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[【原创资源】] 英语精华语录

发表于 2006-3-12 19:18:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. ’挨宰了‘
相关表达是rip off, 例如:
$70 for a T-shirt! What a rip-off!(一件T恤而已,70美元?!简直是杀人啊!)
I was ripped off by the taxi driver (我上了黑车了,当了回冤大头,被狠宰了一笔)

[Oxford dictionary]
rip off: usually passive, (informal) to cheat sb, by making them pay too much, by selling them sth of poor quality, etc
rip-off: noun, informal, something that is not worth what you pay for it.

2. ’the smile centre‘
这是今天坐车时在路上看到的一个招牌,the smile centre, 什么东西?,定睛一看,竟然是齿科美容中心!

3. ’我是夜猫‘
于是想起英文里也有相似的表达,称为'night owl'
I am a night owl. (我是夜里活动的,夜游神,夜猫子...)
而与之意思相反,我是习惯早起的,英文里表达为'I am an early bird'.
我得早点睡了 to have an early night
我得晚点睡了 to have a late night
e.g. I think on Sunday I shall just crash out and have an early night. (周日我什么事也不想做了,只想啪的倒下放松的躺个”大“字,早早就睡下)

[Oxford dictionary]
night owl, informal, noun, (C), a person who enjoys staying up late at night

4. ’Crystal Clear‘

'Make it crystal clear!' 第一次见到这句话时,感觉就很爽。如‘水晶般清晰透彻’,多漂亮啊。最初是用来形容物品,比如玻璃等透明好看的东西,但更多是灵活的用来形容idea, solution.....等等等等,几乎可以拿来形容所有事物。

The beauty of glass comes from its crystal-clear qualities. (这是形容玻璃,太漂亮了)
I‘ve made it crystal clear. (我已经把这事儿讲得很明白了)
crystal clear solution. (完美方案)
crystal clear sound. (这么动听的声儿/音乐,好想听啊 )
Make your website purposes crystal clear. (把网页内容清晰明白的展示出来)

5. ’飞天猪‘
flying pig / pigs might fly 就是顶顶大名的飞天猪了。中文有吹牛,英文有飞猪。吹牛有boast的性质,而flying pig常强调的是‘简直不可能’发生的事(当然也可能包括boast的事)。

Things might improve if the other party gets elected,\" one person might say.
\"And pigs might fly,\" comes the sarcastic rejoinder.

英国人们私下称警察为pig。一次玩蹦极,一个警察身穿着警服跳了下去,。。。于是人群中有人在喊: \"Look! there is a pig flying!\"

as an example of something obviously nonsensical or of some event that is extremely unlikely to occur.

6. ’开头句型之一‘
The widespread use of sth. may indicate that ..

The widespread use of QQ may indicate that the number of chinese surfing the Internet is getting more. (本句自编)


7. ’佳句欣赏1‘
Success : It is not the position you stand, but the direction in which you look
Imagination: May the seeds today and be the fruits tomorrow

8. ’火车相关‘
其一,火车站大喇叭的广播,原文如下:The train now standing at plateform 1 is the Virgin Trains Services to Bath spa, calling at XXX,XXX,XXX....
火车进站了,已停在站台 standing at
(报站名)途经站有.... calling at
其二,因为中途需转N次车,没有直达的车次,索性就到information desk要了份明细(Journey Details). 里面写道:
Type Dep. From Arr. At Length wait Operating company
16:30 Place1 17:15 Place2 1h 2m 0h 10m Virgin trains
17:15 Place2 18:35 Place3 1h 10m 0h 10m First great western
18:45 Place3 19:29 Place4 0h 44m 0h 10m South west trains
19:34 Place4 20:03 Place5 oh 29m - South west trains

Legs! 仔细又盯着看了一下,竟然真的管这东西叫Legs(中文应该叫详细换车记录吧) 英文词汇有这样匮乏啊 -_-!!!!

9. ’卖新鲜鸡蛋啦‘
路过一露天的菜市场(open market),随便逛了一下,看到一个有趣儿的标语,一个卖鸡蛋的摊儿。如果卖鸡蛋吹自己的鸡蛋新鲜,我只会第一想到fresh这个字,而那个贩子写了两字:new laid....  原来新鲜鸡蛋也可以这样来形容地...

10. ’翘课‘
相信上过学的朋友多数都有这个经历吧,为了种种原因借口故意不去上课,北方俗称翘课。英文表达为'cut class‘。常cut class to do something.

