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[[学习策略]] 学一点 -- BBC新闻英语

发表于 2006-5-7 08:34:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. \"The destruction of one of Africa's biggest narcotics hauls is being slowed by an explosion in an incinerator.

Police seized the cocaine with a street value of nearly $90m last year. Karen Allen reports from Nairobi.
narcotics hauls -- 毒品走私;
incinerator -- 焚化炉;
street value -- 路边毒品的零售价值;
Nairobi -- 肯尼亚(Kenya)首都.

句子翻译: 非洲最大的走私毒品销毁过程由于焚化炉爆炸被延缓. 警局去年抓获这批可卡因, 价值9千万美金. 记者Karen Allen从Nairobi报道.

2. \"Lawyers for Microsoft have begun a last ditch attempt to prevent it from paying daily fines from the European Commission.

Microsoft insists it has met the EU's demand that it share its software codes with its rivals. John Moylan reports.
ditch -- 地壕反击战.

句子翻译: 微软的律师开始发起最后的努力反击以保护其免受欧洲委员会按日计算的罚款处罚. 微软坚持说它已经满足了欧盟关于微软将其软件编码与对手分享的要求 (真的啊?  ).

3. \"Environmentalists are lobbying the Spanish government to extend a whale sanctuary in the Mediterranean sea.

An area of protected water has already been set up by Italy, Monaco and France. Russell Trott reports.
lobby -- 游说;
whale sanctuary -- 鲸鱼避难所.

句子翻译: 环境保护论者正在游说西班牙政府扩建在地中海的鲸鱼避难所. 意大利, 摩纳哥和法国已经建立起了一片保护水域.

1. \" Rice shrugs off UK visit protests

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has said she is not troubled by protests against her current visit to the UK.

She called the demonstrations in the north-west of England ''an exercise in democracy.'' Kim Barnes reports.
1. shrugs off -- 耸肩表示不介意(这个词经常用于别的地方意为\"摆脱\", \"不重视\");
2. demonstrations -- 游行示威;
3. exercise in democracy -- 民主演习.

句子翻译: 莱斯对英国不满其来访的示威表示不介意. 美国国务卿Condoleezza Rice (莱斯)表示她没有被英国(民众)抗议其此次来访的举动烦扰. 她称这次英格兰西北示威活动为\"一次民主演习\".

2. \"Turkey's 'child shield' tactic warning

Turkey's PM has urged parents not to let their children be used as pawns in clashes between riot police and Kurds.

Eight people have died in several days of violent clashes. Sarah Rainsford reports from Istanbul.
1. child shield -- 子女保护;
2. pawns -- 被指使利用的人(在此不做\"爪牙\"讲);
3. riot police -- 发动暴乱的警察;
4. Kurds -- 库尔德人.

句子翻译: 土耳其针对'子女保护'的策略性警告. 土耳其总理催促家长们不要让子女被指使利用参与发生在暴动警察和库尔德人之间的武装冲突. 8人已经死于近日的猛烈冲突. 记者Sarah Rainsford 从伊斯坦布尔报道.

3. \"Warning over Boat Race high tide

Police are warning spectators of Sunday's Boat Race to beware of high tides along the River Thames in London.

The waters have already claimed a number of parked cars left near the shoreline. Riz Lateef reports.
1. claim -- 原意\"认领, 要求\", 在这为\"被河水卷走\".
2. waters -- water+s=水系, 这里指泰晤士整个河水体系.

句子翻译: 高潮汐水位艇赛警告. 警察警告星期日艇赛观众要小心伦敦泰晤士河的高潮汐水位. 泰晤士河水已经卷走了一些停泊在河岸边的汽车. (明天一早, 偶也去看艇赛!)


1. \"More hosepipe bans come in

Three more water firms in the south-east of England are bringing in hosepipe bans for householders due to low rainfall.

Folkestone and Dover Water introduced restrictions on Sunday and two more follow on Monday. Daniel Boettcher reports.
1. hosepipe ban -- (hosepipe, 从淡水供应商直接提供的橡胶供水管) 根据1991年水产业法令, 水供应公司有权在旱期或储水量不足的情况下限制市民用水. 一般情况下, 市民使用这种橡胶供水管浇灌花园.
2. Folkestone and Dover -- 英格兰两家主要的水供应公司.

