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[[资源推荐]] 1"burning the candle at both ends"

发表于 2006-4-25 23:23:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1\"burning the candle at both ends\"
Example: \"Would you like to go to a party tonight?\" Reply: \"I can't. I'm way too tired. I've been burning the candle at both ends all week.\"

为了可以给女友买一个结婚钻戒,andy不得不夜以继日的工作.一个人当了多份差。 别人睡觉,他工作。别人吃饭的时候他也在工作。他的付出终于得到了相应的回报。他的gf对他说:sweet heart, you are burning the candle at both ends。Eventhough I still love diamond , I love you better. I love to grow old with you.

2\"can't cut the mustard\"
Mustard: 芥菜, 芥末, 芥末色, 芥子气
当某人的能力不能胜任某种要求时就可以说:sb can not cut the mustard.
Example: \"Did you hear that Williams got fired?\" Reply: \"Yes. He couldn't cut the mustard.\"

学校要进行学生会主席的选举了.但是却只有monica 为了这次比赛积极地准备着。这时老师就鼓励平时默默无闻的andy报名。可是本想一枝独秀的Monica 按捺不住了。她对别人说: you can not choose andy because he can not cut the mustard. 不过andy 以自己的诚恳和热情感动了别人而成为了下一届的学生会主席。

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