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[[小语种资源]] 第十期有奖写作练习(1个威望)

发表于 2006-4-2 20:46:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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发表于 2006-4-2 21:07:22 | 显示全部楼层
The one I miss so much
This time I want to depict is a girl, I miss her so much.
May be you will say that I am an ingrate one that I do not miss my parents, hehe , I love my parents, but I have many chances to meet them, so they are not whom I miss the most.
The girl I mean is my girl friend, she left me on November the 7th, 2005, I have not met her since then. During the spring festival holiday, she came back to Liaoning, but she was picked up by her parents then they went back to her hometown. So I do not have a chance to meet her.
As a poor guy that can not afford the house, not to mention common appliances, I know I can not marry her now. what a sorrow that I can not stay with whom I love so much.
The Labor’s day holiday is to come. I do not know if I have the chance to meet her. To be frank, my parents know her and they oppose me stay with her. They say that we work in the different places and neither of us will easily find another proper job in other’s place. They ask me to be realistic. And right now I am poor. My parents are not able to support me any more. though she live in a city. Her family is a common one too. Without much money. I am right now so annoyed, what should I do. I do not think it is easy for me to make big money in the next three to five years. Some good friends of mine advise me to take part in the graduate admission examination, and get a doctoral degree. But it will cost me so much time.
I will do what  I could to be with her without make my parents grieve. But right now, I do not know what to do, just missing her in a lonely state.
I insist that there will be a way for me, but i am not sure how much time it will cost me to find the right way.

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发表于 2006-4-2 22:00:49 | 显示全部楼层
My favorite is my mother.

In my memory, when I was a child, I was very naughty. For my some strange ideas frequently,  Mama has been given many headaches. My mother is an ordinary teacher of college. She must check her students’ homework everyday. One day I was eager to obtain the praise of my Mama, so while Mama was correcting her pupils’ homework, I stealthily took a few exercise books away and scribbled my own “professional notes” on them. Having noticed my blunder, Mama went into a towering rage, but I was at a complete loss, feeling so wronged.

I am fond of sock, such as chocolate, candy, cookies…but not normal meal. Everyday when mama said “dear, let’s have dinner”, my answer always “NO!” and then, Mama have to held a “match of Eating”. Mama and Papa pretended to manipulate chopsticks to devour everything in front of them.  Because I eager to beat them, I gulped down everything in my bowl and cup. “wow, I win! I win!” I proudly proclaimed, raising the empty bowl and cup, and dizzy with success. Mama praised me and kissed me immediately. In this way, Mama let me to have interesting with meal.

The fine things between Mama and I are unnumbered. I love Mama deeply and wish her happy and healthy forever.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-2 22:06:52 | 显示全部楼层

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zhuimr 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-4-3 01:20:21 | 显示全部楼层
The one I missing

How are u now?

He is my buddy at the senior school. We studied together, and sometimes we ate together.

At first I didn’t get familiar with him until he played badminton with me during the break. He’s very tall about 188cm and thin, so I called him “Scarecrow” for teasing his height. He was angry when he heard this call, but I did not care. He’s good at math and to the contrary, I hated it. I love Chinese very much. But I had to work hard on math because of the dammed Entrance Examination. So sometimes I would ask for help from him when I was puzzled by the functional operation or the complicated geometric diagram.

At times I made fun of him. I remembered that the manual rose, which was made by various, and colorful papers were very pop at that time. Students who have lovers or not folded it just for relax themselves during the painstaking study. I folded a rose with the white paper and wrote, “go to the hell” on it, then threw it to him. He caught it and cast it back to me quickly when he saw what it is clearly, just like his finger was stung. I laughed a lot and shrugged his blushing face off. We’re great friends, aren’t we?

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发表于 2006-4-3 13:58:35 | 显示全部楼层
the one I miss very much

She is a very pretty girl, In my memory, she is the loveliest girl.