句子翻译: 更多的供水管道限制. 由于低降雨量, 另外三家英格兰西南水供应公司开始限制水供应管道. Folkestone和Dover于上周日, 另外两家于周一已经实施了此供水限制.

2. \"Tories 'will reveal donor names'

The names of all those who have loaned the Conservative Party money will be given to the elections watchdog.

Theresa May, shadow leader of the Commons, told the BBC the Electoral Commission would be shown a full list.
1. Tories -- Tory的复数, 英国保守党员;
2. watchdog -- 监督机构  ;
3. shadow -- 英国国会监察机构;

句子翻译: 保守党(员)会公开捐款人名. 所有曾向(英国)保守党贷款的人名会被提交给竞选监督机构. 下议院监察头目Theresa May告诉BBC选举委员会会得到完整的人名列表. (这一行动是为防止捐款人买官)

今天写得少, 其他晚点来...

3. \"Downloads put 'Crazy' in top spot

Crazy by Gnarls Barkley has made pop history as the UK's first number one song based on download sales alone.

Previously, such sales counted towards a chart position if the song could also be bought in shops. Patrick Bartlett reports.
1. top spot -- 'spot'意为'聚光灯', 引申为'获奖'. top spot 就是'冠军'了;
2. chart position -- 直译为'在海图中的位置', 这里习惯性地引申为歌曲/乐曲在各大音乐爬行榜中的位置. 这类的爬行榜有很多, 例如美国的 Hot 100, Hot Digital Songs, Dance Radio Airplay, Pop 100, Top 40 Mainstream, 等等... 一个乐曲的chart position 可以表示为'Hot 100 - #2, Hot Digital Songs - #8, Dance Radio Airplay - #12, Pop 100 - #6, Top 40 Mainstream - #20, 等等... ', #后面的数字是此乐曲在爬行榜中某一时刻的排名.

句子翻译: 下载使得'疯狂'成为冠军. Gnarls Barkley (歌星名) 的单曲'Crazy(疯狂)'作为英国第一只基于网络(下载)销售量的冠军曲目改写了流行音乐的历史. 此前, 这类销售统计只用来(补充从而全面地)估算商店中有售的乐曲在各大音乐爬行榜中的位置. (背景信息: i tune的出现使音乐网络销售成为评价歌曲市场潜力的一个越来越重要的方式)

4. \"Italians shocked by toddler death

Italians have expressed shock and revulsion at the murder of an eighteen-month-old boy who was abducted one month ago.

The body of Tommaso Onofri, who suffered from epilepsy, was discovered at a farm near Parma. Ade Akintonwa reports.
1. toddler -- 初学走路的孩子;
2. revulsion -- 强烈的反感, 厌恶;
3. abduct -- 诱拐(意同kidnap, 程度略轻);
4. epilepsy -- 癫痫症;
5. Parma -- 帕尔马, 意大利北部城市.

句子翻译: 意大利人对呀呀学步孩童的死表示震惊. 意大利人对一个月前被诱拐的八个月男孩被谋杀表示出震惊和厌恶. Tommaso Onofri (去世男孩)患有癫痫症的尸体在帕尔马附近的一个农场被发现.

5. \"First commercially cloned horse bred

Two US-based genetics companies have cloned the first thoroughbred horse to be sold commercially.

The breed can be used to earn large amounts of prize money competing in rodeos. Michael Voss reports.
1. thoroughbred -- 纯种的;
2. rodeo -- 竞技.

句子翻译: 第一只商用克隆马诞生. 两个以美国为基地的基因公司克隆了第一只会用于商用买卖的纯种马. 这一技术可用来在竞技赛中赚取高额奖金.

1. \"Sinn Fein British agent shot dead

Former senior Sinn Fein member Denis Donaldson has been found shot dead in the Irish Republic.

In December 2005 Mr Donaldson admitted that he had been a paid British agent for 20 years. Philippa Young reports.
1. Sinn Fein -- (直译为'we ourselves'我们自己)最早由圆桌阿瑟王于1905年成立的政治团体。其后发生了一系列的爱尔兰政治运动,每个负责的组织都自称是Sinn Fein的唯一嫡系。
2. agent -- 在此意为'间谍'。

句子翻译: Sinn Fein英国间谍被枪杀. 前Sinn Fein高级成员Denis Donaldson被发现在爱尔兰共和国境内被枪杀. 2005年12月Donaldson承认他已经(替该组织)在英国做了20年的有偿间谍.

