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[【读书园地日报】] 特稿:胡锦涛访美 胡锦涛在耶鲁大学演讲(全文)

发表于 2006-4-18 12:51:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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4月18日出版的华盛顿邮报发表该报驻中国记者科迪(Edward Cody)撰写的文章,对中国政府在胡锦涛访美前所做的精心而周密准备的工作进行了报导和分析,同时还对至今仍令美国人不知“胡是谁”的中国领导人进行了一些介绍















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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-18 12:51:55 | 显示全部楼层
In Candor From China, Efforts to Ease Anxiety

BEIJING, April 16 — China and the United States have engaged in public disputes about trade, human rights, military spending and energy security, but for just a moment late last year, their leaders put briefing books aside and agreed to talk privately.

With an aura of candor described as unusual for Chinese leaders, President Hu Jintao told President Bush that fighting political corruption, rural unrest, a widening wealth gap and severe pollution consumes nearly all his time. He said domestic problems left China with neither the will nor the means to challenge America's dominance in world affairs, according to two Bush administration officials who were told about the session.

The overture — described as having improved Mr. Hu's ties with Mr. Bush despite the Chinese leader's generally aloof style — is part of a Chinese effort to reduce, or at least to deflect, American anxiety about the country's growing economic, political and military power.

When Mr. Hu travels to Washington this week for his first White House visit as China's top leader, the question will be whether the improved chemistry between the heads of the world's richest nation and its fastest rising rival can enhance a relationship that seems to be stuck somewhere between tentative stability and stormy tension.

"At the top level, the two have become frank and pragmatic in discussing the major issues between them," said Michael Green, the former director of Asian affairs at the National Security Council who is now at Georgetown University. "But China is also trying to expand its influence in the world at the expense of the U.S., which is not something we are going to give them a pass on."

Mr. Bush, in his second inaugural address, promised to confront "every ruler and every nation" that resisted the tide of freedom. But frustratingly for an administration that has painted the world with such broad brush strokes, the relationship with authoritarian China has tended to resist breakthroughs.

Unlike the "ing-Pong diplomacy" that led to Richard Nixon's historic handshake with Mao in 1972, the incremental talks on the main issues that divide the two nations have seemed to leave officials fatigued. Those issues include the control of nuclear proliferation in Iran and North Korea, China's support for several resource-rich dictatorships that are hostile to the United States, its gaping trade surplus and poor human rights record, and the always delicate question of American backing for Taiwan, which Beijing claims as its sovereign territory.

The two countries have, arguably, become each other's biggest long-term threat. But both sides also strive to avoid confrontation. Their political, diplomatic and economic ties are too intertwined for either side to pursue unilateral solutions.

"The responsible elite in China has no intention of picking a fight with the U.S.," said Jin Canrong, an expert on the United States at People's University in Beijing. "But no one has much hope that the two countries can develop deep feelings of trust, either."

Few expect that Mr. Hu will dispel that unease during his four-day visit. But this Chinese leader is seen as having come around to the idea that China's overall foreign policy objectives depend on a benign relationship with Washington. Chinese officials say he is eager to have his maiden trip to the United States perceived as a success.

Mr. Hu, 64, emerged from the inner depths of the Communist Party to assume the top leadership positions in 2002. He remains a colorless conservative even by China's buttoned-down standards. He governs sternly and secretly, almost never grants interviews, and has overseen an unrelenting crackdown on journalists, lawyers,and religious leaders who defy one-party rule.

Unlike his predecessor, Jiang Zemin, who was regarded as pro-American in the Chinese political context, Mr. Hu initially worked harder to cultivate close ties to France, Germany, Russia and Southeast Asian countries. Last year he also ordered a "smokeless war" against "liberal elements" in Chinese society that he believes are openly or covertly supported by the United States, according to several officials and journalists told about his internal remarks.

American officials said that in the yearlong negotiations over Mr. Hu's trip, the Chinese side focused mainly on pomp and protocol, down to the television camera angles on the South Lawn of the White House. The two sides argued for months over whether Mr. Hu's trip constituted a formal state visit, until they agreed to disagree.

The Bush administration, wary of empty summitry, decided to call it a "working visit." Mr. Bush and Mr. Hu will have lunch at the White House, but no state dinner. Beijing still insists it is a state visit, an honor all of Mr. Hu's predecessors received on their first trip to the White House.

