, I think finding  a foreigner to communicate with him in English is a best way. The foreigner can show a paper which is written in English to him.After some time, the foreigner will talk about the paper  with him in English. This way will show someone's reading and speaking levels. Writing level will be tested in composition. I think this way will work for people who must use English in daily life.
But, a lot of people do not need to use English in daily life and they must take part in English exams if they want to get higher position. I think this way is wasting time and finance. One do not need English,but you force him to take part in English exams. I think this is not remarkble.
All in all, English exams are neccessary for people who need English in daily life. But for others, they should be cancelled.

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发表于 2006-6-7 23:03:59 | 显示全部楼层
I sat for professional title examination about two months ago. I took Japanese test. You know whenever it comes to the test, i take the book again from the beginning. it is really time consuming. I read books just in order to cope with the test. From my personal experiece I feel it is really worthless to spend so much time on useless test. I want to talk about it in some details.
  Firstly let's look at whether it is necessary to see the level of english as a alienable componet of professional competency. of course not necessarily. one's professional adequacy lies in his insights into his his field of research. All these can be achieved by reading Chinese literature. So why must we consume so much time and energy to pick up a foreign language. Maybe you think isn't it better to master a foreign language. Anyway it is a good idea on paper. No one can deny the more the better.  If you are interested or think it necessary to master second or third or fourth, foreign language, it actually depends on the circumstances. We don't necessarily ask all the people to grasp a foreign language. We go and ask those Nobel prize winners whether they all have passed a or two foreign language proficiency test. Do they have to? No.
  Language is a tool or a weapon(someone gives it). We do not need to learn more about it. It is not a matter of the more the better but a matter of learning something useful. Damn with teh test. The test producer try all means to beat you and fail you by offering you meaningless points.
  In a nutshell, farewell to such test. Professionals must feel relieved.

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发表于 2006-6-8 01:09:32 | 显示全部楼层
Today I got up a very early in the morning, hurriedly has eaten the breakfast, hurriedly hurries to rides the bus service, burning with impatience dashes the examination place, only was for participate in a national nationwide examination title English test. To the examination site, saw picture that is the suitable magnificent sight, the sea of people, unavoidably arise spontaneously the sigh, sighs our country this kind of test system.I test  synthesis class -B level, because I already passed the university English 6 levels of tests, therefore I am unhurriedly, at a moderate pace. Then, but also has not answered to hour me. Estimated eight, 90 minute not questions.
Has the position study finance colleague's humorous explanation this kind of test system existence necessity, he said the country must carry on the shift payment, that need money, the local authority officials (mainly are the place education department) also need the money. Always where leaves? Test! Right, test. Registration fee each person 450, the institution all the various trades' and occupations' personnel comments the title all to want to test this, calculated down is really a not small income.

  But, on the other hand, the government collects the shift payment fund not to be wrong, but can through other ways tries to find solution, now the society, the government repeatedly emphasizes after all humanist, originally others all passed the university English four levels of, six level of tests, but also tests English which this two levels half all does not arrive, the use what in? Why can't arrive? Simply is wastes the manpower, the physical resource, the financial resource, tires the people and resources!

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