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[[原创地带]] 外贸单词

发表于 2005-12-27 18:57:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[转贴] 外贸单词

Venture无论写法或意思和adventure都很相近,两词都有danger(危险)和risk(冒险)的含意,此外也有going somewhere和progressing(前进)的意思,所以很多词典把这两词都解作[冒险],然而venture和adventure无论解释和用法都有分别。

We had quite an adventure when we were on holiday in Europe. We got lost on the Alps(我们在欧洲旅行时遭遇了一次历险。我们在阿尔卑斯山上迷途)!

Adventure的意思如上例所述的,一定是exciting(刺激)和unusual(不寻常)的,有时甚至会是[明知山有虎,偏向虎山行]式的冒险。相反,venture是经过深思熟虑才进行的,虽然未必能预测每一步,可是绝不像adventure般单凭胆色和热诚去盲闯。Venture这词常用于商业活动,如business venture指开拓新的业务范围;例:
\"I heard you were involved in some sort of business venture in the Philippines.\"
\"Yes, we opened a small recording studio in Manila. It turned out to be a winner-- far better than we expected.\"

Business venture指的可以是新的市场或行业,只要是从未接触过的都算是新的业务,而在新业务里所需要的正是a spirit of adventure (冒险精神)。


Our advice is that you should sell your stocks immediately and re-invest the amount realized in government bonds. (我们给你的忠告是立刻卖了手上的股票,并把所得金钱投资于政府债券)。

Advice基本上是uncountable noun(不可数名词),若要用量词的话,可用a piece of/a bit of/a word of/a few words of,不过advice也有plural form的,但advices是指来自远方的商业或专业行情,例:
Advices from our Tokyo branch have prompted us to pull out from the stock market(来自东京分公司的消息促使我们撤出股市)。

此外,advice note和letter of advice都是商业文件,是寄运货物或接洽业务的通知文件。

Advice的verb(动词)to advise在商业往来中常有以下用法,例:
Please advise us when the goods are dispatched(请通知我们货物付运的日期)。

上例中,讲者并非请求别人给他忠告,而是很正式和客气的询问情况。此外,to advise也有『指示』的含意,例:
Clients are advised to consult a solicitor before investing in the property market in China's mainland(我们忠告客户投资于中国大陆房地产前咨询律师的意见)。

其实上例中『指示』的意思比『忠告』更贴切,但因为『指示』的语气太直接,而说话的对象又是客户,所以还是用to advise语气比较正式和婉转。

P.S. To Mr./Ms. Li-bush:  Sorry but I'm wondering: are you a Hongkongese/Taiwanese/ABC (America-born Chinese), et al. or a pure foreigner? Anyway, if you are familiar with traditional Chinese, please use some GB/Big-5 switch software to help you read; if Chinese characters are totally Greek to you, I think you don't bother to read the English version at all-- 'cause you may find it too easy -- but I strongly recommend you to learn some Chinese as well. Who says that? “中文是说给神听的语言!”--Vive la Chinese!


我们花了很多时间,不怕艰苦,排除万难去完成某件工作或任务,事后老板为表示感激我们,会对我们说“We appreciate very much the excellent job you have done.”

If we appreciate music, it doesn't necessarily follow that we know how to play it ourselves.

We greatly appreciate your getting the goods to us at such short notice.在这句里,“We greatly appreciate...”和“Thank you for...”含意相同。

Appreciate一字常被误用We would appreciate if you would...。Appreciate这个动词解作『感激』时,须要接宾语(object),否则会如前面例句一样,出现语法上的问题。上面一句的正确说法应为We would appreciate it if you would pay your bills on time. Appreciate可改用被动语态,即变成It would be much appreciated if you would pay your bills on time.但读者须留意这句语气没有前句那样亲切。

The value of this property has appreciated substantially in the past year.其意指『这物业价值在过去一年有显著的升幅。』读者有没有留意到appreciate解作升值时是不需接宾语(object)的?

Not available微妙之处

The software manuals you were looking for are now available if you still need them(你想借的软件手册,如你仍需要的话,现在可以借给你了)。

Mr Chan is available now(陈先生现在有空)。

例一:I'm sorry. You cannot have that file now.
例二:I'm sorry. That file is not available now.

说not available来推掉人家的要求,既能起say no的作用,也可免却一番解释。又或有人来访,或来电找老板,老板未能接见此人,秘书小姐们常用的句子是:
例三:I'm sorry. Mr Johnson is at a meeting right now.
例四:I'm sorry. Mr Johnson is not available right now.

在例三中,假如对方知道Mr Johnson不是在开会,只是闭门不见人时,可能引起不愉快的事情。例四只说Mr Johnson没空,比较安全,而且省去了解释Mr Johnson去了哪里或在做什么。

Bargain (一)

Bargain这词的解释会因其part of speech(词类)不同而异,作为verb指『讨价还价』,而作为noun则指『买卖协议』。骤看两个解释并无关联,可其实是同一商业活动的过程和结果;例一:
The labour union bargained with the management for a shorter working week when they negotiated the renewal of workers' contract.(工会与资方谈判工人续约时为缩短每周工时讨价还价。)

例二:Your part of the bargain is to supply the goods to the specifications agreed; our part is to come up with the necessary finance.(根据协议,你们负责提供符合议定规格的货物,我们则负责提供所需的资金。)

Bargain是自古就存在的商业活动,指supply(供)和demand(求)双方讨价还价,达成双方都认为合理和可接受的约定,所以bargain 可以指『谈判过程』也可指由谈判达成的协议。不过bargain的解释不能完全以它的part of speech来断定。
例三:We went through three days of hard bargaining before we could get the other side to agree to a price.(我们经过三天艰难的讨价还价才能使对方落实价钱。)