"Hu has two priorities — to make sure relations with the U.S. are not a big problem, and to make sure he doesn't lose face," said a senior Chinese academic who asked not to quoted by name when talking about the Chinese leader. "Of the two, I think the second one is more important to him."

But Mr. Hu's earlier assurance to Mr. Bush that China's domestic problems were what preoccupied him most were clearly part of a new effort to address, if not necessarily resolve, those core tensions.

In a burst of checkbook diplomacy earlier this month, Mr. Hu dispatched China's largest-ever buying delegation to the United States, which committed to purchase $16.2 billion in American aircraft, agricultural products, auto parts, telecommunications gear and computer software. A negotiating team led by Wu Yi, China's vice prime minister, also agreed to undertake a broader crackdown on piracy of American copyrights and trademarks, reopen the Chinese market to American beef, and allow more foreign firms to compete for government contracts.

Mr. Hu plans to visit Microsoft and dine with its chairman, Bill Gates, in Seattle on Tuesday. Human rights and media watchdog groups have pressed Mr. Gates to raise concerns about China's online censorship and arrest of cyber-dissidents when they meet. Mr. Hu will also tour Boeing's aircraft factory there before continuing on to Washington on Thursday and delivering a speech at Yale on Friday.

On the sidelines in Seattle, Mr. Hu has also invited a small group of American statesmen and scholars to discuss bilateral relations with him privately, an event that the two countries agreed to keep off the official agenda to encourage candor, participants said.

The session was organized by Zheng Bijian, a former head of the Communist Party's main training academy for party cadres, who coined the term "peaceful rise." The concept of peaceful rise, though only informally endorsed by Mr. Hu, is intended to show that China believes that it can emerge as a great power without following the violent path blazed by the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain, France and Russia before it.

"There is a real effort at salesmanship going on," said one former Bush administration official invited to participate in the private session. "He wants to come across as charming and attentive to American concerns."

Optimists on both sides say the attempts to build confidence amount to more than a propaganda campaign. China, they say, has become a "status quo" power, committed to maintaining the international order forged primarily by the United States in the postwar period.

Global commerce and a peaceful diplomatic environment in East Asia have contributed enormously to China's rapid economic growth in the past quarter century, which depends on foreign investment, open markets, secure borders and generally nonideological ties with its neighbors.

Many Chinese scholars say Beijing may not tolerate American hegemony in foreign affairs indefinitely. But most also say that Beijing has too much at stake in the current world order to try upsetting it in the foreseeable future.

"We have no incentive to wreck the global system established by the U.S.," said Wang Xiaodong, a prolific writer and pundit who has argued that the country should not bow to American pressure. "The reason is, simply, that it is a game we can win."

On the American side, the trend is also toward more integration. Deputy Secretary of State Robert B. Zoellick, who last fall called China a "stakeholder" in the international system, has promoted high-level strategic dialogue between the countries, which China has eagerly embraced.

But there are many pessimists as well. They see the risks of conflict mounting unless the Communist Party gives up its monopoly on power. Mr. Hu's accommodation of the United States is viewed as temporizing, giving China time to gather strength and spread its influence unhindered.

People who worry about China's intention point in particular to its rapid military buildup as a sign of its increased financial wherewithal and nascent strategic ambitions that will inevitably challenge America's dominance in the Pacific.

Beijing's efforts to secure supplies of oil, natural gas and other commodities in countries that have rocky relations with Washington, including Sudan, Iran and Venezuela, have also raised suspicions that it is using its buying power to create a circle of friends hostile to American interests.

Economically, China is widely accused of keeping the value of its currency, the yuan, artificially cheap to encourage export-fueled growth and attract foreign manufacturers. Last year, it enjoyed a record $203 billion bilateral trade surplus with the United States.

While Chinese officials say they intend to shift to an economic model that favors domestic consumer-led growth and will gradually let the yuan appreciate closer to its market value, both the Bush administration and some members of Congress say that is not happening fast enough to head off a possible rupture in economic ties.

Randall G. Shriver, a former Bush administration deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asia and the Pacific who is now with Armitage International, a consulting firm in Washington, said Chinese actions on the economic, military and diplomatic front signaled a willingness to undermine American foreign policy goals.