Several years ago, When I was in senior school in xi'an higher school, she came into my heart. At that time, I was three grade, she was two grade. In order to keeping order, the School leaders arranged a different time for student to have a rest, So I seldom met her, however, suddenly I met her in font of our teaching building some day, maybe luck reason. When I saw her first time, I was recognizant that she is my lovest girl in my life.

So I made all kinds of opportunities to look for and to say to her, but she was a very traditional girl and was afraid of seeing me and talking to me. but I tried my best to make every opportunity to be with her. however, life is life, there was maybe no lot between us. The thing that the most impressional to me was that I gave her a big sheaves flowers in her her birthday's day, she was very very happy and said to me:"thank you, this is my lovest birthday's present "

several years later, for some reason we have no connection. If time can flow backwards, I must catch the opportunity.

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发表于 2006-4-3 17:50:58 | 显示全部楼层
The one I miss most is Nienie (grandma). She is the dearest to me and will live in my memory until doom’s day.

Though she has gone,I will still be able to see her again in my dreams.In my heart, Nienie was in the past, is at present, and will be in the future the perfect Chinese female, possessing the traditional virtues oriental women have----hard-working, tender and family-loving. After my grandfather sacrificed his life for the country---- I never know what kind of person my grandfather was.May God bless his soul!----she, a young widow, raised my father alone and never remarried.

When my parents were busy outside working to support the family, Nienie alone manages all the housework at home. She was busy all the time. She was always the first to get up, and the last to go to bed. She undertook the hardest work but chose to eat the poorest food and left the little fine to me. In winter, she would give me the finest bed sheet and she herself would sleep in the thinnest and torn out one. In summer, she would fan me into sleep, telling me old stories I was never tired of.

Nienie took care of me from my cradle to her grave.  She always cared about me. Once, I was out pursuing my career, she especially made some delicious food and asked my fellow worker in the same village to take it to me. As a housewife, Nienie had no regular income. But she would give me the small pocket money my parents put in her hands. The only thing I felt guilty is that I had been a very rude and unfilial grandson to Nienie. Now that she is gone, I have no chance to observe my filial piety. I miss you, Nienie!

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发表于 2006-4-3 18:09:51 | 显示全部楼层
The people I love the most
This time I want to introduce my physics teacher in my senior middle school. He was about 35 at that time. He began to teach me when I was in grade two. He is an amiable guy. He treated every student in the class equally, not according to the scores of students’ work. Every time he gave us lectures, he would narrate clearly, if any of us could not catch his idea, he would explain again and again patiently. So we all love him very much, even those guys in my class who hate studying. May be that is attraction or fascination.
As our physics teacher, he works seriously. One day during the boring summer, it was very hot and we are so sleepy. The sweat flew from our face continuously; it was so hard for us to listen to him. But we all noticed that his t-shirt was soaked by the sweat and it adhere closely to his skin of the back and shoulders. He kept giving his lecture to us as if it had not happened. He was so earnest, we all felt sorry that we sit on stairs and unwilling to listen to him. We all listen to him seriously, he continued as if nothing had happened.
Not only teaching, he treated other parts of his work or I should say his responsibilities seriously. Once our senior middle school held an athletic meeting, every class was asked to organize a competitors’ procession and the teachers were involved too. When it was the teacher to move in to the playground, we found our physics teacher in that procession. He reacted positively to the countersign and sway his arms vigorously. He treat his responsibility in this procession seriously, we were all moved as we stared him. what a good teacher he is, how lucky we are to meet this man.
Now I have left the school for many years, but I will never forget him, in this material-oriented society, it is difficult for students to meet such a good teacher with experienced lectures and an disinterested heart.
At this stage I want to say have loved him so much till the day I met him. I hope one day I would have a chance to pay back what he had done to us.