Bargain (二)


如果说I've got a bargain,意思是以低廉的价钱买到高质素的货品,虽然未至于占人家便宜,可是总觉得物超所值。因为bargain一词已包含了good的意思,所以无需说a good bargain。尽管如此,a good bargain(占便宜的交易)和a bad bargain仍是常用的短语,但bargain在这里相当于deal(交易)。

至于to drive a hard bargain的意思指在商议交易时坚持对自己最有利的条件和价钱;例:When George bought his new car, he drove a real hard bargain. Not only did he save close to $2,000 but also got air-conditioning and car stereo from the car manufacturer. (George买新车时,成功地与车行议价,不但省了差不多二千元,而且还得到车行赠送原厂冷气和音响。)

To drive a hard bargain没有相对的中文解释,指用尽心机使对方同意自己开出的苛刻条件。

不过,也不是凡bargain都是hard的。 To strike a bargain指达成协议;例:
They were unable to strike a bargain for the flat because the owner's asking price was much more than what the prospective buyer could afford.(他们不能达成买卖楼宇的协议,因为业主开出的价钱远高于买家能负担的。)

Bargain (三)

前文谈过bargain和其它相关词汇的解释和用法,今天讨论与to bargain配合使用的preposition。

与to bargain配合使用的介词有with, over, for, on, in和into,先谈with和over;例:
Dealers bargain with growers over the price of coffee beans.(咖啡商人与农民为咖啡豆的价钱讨价还价。)

上例用了to bargain with somebody over something这形式。除了with和over这两个介词外,to bargain也可以和for配合使用;例:
David thought that his new job would be a less stressful one than his last one, but it turned out to be more than what he had bargained for.(David以为他的新工作会比以前的轻松,可是后来才发觉比他想象的还要差。)

To bargain for的意思与to bargain with sb. over sth. 完全无关。 To bargain for的用法和语气是informal(非正式的),有负面的意思,常用以表达『没有想象,预料到』。bargain on也有类似的意思;例:
You really can't bargain on what our opponents will do in such a competitive situation.(你实在难以预料我们的对手会在竞争这样剧烈的情况下采取什么行动。)

虽然to bargain for 和to bargain on的意思相若,都指『预料』,『计算』,形式却不同。To bargain on后面使用的是noun clause或noun phrase.

In/into the bargain是另一非正式用语,指『此外』;例:
Richard Courtney is a distinguished neurologist and a gifted painter into the bargain. (Richard Courtney除了是杰出的神经学家外,也是有天分的画家。)

To book
My secretary has booked a table for our luncheon today.(我的秘书已为我们今日的午餐订桌。)

To book在这里的意思是to make reservation(预订或留位),符合to book的一贯意思『记录』,因为要预订的话,对方会把日期,时间和数量记录在record book内。所以『满座』亦叫to be booked up;例:
This hotel is booked up for the Christmas holidays so we will have to look for another place to stay.(这家酒店圣诞期间房间已预订一空,我们得另找地方住宿。)

除了『订位』这个意思外,to book还指『抄牌』,例:
Stephen was booked for exceeding the speed limit when he was driving home last night.(Stephen昨晚驾车回家途中因超速而被抄牌。)

He was booked by the referee for foul play.(他因为犯规被裁判登记。)

除上述例子外,to book还有其它不大常用的意思,譬如『投注』,『打赌』是to keep a book on something(英式英语)或to make (a) book on something(美式英语),所以说book这个词的意思千变万化。

To bounce的商业用语

To bounce是弹的意思。假如把网球向地面掷去,网球就向上bounce back。在商业英语中,股价急跌后大幅回升,叫作to bounce back。
例一:After eight consecutive days of falling prices, the Stock Market unexpectedly bounced back this afternoon with an encouraging 120 points.

例句意思是『股市连续八天下跌后,今午突然反弹,升幅达一百二十点,令人鼓舞』。股市反弹,当然是正面的表现,但to bounce用于支票交易时,意思就大不相同了。我们先看例句:
例二:The cheque Paul issued for paying his salaries tax has been bounced by the bank. He didn't realize there wasn't enough funds in his account to cover his cheque.

全句意思是『Paul用来交工资税的支票被银行退票。他忘记了帐户存款不够支付支票』。句中的bounced也有『弹回』的含意:收款人把支票存入帐户,可是出票人帐户存款不足,因此银行把支票退回收款人。要注意的是to bounce a cheque只可作口语用。

Seeking a candidate

To seek和to look for都是公司招聘员工,在报纸的求职广告上常用到的词,例:
Our company is seeking an experienced marketing manager to lead a team of account executives.(我们公司正在物色一位资深的市场经理来领导一组客户代表。)或We are looking for outstanding candidates to join our new R&D Department.(我们正寻求杰出人才加入本公司新设的研究及发展部门。)

这两个词的意思虽然相同,但结构并不一样:to look for(寻求)是phradal verb,由动词和介词组成;而to seek(物色)不用任何介词跟随,可能由于两个词的解释和用法相近,所以常在招聘广告中看到to seek被错误运用,例:
A leading garment group is now seeking for high-calibre candidates for the above-mentioned post.(一家大成衣集团正物色有高度才干的人担任上述职务。)

上句应更正为:A leading garment group is now seeking high-calibre candidates for the above-mentioned post.

除to seek和to look for之外,to invite和to require也是招聘常用的字眼,例:
A solicitor's firm in Central invites applications for the post of secretary.(中区律师行聘请秘书。)或:
A listed company urgently requires an accountant.(上市公司急需一名会计师。)

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