"I'm not convinced that they want to challenge us across the board," Mr. Shriver said. "But there is a general notion that they want to accumulate influence, which will necessarily diminish U.S. power."

He added, "The game is on."

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-18 12:55:32 | 显示全部楼层














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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-21 11:38:58 | 显示全部楼层






前五角大楼亚洲事务顾问、华盛顿国际战略研究所分析家米歇尔(Derek Mitchell)对美联社说,欢迎仪式被抗议者一度打断“是个极大的尴尬”,中国必须知道布什政府要控制好群衆,但事实却是他们无法控制,这有可能造成中国误会美国对中国的态度。







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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-21 11:42:46 | 显示全部楼层


一天前,若是在雅虎英文新闻网检索Hu Jintao,起码会出现几十条美国媒体发出的有关胡锦涛参观波音、做客盖茨豪宅,以及中国领导人给西雅图带来希望等报导。一天后,再次检索Hu Jintao,出现的则是抗议者在白宫外反对胡锦涛到访、抗议者打断白宫欢迎仪式、布胡峰会未取得突破、中美未缩小分歧、胡锦涛未在贸易人民币问题让步等报导。


















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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-21 11:48:03 | 显示全部楼层



在美国国家安全委员会负责亚洲事务的高级官员威尔德(Dennis Wilder)向美联社透露说,在欢迎仪式出现抗议事件后,布什总统随后在椭圆办公室与胡锦涛主席举行会晤时提到了这一事件,“他只是说,这是不幸的,我对发生此事表示道歉(I'm soory it happened)。”威尔德说,胡锦涛则通情达理地接受了布什的道歉。



美国特工局确认,在欢迎仪式上站在主席台对面摄影记者台上向布什和胡锦涛呼喊的抗议者,是47岁的王文仪(Wenyi Wang)。特工局发言人麦克金(Jim Mackin)说,这名抗议者已被指控犯有妨碍治安行为(disorderly conduct),同时也在考虑对其提出恐吓或扰乱外交官员的指控。

麦克金介绍说,王文仪使用一张临时白宫通行证进入白宫的,并已接受所有适当的安全检查。美联社报导说,据大纪元时报发言人格雷戈利(Stephen Gregory)介绍,王文仪已通过该报获得一张记者证。格雷戈利确认王文仪是一名病理学医生,也是一名法轮功学员,来自纽约。


这时,布什倾过身小声对胡锦涛说:“You're OK”,暗示中国领导人应该完成他的讲话。当抗议者开始大声喊叫时,胡锦涛曾停顿片刻,随后又接着发表他的开场讲话。

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-21 11:54:57 | 显示全部楼层
Bush and Hu Vow New Cooperation

Published: April 21, 2006

WASHINGTON, April 20 — President Bush and China's president, Hu Jintao, pledged to cooperate more closely on fighting nuclear proliferation and reducing trade imbalances on Thursday, but broke no new ground on the most delicate issues that divide the two nations.

Mr. Hu's address was interrupted by a protester, Wenyi Wang, who shouted, "resident Bush, make him stop persecuting Falun Gong!" More Photos >
The meeting, the first at the White House between the men since Mr. Hu became China's top leader in 2002, was plagued by gaffes that upended months of painstaking diplomacy over protocol and staging.

Though administration officials said significant progress was made, especially on the economic front, the session also underscored the intractable nature of a long list of grievances between the world's richest country and its fastest rising rival.

No new agreements were announced after Oval Office negotiations and a working lunch.

The occasion was disrupted when a member of the Falun Gong spiritual sect, accredited as a reporter for a sect-run publication to cover the ceremony at the White House, interrupted Mr. Hu's address and upset the elaborate choreography the Chinese delegation had regarded as the most important trophy of Mr. Hu's visit. Screaming, "resident Bush, make him stop persecuting Falun Gong," the ethnic Chinese woman, Wenyi Wang, partly drowned out Mr. Hu. She continued shouting for more than a minute before security officers removed her.

Mr. Bush later apologized to Mr. Hu for the incident, White House officials said. But Chinese Foreign Ministry officials traveling with Mr. Hu canceled an afternoon briefing. One delegation member, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the subject publicly, described his superiors as outraged by the breach.