2. \"UKIP demands apology from Cameron

The UK Independence Party has called for the Conservative Party leader to apologise for comments made on a London radio station.

Speaking to LBC David Cameron said UKIP members were mostly \"fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists\". Vicki Young reports.
1. UKIP -- United Kingdom Independence Party 发音 you-kip. 是英国的一个政党, 目的是让英国撤出欧盟;
2. David Cameron -- 人名, 英国保守党党魁;
3. LBC -- London Broadcasting (Radio) Company 英国于1973年成立的最早的合法的商业独立本地广播电台(偶最喜欢滴);
4. fruitcake -- 水果蛋糕(普遍重而且上货架时间长), 借喻'疯狂的人', 是侮辱性质的俚语. 例如, nutty as a fruitcake;
5. Loony -- 俚语'疯子', 重复水果蛋糕的意思;
6. closet racist -- 关着门说话的种族主义者.

句子翻译: UKIP要求Cameron道歉. 英国独立党叫嚷着让保守党党魁为其在一个伦敦电台发表的评论道歉. David Cameron在对LBC伦敦广播电台讲话时说到UKIP成员大部分都是狂热的疯子和关起门议论的种族主义者.

3. \"Doctors' warning after measles death

A 13-year-old boy from the Manchester area has become the first person in Britain to die from measles in 14 years.

The teenager had not been given the MMR vaccine. Dr Rosemary Leonard said it was a harsh reminder of the risks of measles.
1. measles -- 麻疹;
2. MMR vaccine -- 麻风和腮腺炎疫苗.

句子翻译: 医生在麻疹病患死亡后的警告. 一个13岁来自曼彻斯特地区的男孩成为英国14年里因为麻疹死亡的第一人. 这个十几岁的青年没有接种麻风和腮腺炎疫苗. Rosemary Leonard 医生说这是一个对麻风危险的刺耳的提醒.

Tetanus破伤风, Diphtheria 白喉,Polio(Poliomyelitis)小儿麻痹,Whooping cough (Pertussis) 百日咳,Hib(Haemophilus influenzae) Haemophilus流行性感冒, Meningitis C(C型脑膜炎), MMR(measles, mumps and rubella)麻风和腮腺炎,Pneumococcal meningitis前两个月才被英国政府确定下来作为全国执行的给小孩子注射的疫苗(child jab for lethal disease),用于预防一种由肺炎病菌感染引起的脑膜炎(导致每年在英国平均5个小孩子死亡或残疾)。

1. \"River Danube rises to record level

The river Danube in Hungary has reached record levels as 500 people in Budapest have been evacuated from their homes.

Hundreds of troops have been drafted in to bolster flood defences across Central Europe. Michael Voss reports.
1. River Danube -- 多瑙河;
2. evacuate -- 疏散;
3. troops -- troop意指(军队编制中)中队下面的子单位. 但做复数时意思通常直接翻译为'士兵们', troops = soldiers.
3. bolster -- 支持.
句子翻译: 多瑙河涨至历史水位. 500布达佩斯居民不得不撤离自己家园时,匈牙利境内的多瑙河已经涨至历史最高水位.几百士兵已经被整编去支持横跨中欧(多瑙河流域)的水灾抗击.

2. \"Astronomers spy vast alcohol stream

Astronomers using the Merlin network of UK telescopes have spied a stream of alcohol gas that stretches for 463 billion km.

It was seen in the constellation of Cassiopeia, a region where hot, young stars are forming. Dr Lisa Harvey-Smith explains.
1. spy -- 我们的习惯性翻译为'间谍,侦察', 在此可译为'侦察'或直译为'发现'.
2. Merlin network -- The Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN) 是散步英国各地的无线电天文望远镜网络系统, 由位于曼彻斯特境内的Jodrell Bank天文台代表'粒子物理和天文研究理事会(Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council)'控制. 属于国家设施;
3. constellation of Cassiopeia -- 仙后座星群.

句子翻译: 天文学家发现巨大的酒精溪流. 天文学家使用英国Merlin天文望远镜网络系统侦察到绵延4630亿公里的一条气化酒精带. 它被发现时位于仙后座星群, 一片孕育热的年青星体的区域. Lisa Harvey-Smith博士解释.

3. \"Folic acid 'should be added to bread'

Folic acid should be added to flour and bread to reduce the number of birth defects, the food watchdog has said.

