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[[求助与讨论]] 如何把英文儿歌唱成情歌?

发表于 2006-3-6 03:32:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
well, i'm sure u guyz r eager to win a pretty gal's favor. this iz wat i did.
and it works! (though it works towardz an opposite direction.) normally galz would enjoy the feel of being ur mom, out of their maternal instinct. so u need to behave like a kid, and dedicate whatever nursery rhymes u can still recall to them, to pleaze them. and more importantly, pleaze yourself.

i've tried the trick a few times. the result: my galz kept the songs in their mindz coz they are so impressed. me? out of their mindz coz i'm not as impressive as my songs.

here is one of the songz. the 1st stanza is a traditional english nursery song; the rest are my transformations. hahahaha~~~~ 5555~~~`


The rose is red,
The violet's blue;
Candies are sweet,
And so are you!

Bananas are yellow,
Eggplants are blue;
Peppers are spicy,
And so are you!

My hat is white,
My jean is blue;
They fit me just well,
And so do you!

The DPP is green, (DPP=“民进党”)
The KMT is blue; (KMT=“国民党”)
Politics is unpredictable,
And so are you!

Monkeys are smart,
Donkeys are dull;
Eels are eely,
And so are you!

Rings are golden,
Diamonds are blue;
They are too costly,
And so are you!

The sun is bright,
The sea is blue;
The ship is leaving,
And so are you!

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