Compounding the gaffe, a White House announcer introducing the national anthems at the same ceremony mistakenly referred to China as the Republic of China, which is the formal name of its archrival, Taiwan. Mainland China is the People's Republic of China. China treats American support for Taiwan, a separately governed island that China claims as its sovereign territory, as the biggest irritant in bilateral relations. Even minuscule changes in the wording of diplomatic statements on the subject are often viewed as transformative on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

While it is unclear whether the Chinese will interpret the two incidents as simple mistakes or as overt efforts to embarrass Mr. Hu, there was no indication that they derailed the private discussions between the presidents that followed.

The two men emerged from the Oval Office and agreed to accept several questions from the media, a rarity for Mr. Hu, an aloof leader who almost never interacts with the press.

Mr. Bush said the countries would "deepen our cooperation in addressing threats to global security, including the nuclear ambitions of Iran, the genocide in Darfur, Sudan, the violence unleashed by terrorists and extremists and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction."

He acknowledged that the two men "do not agree on everything" but said, "We're able to discuss our disagreements in a spirit of friendship and cooperation."

Mr. Hu also acknowledged that "different opinions or even frictions" had complicated the relationship. But he emphasized that China believed that the areas of agreement outweighed the differences.

"China and the United States share extensive common interests, and there is a broad prospect for the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries," he said.

Mr. Bush said he discussed with Mr. Hu the possibility of passing a United Nations Security Council motion against Iran that would permit imposing sanctions ranging from economic penalties to military strikes. China has repeatedly rejected the idea as an unnecessary escalation of the nuclear standoff.

Mr. Hu emphasized that China would only support steps that enhanced dialogue and did not suggest any inclination to embrace Mr. Bush's idea.

Mr. Hu said multinational talks to end North Korea's nuclear program had run into difficulties, but he did not outline new steps that China would take to bring North Korea back to the bargaining table. Mr. Bush urged him to do more to use China's "considerable influence" to get results after years of inconclusive diplomacy.

Bush administration officials were more upbeat about the discussion on economic issues, including China's incipient steps to allow its currency, the yuan, to appreciate and efforts by Mr. Hu to reduce China's reliance on exports and stimulate domestic demand as a source of growth.

As it has many times before, China has promised to buy more American goods and to crack down on industrial-scale piracy of American copyrights and trademarks. But after announcing a broad commitment to those goals earlier this month, China presented no new measures.

Mr. Hu did emphasize China's intention to undertake a structural shift in its economy, which has tended to favor investment- and export-driven growth during its heady rise over the past quarter century.

Citing steps China has taken as part of its five-year economic plan, Mr. Hu said Beijing would seek to stimulate more consumer-led growth, in part by improving the social safety net so that consumers felt comfortable spending money rather than saving it at record high levels for health, education and retirement.

"China is pursuing a policy of boosting domestic demand, which means that we'll mainly rely on domestic demand to further promote economic growth," Mr. Hu said.

On human rights, Mr. Hu refused to make concessions on any cases on a list that Mr. Bush presented to him last September, when they met during a session at the United Nations. Dennis Wilder, the acting senior director for East Asian affairs at the National Security Council, said Mr. Bush presented the same list to Mr. Hu again this time.

Mr. Hu did get a big part of what Chinese analysts said he came for: images of him with the American president on the White House lawn, as Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin, his predecessors, had posed for.

The pomp included an elaborate honor guard, a military band, a fife and drum corps and the full 21-gun salute given visiting heads of state.

But the protocol for the meeting was already a sore point for the Chinese, who argued for months that Mr. Hu's first trip here as president must be a full state visit. The White House declined to offer him a state dinner, however, and has called the session a "working visit."

The heckling by the protester is likely to exacerbate the spat over protocol. Chinese television viewers will now almost certainly get a censored view of the event. Mr. Wilder said he did not expect the incident to have significant repercussions. But, he said, "I'm not going to stand here and say they are not upset."