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发表于 2006-4-3 18:57:27 | 显示全部楼层

The one I like her the most

Last time I have told you the thing indelible to me . And in that story there was a girl I like her on the sneak. Then she is the one I like her the most in these years .
   The first time I knew her name was in once morning meeting at junior high school. Teacher said that every time she passed by the window out of our classroom , she saw almost every one was talking or playing . But only one girl go on studying. That was the girl . From then I begin to notice her . She is clever and study hard , so she was in the front three one of every test . She looks jimpness and feels chastity . I liked her on the sneak and dared not tell her . In the third year of junior high school we became deskmates .  When we went to senior high school we were still classmates and in the third year of senior high school we became deskmates again. I trustfully that is fate .  
    We went to each college  in the same city but contact fewer . After her graduate she went to a college to be a teacher . I have told her I liked her and she said thank you . So we keep on our friendship instead of lovers . A week ago she called me said she would hold wedding on her college . I bought a present and posted to her  . She belong to another man . She is his wife . She will be  the best friend of mine forever .

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mallogean 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-4-5 06:13:05 | 显示全部楼层
The girl i liking
  I don't know wen i start to like her. When i was in middle school,she was our  monitor. As those days,She worked hard, i don't say she studied hard. After class was over, she went home. The first thing was to help her mother make bean curd. When the day was saturday,she would help sell bean curd. We called her bean curd XI Shi. When she heard it,  she wasn't angry. I think she wanted to help her mother. But many times she was the number.1 in our class . Sometime I could excess her. Then we went to the same high school. But we wasn't in same class. As then i found i liked her in my heart.
  But i was  self-contempt in those days. So i didn't dare to say i liked her. Then we went to different universities. We were far away from in different cities. I started to  abandon myself.  The last year, i hardly graduated. I went to a peaceful city . I wanted to forget her. But after one year, she was appointed to the city which i stayed. She was single . I wanted to say i liked her.  But i was afraid if i said it, she would refuse me. We was old classmates,old friends. When i met her, i knew i liked her. Someday, i said it to her, she said we were to know each other. She cound't find the feeling. What i could do as those days? I said to her, i wanted to meet her as before. But thing cound't be as before, she seldom met me. We only cound talk unaffected by phone call. At that time,I was very disappointed. I  repented my act. But now i don't repent my act after one year. She stays in another city. I think i can grow up although i is 27. We are good friends. But i love her forever in my heart deeply.  I would find another girl like her.

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发表于 2006-4-5 12:44:05 | 显示全部楼层
The Most Memorable Person in My Life

I thought of  my teacher who told me how to be an upright person and how to get more knowledge when I was in my college and master education. I think my teacher is the most influential person in my life.
My teacher showed his love for his students. He cared about all of his students. If someone was absent from his class, he might ask the reason. When he heard about that a classmate was in trouble, he went to the student’s home and consoled her. He talked with his students by turns. He encouraged his students to make more progress.
When I began to study my major, my teacher told me: “you should be full of ambition. You should read more and more books in your research. You should get big success.”
But I did not know what I should do. One day, my teacher invited me to dinner, and gave me advices about what should I do. He created a relaxed atmosphere, and talked about my major, my direction of study, and my method of research with a soft tone. So I felt very relaxed and I was moved very much.
But he was strict with our homework. He used to giving us a topic two weeks early and asked us to search resource about the topic. After discussion, we would turn in our homework.  This teaching method cultured us a good habit and attitude of research.   
After graduating, I found that most of my homework which I had ever hand in to my teacher were published in some famous journals. They had been checked and even re-written. It might cost my teacher’s plenty of time. He did more for me.
Later, I became a teacher of one high school, I seldom thought of continuing my research. One noon, I took a nap, and then, I had a dream. I dreamed my dear teacher. He said: “my boy, you should not forget your study, your research. Your talent is in your research.”
So it occurred to me that I should make more progress in my research and then I did.