Students cut class to protest war.

but normally I cut class to extend my sleeping hours ...  (本句自编)

再补充另一书面用语,旷课 truancy in schools

11. ’投币readme‘
出去洗衣服,洗衣房(Laundry)的机器是投币的,在投币口,通常都会有句指示 “请在此处投币,一次请投入一个币”。原句言简意赅,值得追忆一笔: \"Feed Coins Slowly One At A Time\",尤其喜欢Feed这个动词用在这里,“喂币”,嗯嗯,中文好象也有这个说法~

12. ’请排队去‘
国人不会排队爱加塞,老外也没好到哪儿去,也一样会。在那种情况下,该怎样礼貌的“回敬”一下呢。有幸“旁观”了一下,听到一老外是这样礼貌的回敬那位加塞儿的 \"Sorry, there is a queue starting here\"

Queue一字是典型的英式英语,在美语中用的字是Line. 相应的表达为“The line starts back there.\" or \"Hey, no cutting in line.\"
(-Special thanks to golfmade who attributes to the US version answers)

13. ’环保‘
环保意识已经开始深入人心了,很多商家广告都会打出“我们的产品很环保的”。英文该怎样表达呢?without pollution? protect the environment? 都是自编的,直到看到一个很地道很formal的表达,拿来一起欣赏一下。”environmentally-friendly“. 当然,还可以写成environmentally friendly, environmental friendly, etc. 都成。

to look for healthy and environmentally-friendly recreation, such as cycling. 汽车烧的是油,污染空气;自行车烧的是汗,绝对够environmental friendly, 够环保啊。~

environmental friendly technology
environmental friendly sources
environmentally friendly chips

14. ’原创‘
论坛中最常见的用语之一,原创。英文用哪个字好呢。想到的字只有original,今看到一个“耳目一新”的字,不仅有原作者的意思,还有首创的感觉。brainchild, 名词,an idea or invention of one person or a small group of people (from oxford dictionary)。原文语境如下:

\"The term 'direct marketing' was first used in 1961. It was the brainchild of another American pioneer, Lester Wunderman. \"l(Wunderman的首创)
Reference: Michael J. Baker, (2003), The Marketing Book, Butterworth Heinemann: pp565

15. ’几个短语表达‘
点击次数:网站术语。某文章/XXX 被点击的次数统计,clickstream data

论坛的头像: 论坛术语。  BBS avatar  e.g.
Do you like my new BBS avatar?

mp3制作: 动词用rip. e.g.
I rip mp3.
I rip at almost the highest quality.
I just rip them all to my computer.

16. ’我的时间很宝贵‘
我不想浪费时间,我的时间很宝贵的。口语表达为I do not want to waste my time. I value my time very much. 听到别人这样说,原来是这样simple.

17. ’辣椒的说明书‘
Sainsbury这家超市卖的一小包红辣椒而已,是很普通的新鲜的红色小尖椒。包装上写了这样一段话。“Handle with care. Do not touch without gloves. Skin irritant. Avoid contact with eye area. Wash hands after preparation. Wash before use.”
很风趣儿啊,得记一笔。 (辣椒嘛,用得着夸张到一定要带上手套才能拿? , 这段话太有创意了~)

18. ’宽带走进寻常百姓家‘
让宽带走进寻常百姓家,使因特网世界的互动性更丰富更精彩。大意是这样了(翻得不好勿笑),原版句子是这样写的,很喜欢: Let the broadband be affordably piped into every home, making interaction with the Internet far richer.

19. ’一棒子打沉一船‘
有趣儿的是在英语中也有类似的表达,看书时正好看到了,叫做 throw the baby out with bathwater.
However it would be wrong to 'throw the baby out with bathwater' and reject utility analysis completely.
other example could be: Don't throw the baby out with bath water.

20. 'running nose'
有人问过这样的一个句子是什么意思,The cold bug bit you。感觉很有意思,因为这里的cold是指的感冒,bug指的是引起感冒的病菌/毒。整个句子就是‘你感冒了’的一个趣味的说法。由此想到相关的表达'running nose'也很有意思:刚感冒时,大伙可能都有这种体会-清水鼻涕流个不停有如涛涛江水连绵不绝。。英文就有'running nose'这一形象的说法。其它常见的症状:鼻子堵了(鼻塞)'blocked nose',头痛发烧容易些\"headache, fever', 四肢酸痛用的是‘aching limbs'。暂先想起这么多,以后有再补充吧。

21. '赶早不赶晚'
It's better to do something sooner rather than later.
It's better to do the essay sooner rather than later.


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