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发表于 2006-4-21 12:42:28 | 显示全部楼层
“日报”好像不是“newspaper”吧?                     [s:2]  [s:2]  [s:2]  [s:2]  [s:2]  [s:2]  [s:2]  [s:2]  [s:2]  [s:2]

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-22 08:53:50 | 显示全部楼层

美国有线新闻网最新消息说,4月20日在白宫欢迎中国国家胡锦涛的仪式上,斥责中国领导人迫害法轮功的抗议者王文怡(Wenyi Wang),4月21日已遭到联邦指控,被指控侵扰中国领导人。若罪名成立,王文怡最高面临监禁6个月和罚款5000美元。

美国有线新闻网报导说,47岁的王文怡当天已遭到一项联邦指控,指控其侵扰一名外国官员(harassing a foreign official),这项联邦轻罪若成立最高会被判处监禁半年和5000美元的罚款。


当天,王文怡出现在华盛顿联邦地方法官罗伯森(Deborah Roberson)面前,法官把初审日期定在5月3日。王文怡在自己出具一份保证书被释放,但法官命令她不得靠近白宫。





CNN报导说,大纪元时报总编助理Terri Wu4月20日告诉CNN,王文怡已为该报工作几年时间,因为她有医疗背景,她撰写了一些有关禽流感和获取器官的文章。



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-22 08:58:37 | 显示全部楼层













科学发展的理念是在总结中国现代化建设经验,顺应时代潮流的基础下提出来的,也是在继承中华民族优秀文化传统的基础上提出来的。中华文明是世界古代文明中始终没有终端,连续5000多年发展至今的文明。中华民族在漫长的历史发展中形成的独具特色的文化传统,深深影响了古代中国,也深深影响着当代中国。现代中国强调的“以人为本,与时俱进,社会和谐,和平发展”,既有着中华文明的深厚根基,又体现了时代发展的进步精神。 中华文明历来注重以民为本,尊重人的尊严和价值。早在千百年前,中国人就提出“民为邦本,本固邦宁,天地之间莫归于人”,强调要“立民、喻民、养民、惠民”。今天我们坚持以人为本,就是要坚持发展为了人民,发展依靠人民,发展成果由人民共享,关注人的价值、权益和自由,关注人的生活质量,最终是为了实现人的全面发展,保障人民的生存权和发展权,仍是中国的首要任务。我们将大力推动经济社会发展,依法保障人民享有自由、民主和人权,实现社会公平和正义,使13亿中国人民过上幸福生活。



















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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-22 09:05:02 | 显示全部楼层
China's President Ends U.S. Visit With Yale Speech

Published: April 21, 2006

President Hu Jintao concluded his first trip to the United States with a speech today at Yale University aimed at reassuring Americans about his country's rise. But he made clear that China would remain "focused wholeheartedly" on economic growth and would move only "prudently" to expand political rights.

Mr. Hu also appeared to take up Mr. Bush's call in their White House meeting for China to become a "stakeholder" — a word meant to convey that it must use its new power for more than economic gain.

"We must not only become stakeholders," Mr. Hu said. "We must become partners in constructive cooperation."

Mr. Hu said China's need for rapid growth was the best reason for it to promote peace. "We need to concentrate our energy and resources on resolving those problems, and that's why we hope to see a peaceful international environment," he said.

"China's development will not compromise the interests of other nations nor will China's development threaten anyone," he said.

Speaking before an invited audience of about 600 students, faculty and administrators — a sizable portion of whom seemed to understand Mr. Hu's jokes before they were translated — Mr. Hu stressed repeatedly that China remained a poor country despite its rapid economic progress.

"Although China has become, comparatively speaking, stronger, it has a population of 1.3 billion," Mr. Hu said, after quoting figures on the rise in gross domestic product. "Any figure divided by 1.3 billion will necessarily become a smaller one."

He noted that on a per-capita basis China does not rank among the 100 richest nations, and said that its official development plan called for it to become "moderately prosperous" by 2020.

A portion of his speech was devoted to a history lesson that traced China's troubles from the time of the Opium War, when European countries gained ascendancy.

China's growing trade imbalance and soaring use of oil have both been points of tension with the United States. But while Mr. Hu promised Mr. Bush that he would try to stimulate more consumer demand at home, he has also rebuffed calls for changes in China's currency that Washington has sought as a way of curbing its export growth.

The demonstrators whose presence has irked Chinese officials at every stop of his trip were out in force on the streets of New Haven today, but were offset to some extent by supporters of the Chinese government who arrived on buses from New York. A truck cruised around the perimeter of campus with a giant poster bearing a photo of Mr. Bush shaking hands with Mr. Hu.

The New Haven police estimated the size of the crowd at one of several protest sites as more than 1,000. Several streets running through the downtown campus were closed to traffic, and police officers in riot gear guarded campus entrances.

