It is surprised that all friends here like to write in Chinese to ask or answer questions. If who want to learn a kind of language, why don't practice in that language? We have English teachers here, and he or she can help us, it is really a good chance to find out where is not good and try to improve it. in the meantime, teacher and Editors can revised the mistakes.
Actually, Chinese is the big obtacle for learning foreign language, because you have to think in Chinese and then translate in to the foreign language and then confirm if it is correct or not, but if you think and write in foreign language at the very beginning, you won't need the process of translating, and it will save you not only the time, but also foster a good custom of learning.
for example, when see the car, you first reflect is Qi Che, and then you translate in you brain, Car. this process is not necessary at all. but if you reflect directly the \"car\" , you are thinking in the same way of foreigner. more important is that, this way of thinking creates a continueous connection in your mind, day by day, it would benefit you a great deal than the chinese thinking way.
It is rare you have opportunity to practice your english, take advantaged of this area would be nice. Do it, even if you are not accustomed to this way, but for your future. |