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发表于 2006-4-5 15:43:04 | 显示全部楼层
              ------happiness belongs to you
  I'm a so lucky girl because I have been brought up in a warm family.I don't want to grow up and

dream to be a child forever ,but I couldn't do that as I love my parents  so much ,who are  always  

worried  about my health .
  This winner vacation was  my longest vacation staying  at home.So I have the rare chance to

prepare  a 'birthday party ' for my father .  That day  my mother did a good meal for us .I bought

a birthday cake and a bunch of fresh flowers .We decided to make a surprise for my father . When he

got home,we pretended there was nothing different with other days .He sat in the chair reading the

newspaper like every day and didn't notice what I was  doing .Slowly I walked about him taking the

birthday cake and singing the song "Happy birthday to you".That moment I can see tears come to

dad's eyes. Also I can't keep my feeling,tears rushing out of my eyes. That moment I understood the

real meaning of happiness .The moment recalled me my parents' love on me.When I was ill ,my mum

resigned  from her job to look after me , and my dad take me to school by bike every day no matter

how windy and cold the weather was .When I meet difficulties ,they always stay with me and

encourage me .When I 'm happy ,they feel happy as the day is long . In their heart I'm  their

precious wealth.I want to tell the whole world "I love you , dear dad and mom ,with my whole life

  I believe  I'm a happy girl as  I know what I have ,what I should charish ,and what I want to do


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zzlove 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-4-6 11:23:42 | 显示全部楼层
Because I don't practice English for a long time, so my English is poor now. But I want to get one prestige, so I want that though my article is simple or many mistakes in it, I can improve my English one day.
The topic of my story is the girl who I love forever is my wife.

The girl who I love forever is my wife, though we have married for two years, I always look her as my younger sister.
From we know each other, it's about 6 years. We studied at the same college, but our major is difficult. Because we have the same hobby. We studied and played together. At that time, we had a good time together, and now it also very lets us miss.At school, we used to take the opportunity to a lot of places. We went to the Phoenix Mountains of Dandong, Shandong Taishan mountain, saw the Baotu Spring and Jinan Confucian Residence Confucian temple.
And we graduated from our mother college school one by one.Now we live in Ningbo City ,and both we are away form our homeland. In the unfamiliar city, we have much difficult in our life. The first is we have no house, and the Property price now is high for us, such as just graduated from school. So we should try our best to desperate to buy a house one day. Now we rent a house, and my parents come here and live with us together. My parents here, helped many of us busy, and we relaxed a lot. We have more free time.
We often go to shopping, not to buy others. And some time on the bookstore to see what we are interested in, or on the lake here in our city, to find a quiet place to have a rest, enjoying the fresh outdoor air.
Last week, we had just bought a digital camera, so that we can go out to shoot some photos for us.
Now we are also not ready to have our children, so when this time, we can enjoy ourselves now.

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发表于 2006-4-6 13:06:50 | 显示全部楼层
My favourite guy is Andriy Shevchenko. He is a football player from Ukraine. He first played for the team of his homeland, Dyanmo Kiev. In 1997, he performed amazingly in a match against Barcelona, and attracted the attention of big clubs in Europe. In 1999, his goals in the European Champion League shook the traditional strong team like Bayern Munich and Real Madrid. After that season, he became a member of Milan, which just had celebrated its 100 year anniversary. He scored in his first match in Serie A, and contributed a hat-trick in his third match. When the season finished, he was honored as the best striker in the league. However, although he scored 62 goals in his first three years in Serie A, he couldn't bring a champion to his team. Things changed in 2002 when Nesta, probably the best central defender in the world, joined Milan. The imporved defence, together with the horrible attacking power, helped Milan to win the first title in four years: the champion of the European champion League. Sheva scored the key penalty in the final against Juventus. In the following season, Milan showed unrivalable power and win the champion of Serie A. Sheva was honored as the best striker for the second time. In the end of 2004, he was elected as the winner of Golden Globe Award, which is given to the best football player in the year. In this season, when Milan's legendary captain Paolo Maldini was not on the pitch, Sheva became the captain. This shows his influence in the team. Yesterday, his assisst and goal help Milan defeat Lyon in the quarter-final of ECL. I believe this is not the end of his legend, and I will always laugh and cry for him and Milan! Forza Milan! Forza Sheva!

