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发表于 2005-12-2 12:37:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-12-2 20:17:21 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-2-18 20:40:34 | 显示全部楼层
(1) It is clear that privatization can not be a general and complete cure for fiscal problems, no matter how inefficient a troubled government might be..
(2) The only way an individual can receive the benefits from a private good is by paying for it; there are no effects on others, and it is possible to separate payers from nonpayers.
[分析]这一句出现了两个 “it”。第一个“it指的是“a private good"即“私有资源”,但这无需译出。若用汉语的“它”来对应,就会显得弄巧成拙,画蛇添足。原译便是如此。第二个“旷指的是"to separate payers from nonpayers”即“将付钱者与未付钱者区分开来”,把此意完整地译出是合理的。在此“/也不能与“它”对应。
(1) The public good problem is one of excluding those who have not paid for the good from receipt of services from that good..

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-2-22 17:23:33 | 显示全部楼层
Question No.1 What colour was the"Tidy"badge?
根据提问的一般原则:提问顺序和情节发展是平行进行的,所以,该答案一定在该篇对话的开始部分。听音原文中有这样一句话“...and then another one I remember-it was green-which had the word "Tidy on it!Ha!",据此,考生可以断定the“Tidy”badge的颜色为绿色。只有答案(B)符合题意,所以正确答案为(B)。考生在做此题时应注意听,切莫与“So I got a little blue badge with the word‘swimming’on it”中的“blue'’相混淆。
Question NO.2 Which badge does Andrew Simpson think he has lost?
当考生听到"I've got the swimming badge,but I think I Was so untidy that I must have lost the tidy badge years ago!"便可知道Andrew Simpson所丢失的是“the tidy badge"。(D)项符合题意,为正确答案。听音时,考生同样应该注意不要将“the tidy badge'’混淆为“the swimming badge"。
Question NO.3 When do you think Andrew Simpson was born?
在对话中,并没有直接谈到Andrew Simpson是何时出生的,但是通过对话,考生可以计算出他大致的出生时间。
F: Andyou started collecting badges,then,from that,the age of about nine?
M: Er,yeah,I guess so...eight or nine or so.That's right.In those days-we're talking about the early fifties-there weren't so many cars around as there are today.
通过这两句对话,我们可以知道"...we're talking about the early fifties"是发生在50年代早期,当时他八九岁左右,此时开始搜集徽章,这样就可以计算出他的出生大约是在1945年左右。因此,只有选项(C)Around l945.符合题意。
Question No.4 What is the slogan on the Wills's Woodbines badge?
该题答案较为明显,比较容易听出。当考生听到“I've got one in my collection for Wills's Woodbines--they were the cheapest cigarettes in those days--and on the badge,at the bottom,it says,“Smoked by Millions"-no health warnings in those days...”时,“Smoked by Millions"就很容易印在脑海中。四个选项中,(A)项为正确答案。
Question NO.5 How many main reasons are given by Andrew Simpson for people to wear badges?该问题体现在对话中也是直问直答。其中对话为:
F:Why do you think people do wear badges?
M:Well,I think there are probably three main reasons.
该部分为高级口译第一阶段测试中的第二部分,即:SECTION 2:Reading Test。该部分考试时间为30分钟。阅读材料均选自英语原版材料,共4篇。内容及题材具有多样性、普遍性和社会性。要求考生应有一定的词汇量,以及阅读理解技能,如概括中心思想能力,推理与释义能力;另外,还应有与英语国家社会和文化相关的知识面。现就历届考题中的一篇进行精析。
SECTION 2: READING TEST (30 minutes)
Directions: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D) to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

