楼主 |
发表于 2006-1-12 12:24:32
标题:Interaction with vesicle luminal protachykinin regulates surface expression of δ-opioid receptors and opioid analgesia.
杂志:Cell, Vol 122, 619-631, 26 August 2005
作者:Guan, J., Xu, Z., Gao, H., He, S., Ma, G., Sun, T., Wang, L., Zhang, Z., Lena, I., Kitchen, I., Elde, R., Zimmer, A., He, C., Pei, G., Bao, L. and Zhang, X
Opioid and tachykinin systems are involved in modulation of pain transmission in the spinal cord. Regulation of surface opioid receptors on nociceptive afferents is critical for opioid analgesia. Plasma-membrane insertion of δ-opioid receptors (DORs) is induced by stimulus-triggered exocytosis of DOR-containing large dense-core vesicles (LDCVs), but how DORs become sorted into the regulated secretory pathway is unknown. Here we report that direct interaction between protachykinin and DOR is responsible for sorting of DORs into LDCVs, allowing stimulus-induced surface insertion of DORs and DOR-mediated spinal analgesia. This interaction is mediated by the substance P domain of protachykinin and the third luminal domain of DOR. Furthermore, deletion of the preprotachykinin A gene reduced stimulus-induced surface insertion of DORs and abolished DOR-mediated spinal analgesia and morphine tolerance. Thus, protachykinin is essential for modulation of the sensitivity of nociceptive afferents to opioids, and the opioid and tachykinin systems are directly linked by protachykinin/DOR interaction.
该文章报道了调控阿片类物质镇痛作用的新机制。传统理论认为,存在于脊髓中的P物质作用仅是致痛,其实它干的“坏事”远不止此。该文认为,人体内的阿片受体在感受痛觉的神经元表面严阵以待,专门执行麻醉剂的镇痛指令。其中 “mu”的受体发挥镇痛作用,而P物质却带领“delta”受体找到前者,降低镇痛作用,同时增加人体对镇痛剂的耐药性。因此,P物质可以称为是是调控吗啡镇痛的“关键人物”。 没有了P物质,添乱的delta阿片受体就没了“领路者”,找不到mu阿片受体,自然也就无法影响药效,无法产生耐药性等副作用。研究人员在小鼠身上做实验,去除其体内的P物质基因,使其无法分泌P物质,结果欣喜发现:小鼠对吗啡不再产生耐受,注射次数再多,药效也没有下降。 此次发现P物质是直接调控阿片系统镇痛功能和吗啡耐受的罪魁祸首,将为今后开发药效强、副作用小的新型镇痛药提供全新理论基础。 |