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发表于 2006-4-6 14:21:21 | 显示全部楼层
The Person I Love the Most
The person I love the most is my wife. She call me stupid bear and I call her smart pig.
We fall in love with each other at the first sight at one occasional opportunity and have already gone through sweetness and bitterness together with each other for 6 years.  In these years we experienced happiness, suffer loss, sustained injury, accumulated some fortune and developed our career with mutual help.  She is smart, slim and beautiful. She is economic housewife, good at arranging activities, always has enormous ideas, although some time it seems too many and changing frequently. Some time she is sharp-tongued, but always to the point and point out the problem immediately and solutions. She was a thrifty woman and managed to put aside some money every month. In this way, we successfully bought one apartment in Tianjin almost by our own and another one in Shang Hai with the money from the selling of the original one. She love shopping but she didn’t force me to accompany her consideration of my physical strength.
She love me very much and trust me, when it is good to my career development, she agreed to release me to South China over 1 thousand kilometers away without saying anything. She decided to live with me even when I was diagnosed with AS, one kinds of disease with the name of “un-fatal Cancer”, which can’t be cured currently and can result in deformity. That was a tough decision. With that decision, she and her family made tremendous efforts to find the best doctors, seek various folk prescriptions all over China. After 2 years of treatment with my strong confidence coming from her, I became the 10% lucky guy who recovered from this illness. Together with the treatment, our career in multinational company were developed very well and both of us became supervisor and grown smoothly in personal qualification.
Should I love my wife most? Answer is yes.

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发表于 2006-4-6 17:20:39 | 显示全部楼层
The person I like this week

you could like a lot of people in your life, but in one day or at a moment, there is just only one person you like most. For me, I change my favorite every week normally. During this week, a moderator in a BBS is undoubtedly the person in highlight. She hosts a forum named "Relaxation and Fashion”. I have some dating-like experiences with her and I was so enchanted by her beauty and her delicate manner when my eyesight first touched heir’s that I can’t help falling love with her. However, I curb my wandering feelings and concentrate my interest and therefore the talking stuff on her hobby. I remembered we walk along the street over and over, from this end to the other, no one want bid a bye, until the dark covered us. She is the clever kind and often give you surprising wit challenge. I need gear up to keep my mind with her fast pace. We talk about her posts, the digest, we talk stories during the past several months since I registered that BBS. We talk and talk, time being forgotten.

These days, whenever I am not busy, her face will be in my mind. I want to login on the site just to see her, and the every piece of word from her seems like a nice song echoing in my ears. Maybe she is just thinking so, I thought. For what, I don’t know, perhaps she has some common interests and thoughts with me, or she is just like to do thing the same way I do. I don’t know exactly. But what is important is: here and now, she is the only person I want to meet. So I must say:” she is the person I like this week!” God bless me!

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发表于 2006-4-6 19:41:58 | 显示全部楼层
I miss my grand-grandma  so much!
When it comes to the issue that who's the one you miss most,  it's my grand-grandma, who's a kind and lovely lady,though she's passed away. I 've lots of good memories about her.
She's very lovely and kind-hearted.She had adopted a cat, regarding it as her friends,and sleeped together with it. Her kindness influenced me a lot. Someday,i  heared a bark of little dog,following the sound,i found a cute  little dog,who had been abandoned by the master. I told what i met across to my grand-grandma, she told me we should  treat animals kindly,regarding it as our friend. So we took that little dog home and planned to adopt it. It's that dog with which i spent all my childhood. When thinking of this,i appreciated her very much in mind.In my childhood ,she often told some interesting stories and her past experienced time to me, from the period of STARVATION to life today, full of frustrations and suffering. I learned much from what she experienced. On the corner of Tomb-sweeping Day,i miss her so much, Wish her have a good time in the heaven!

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ynylb 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-4-6 19:59:22 | 显示全部楼层
[fly]The Person You like Mostly[/fly]

   Who is the person always in your mind?
   The answer may differ from time to time.