Questions 1 ~ 5 are based on the following passage
British Aerospace is planning to set up its own university because it cannot recruit the skilled graduates it needs from existing institutions.
BAe has a team drafting a range of options for the university, which would award its own degrees. Work on the scheme is expected to start in the next few months.
Sir Richard Evans, chief executive of British Aerospace, has already launched a recruiting drive for engineers on the Continent because of a shortage of high-calibre domestic candidates. Advertising campaigns in France, Germany and other European countries will seek to attract students expecting to graduate in the summer.
Other engineering employers are expected to follow suit. The move to take on overseas graduates comes after BAe left one in five of its graduate places unfilled last year, blaming shortcomings in the education system.
If the scheme is approved, BAe will either build a full university or incorporate sites at its main research and manufacturing centres at Famborough, Surrey, and Warton, Lancashire. The company would have to convince the education authorities that the university had sufficient teaching capacity and autonomy for it to be allowed to award degrees. BAe said it was setting up its own education system and recruiting staff abroad because "there is a shortage of engineering graduates, beth in terms of quantity and quality".
The Engineering Employers' Federation said that skill shortages were an urgent problem. Rolls- Royce, another large engineering employer, said there was a general skill shortage, although it had filled its graduate quota. Rolls will soon recruit internationally to reflect its expanding international operations.
Engineering's failure to attract students has been attributed to poor pay and long-term prospects, given the decline in British manufacturing. BAe would not reveal how much it pays graduates, but Lucas Variety, a large engineering employer, paid a starting salary of ~ 14,200 last year. That compares with an average graduate starting salary of ~ 15, 300, according to Income Data Services.
British universities have found it increasingly difficult to recruit well-qualified undergraduates. Even Oxford and Cambridge fail to meet their quotas in many engineering subjects.
Alan Smithers, whose Centre for Education and Employment Research, at Bmnel University, produced a report on the supply of science and engineering graduates early this year, said that the discipline had been over expanded. "There is now a lack of quality to withstand competition in an increasingly international sphere. Companies go where they can find the best candidates."
Engineering docs not enjoy the high status in Britain that it occupies in other parts of the world. Courses in other parts of Europe and the Far East command among the highest entry requirements of all degree subjects and take five years, rather than the norm of three in Britain.
1. British Aerospace is recruiting engineers on the Continent __
(A) as the pay for them can be much lower
(B) as there are not enough well, qualified candidates at home
(C) to compete with France, Germany and other European countries
(D) to set up a university of its own
2. In the passage, the expression "to follow suit" in the sentence "Other engineering employers are expected to follow suit" (para. 4) can best be paraphrased as __
(A) to join BAe in its recruiting scheme
(B) to take the unanimous action
(C) to recruit graduates overseas
(D) to establish universities
3. Which of the following is NOT the reason that engineering courses fail to attract British students?
(A) The decline of British manufacturing industry.
(B) The recruitment of engineers abroad.
(C) The lower pay for engineering graduates.
(D) The long and slow process of success and promotion after graduation.
4. "Oxford" and "Cambridge" are mentioned in the passage to show that __
(A) they are the world famous universities
(B) they are not cooperating with British Aerospace
(C) they are reforming the engineering education
(D) they can not fulfil their recruitment quotas in engineering
5. Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage?
(A) There should be further cooperation between British Aerospace and Higher Institutions.
(B) Shortage of engineers leads BAe to plan its own university.
(C) British Higher Education has recently been reevaluated.
(D) British Engineering education is severely criticized for its lack of quality.
1.原题所问的是英国航空航天局正在欧洲大陆招工程师是因为什么?从原文中有关部分"Sir Richard Evans,chief executive of British Aerospace,has already launched a recruiting drive for engineers on the Continent because of a shortage of high-calibre domestic candidates.”,可以看出,是因为国内缺乏有资格的人员。(A)项是说对他们所付的工资可以更低,(C)项为可以同法国、德国以及其他欧洲国家竞争,(D)项为设立自己的大学,这些选项均不符合题意,因此只有B因为国内没有足够的具有资格的候选人”是正确的。正确答案为(B)。
2.该句为具体短语和句子理解题。要求考生理解“to follow suit'’这一短语在句子“Other engineering employers are expected to follow suit"中的含意;但要理解这一含意,又必须根据上文和下句(para.4)的含意才能作出判断。上文是说由于英国国内缺乏具有资格的工程师,因此要在海外(欧洲大陆)招聘毕业生,下旬又说“The move to take on overseas graduates comes after BAe left one in five of its graduate places unfilled last year,blaming shortcomings in the education system.”,所以"to follow suit'’意为“to recruit graduates overseas,”。(C)项为正确答案。
4.该题所问的是:篇章中提到牛津和剑桥两所大学是想表明什么?从篇章中的 para.8,“British universities have found it increasingly difficult to recruit well-qualified undergraduates.Even Oxford and Cambridge failt on meet their quotas in many engineering subjects.”,便可知选项(D)they can not fulfil their recruitment quotas in engineering.即:它们不能完成招收工程学学生的数额,符合题意。正确答案为(D)。
5.该题属于概括题。要求考生能选择出概括篇章的最佳句子。选项(A)There should be further cooperation between British Aerospace and Higher Institutions.英国航空航天局应该与高等教育机构进一步合作,选项(C)British Higher Education has recently been revaluated.近来已对英国高等教育进行了重新评估,选项 (D)British Engineering education is severely criticized for its lack of quality。即:英国工程教育由于质量不佳受到严肃批评,这些概括句子都不符合篇章的主旨,只有(B)Shortage of engineers leads Bae to plan its own university.符合篇章要旨。所以正确答案为(B)。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-15 22:47:39 | 显示全部楼层
QLTY  Quality
QUTY  Quantity
RCV  Receive
REF  Reference

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-10-4 21:23:49 | 显示全部楼层
G  表示效率:efficient, effective。
Q  表示“通货膨胀”:inflation

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-10-7 23:17:26 | 显示全部楼层
A  表示农业: agriculture.
B  表示商业:business。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-10-26 19:10:08 | 显示全部楼层
2.表示追溯到:come/go back to,originate
1.表示上升:up/upward/rise,increase,arise,ascend, etc.

使用道具 举报

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