The chants of demonstrators could be heard outside Sprague Memorial Hall, the site of the speech, but apparently not inside.

At a private gift exchange ceremony in Mr. Levin's office, a CNN producer was thrown out by school officials after asking Mr. Hu whether he had seen the demonstrators gathered just one block away, said Helaine Klasky, a Yale spokeswoman. The producer, who officials declined to identify, was part of a pool of journalists at the ceremony, which Ms. Klasky said was a photo opportunity, not a news conference.

"One journalist broke all ground rules, behaved in rude and disorderly conduct and was escorted out of the private meeting," Ms. Klasky said.

The New Haven police reported one arrest in connection with Mr. Hu's visit. Jianyin Peng, 41, of New York, was arrested on a charge of assaulting a peace officer after throwing a water bottle. He was released after promising to appear in court.

In a brief question-and-answer session after his speech, Mr. Hu was asked about restrictions on political freedom. The written questions from the audience were read by Ernesto Zedillo, the former president of Mexico and now the director of Yale's Center for the Study of Globalization.

"I believe that the development of the political infrastructure must be compatible with the economic foundation," Mr. Hu said, adding that he did not think it was fair to say there had been no political progress since modernization began in 1978.

During his speech, Mr. Hu repeatedly mentioned the traditional cultural emphasis on social harmony, and described China as pursuing a path of "scientific development" that "put people first."

Demonstrators with the Falun Gong spiritual sect began protesting at 6 a.m. just outside Yale's Old Campus quadrangle, reciting the Nine Commentaries over loud speakers. Pro-government demonstrators responded by blaring the Chinese national anthem, to the dismay of Yale freshmen sleeping in nearby dormitories.

Waving Chinese and American flags and holding banners written in Chinese and English, the demonstrators assailed Mr. Hu's record on human rights and called for the Chinese government to end prosecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

"As a righteous person, he should do something about the atrocity in China," said Min Deng, 33, a postdoctoral student in biology and president of Yale's Falun Gong club. "There are innocent people who are dying for their beliefs and this shouldn't happen in a modern society."

On Thursday, Falun Gong organizers presented the office of Yale's President, Richard C. Levin, with a petition signed by 2,517 people calling on Mr. Levin to raise the issue of human rights in his meeting with Mr. Hu.

Jane Zhizhen Dai, a 43-year-old resident of Sydney, Australia, said she had come to the edge of Yale's campus with her 6-year-old daughter to protest Mr. Hu's visit. Ms. Dai said her husband was killed in 2001 after writing a letter calling on the Chinese government to stop killing Falun Gong practitioners.

"I want to speak out for all the orphans because their voices cannot be heard," Ms. Dai said, as her eyes teared up.

Some supporters of Mr. Hu's government came on buses this morning from New York to support the president.

"This government is good now," said Fong Wa, 42, a native of Hong Kong who lives in New York. "Maybe 10 or 20 years before it was different from now."

In Washington today, a woman who was arrested Thursday for heckling Mr. Hu in a ceremony at the White House appeared on a misdemeanor count in Federal District Court. Wenyi Wang was charged with harassing, intimidating or threatening a foreign official and was released pending a court appearance next month.Mr. Hu's visit to Yale marks only the second time a Chinese president has addressed an American university. The first was in 1997 when Hu's predecessor, Jiang Zemin, spoke at Harvard University.

Mr. Hu is speaking at President Bush's alma mater, and when Mr. Bush traveled to China earlier this year he spoke at Mr. Hu's alma mater, Tsinghua University. Today, the Chinese represent the largest group of foreign students at Yale, accounting for more than 300 of Yale's 11,000 students. More than 300 undergraduates are taking Chinese language courses, with many more participating in Yale's 80 academic collaborations and exchanges with Chinese universities.

In a lift for managers of Yale's $15 billion endowment, the Chinese government this week authorized the university to trade domestic stocks and bonds, making Yale the first foreign university granted access to China's closely restricted securities market.

Students filing out of Sprague Hall after the speech said they were impressed by Mr. Hu, but not surprised by his message.

Minhua Ling, 25, a doctoral student in anthropology from Shanghai, said she thought Mr. Hu was more direct today than he had been at the White House.

"The message was very clear: China will do its own democracy in a very Chinese kind of way," Ms. Ling said.


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