   When you are a little child, the person may be your father, or your mother.
   After gone to school, the person may be one of your teachers. You are crazy about him or her. Whatever he or she says, you will bear in mind. Whatever he or she let you do, you will try your best. He or she is the god rather than a general person. You may disobey your parents, but only to be a poppet before the one you like, or respect so much.

   Having finished the long journey of primary school, you enter Middle School. You begin to pay attention to the opposite sex. And there may be an ideal guy in your class. You begin to be abstracted and what the teacher says seems so far away. You dream about a little river, on the bank of which you and your favorite one are walking, side by side but not hand in hand. You both are too shy. Just walking together makes you so happy; you feel that you are the prince, or the princess.
Then you think you have fall in love with that person. You begin to read more and more love stories, by Qiongyao, Sanmao, Chenkailun, or someone else. You wonder that one of you are the male dramatis personae, poor but smart, while the other is the female one, pretty and rich. Again and again the perfect and traditional love stories begin and begin. So many poems, so many diaries are hidden in your drawer. You feel that you are a poet.
   At the end of the green love, you enter the university. Finally, you are admitted to be an adult now. Even in the home and before your strict father, you are allowed to drink and smoke a little; you can give so many calls to the person you like or love. All is regarded so usual. Then comes the first kiss for most of your age. You become a little drunk. You feel you are really an adult now.

   Then you get a job. Then you marry somebody. Then your love has a result. Then your entire mind is concentrating on the little thing, so lovely and so precious. You begin to think that you will not change for it even for all the gold in the world. He or she is like a flower and grow quickly in the shade of your love. This child occupies your mind for ever.

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发表于 2006-4-6 20:50:05 | 显示全部楼层
The person I love the most are my parents.
I still remember,and I will never forget that how much my parents love me,they  offered so much,but obtained little from us.
My mother is one of the typical chinese women.She is honest ,laborious and kind,I will never forget that my mother put my ice-cold foot in her warmly bosom in cold winter. In my childhood, we are poor,but she give the best in our family for us to eat, but she never eat the good food, she always says she do not like these food.
My father is a teacher, he is a person of good character who devoted himself to educational cause, now i have grown up and graduated from university, my father has been old too, he wanted me come back my hometown to work very much,but he also knew that in big city there is more oportunity  for me, he just encourage me work hard and be a useful  talent for our country. how i extremely want to give my parents all my filial piety.
I love my parents,for ever.

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发表于 2006-4-6 22:38:54 | 显示全部楼层
HE girl i missed most

If a your real missing person, then certainly must go see her. Yes, I also have a girl to miss all day and night. I knew she also similarly worries me, keeps thinking about me, but I have not ever gone to see her. I knew she is longed for my appearance, is similar to me long for she stay with me. Every day, every time, each quarter, each minute, even each second, see her ever not to stop, but the time pasg, such a year I have not gone, I always compile very many reasons for oneself, for instance does not have the time, this is the fullest reason, because lives, I must work earn the life to need, maintains the life; South for instance the summer weather is hot, lives cannots bear in north I the hot and damp climate; For instance winter day air cooled, the custom winters in the north greenhouse, cloudy and cold incomparably fears to the south; For instance the mood is not good, feared infects is not quick to him; For instance the recent economy insufficiently is good, does not have the unnecessary money purchase airplane ticket... ... Various reason lets me still live in misses in his dream, every day saw her plan to occupy the thought very big part of spaces.

Missing is one kind of happiness, but is missed by the person also is one kind of happiness. Because misses, between the person and the person that kind of light sentiment and the long love then had the best expression way. Missing is a love, is the gratitude, does not forget, also is one kind of beauty. Because misses, the world only then incomparably is splendid.
What my friend said is not wrong, if a real missing person, certainly wants to go sees her. I want to be, if really that misses a person, all ther reason does not to see her is not the reason, the only reason only is thought her, or did not .

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