Folates are already added to food in the United States and Canada. Ben Ando reports.
1. Folic acid = folate -- 叶酸, 是一种水融的维他命B, 对孕妇非常有好处. folate来自拉丁文'folium(叶子)';
2. birth defects -- (婴儿)出生缺陷.

句子翻译: 叶酸应该被加入面包内. 食品监督机构说叶酸应该被加入面粉和面包内来降低(婴儿出现)出生缺陷的数量. 在美国和加拿大, 叶酸已经被加入到食物中了.

4. \"Charges for NHS fraud allegations

Five companies and nine people will be charged with conspiracy to defraud the NHS, the Serious Fraud Office has said.

The criminal case concerns the prices of warfarin and several penicillin-based antibiotics. Andy Tighe reports.
1. charge -- 作为名词和动词, 是'法庭指控'的意思. 金山词霸2006没有其名词解释, 但在国外极其常用...
2. NHS -- National Health Service 英国国民健康保障服务体系.
3. warfarin -- 杀鼠药;
4. penicillin-based antibiotics -- 基于青霉素的抗生素.

句子翻译: 英国国民健康保障服务体系自称被欺诈的法庭指控. 重大欺诈案件办公室说5个公司9个人会被指控合谋欺诈NHS. 这起犯罪涉及到杀鼠药和多种基于青霉素的抗生素的价格.
1. \"Swan tests confirm deadly virus

A swan found dead in Scotland has tested positive for the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu.

The bird, tested at the EU's bird flu laboratory in Surrey, is the UK's first case of H5N1 in a wild bird. Tom Heap reports.
1. Strain (biology) -- 植物,病毒或是细菌的变种. 这里指禽流感的变种H5N1.

句子翻译: 天鹅化验确定致命病毒. 一只被发现死在苏格兰的天鹅在致命的H5N1禽流感变异化验中呈阳性. 这只鸟(指天鹅)在位于Surrey的欧盟禽流感实验室被检测, 是英国野生鸟类的第一例H5N1.

2. \"Deadline for NI devolution plan

Northern Ireland Assembly members have been given until 24 November to set up a power-sharing executive.

Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern travelled to Northern Ireland to unveil their blueprint for restoring devolution. Denis Murray reports.
1. NI -- Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰;
2. Northern Ireland Assembly -- 由伦敦移交给北爱尔兰当地政府的立法机构(a home rule / devolution legislature), 有108个成员(让偶想起水泊梁山108好汉!  ). 此机构是根据'愉快星期五协议(Good Friday Agreement)'成立的, 现在其职能已被暂停. 愉快星期五协议又叫'贝尔法斯特协议(Belfast Agreement)'. 贝尔法斯特是北爱尔兰最大的城市. '愉快星期五(Good Friday)'是基督教徒的一个圣日, 是指'复活节(Easter)'(被犹太人称作'愉悦节Pascha')前的那个星期五.
3. Power-sharing executive -- 分权内阁. executive一般指公司内的执行官, 用在政府内部词义相当于在美国常用的cabinet.
4. Bertie Ahern -- 从1997年开始就职的第十任爱尔兰共和国总理(Taoiseach of the Republic of Ireland), Taoiseach相当于Prime Minister, 只用于爱尔兰共和国.

句子翻译: 北爱尔兰(立法)移交计划的最后期限. 北爱尔兰立法机构成员被通告必须于11月24日前建立起分权内阁. (英国首相)布来尔和(爱尔兰共和国总理)Bertie Ahern已经飞去北爱尔兰为恢复(立法)移权的蓝图揭幕.

3. \"Film-maker 'murdered' by Israeli soldier

A British cameraman shot dead in the Gaza Strip by an Israeli soldier was murdered, an inquest jury has decided.

James Miller had been making a film about Palestinian children. James Reynolds reports from Gaza.
1. had been making -- 当时正在做... 这是一个过去进行时, 是日常生活中比较少见的时态用法, 突出了死者被射杀时正在做的事情. 如果死者在被射杀时这件事情已经做完, 用简单的过去式来表示就好了;
2. cameraman -- (电影)摄影师.

句子翻译: 电影制作人被以色列军人谋杀. 审讯评判委员会裁定, 一个英国电影摄影师在加沙地带被一名以色列军人射杀是一起谋杀案件. James Miller(这个摄影师)当时正在制作一部关于巴勒斯坦儿童的电影.



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