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[【原创】] 打击互联网“黑社会类”游戏,又听到纽约时报的唧唧歪歪

发表于 2009-7-29 10:05:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


China Puts Online Games That Glorify Mafia on Its Hit List

  Published: July 28, 2009
BEIJING — Whether it is religion, environmentalism or nonprofit charities, the Chinese government has always been wary of any organized activity it cannot directly control.

Now there is an addition to the list: simulated organized crime.
On Monday, the Ministry of Culture issued a notice banning online games that feature Mafioso kingpins, marauding street gangs or any sort of hooliganism predisposed to organization.
The decree, which promises “severe punishment” for violators but fails to specify the penalties, also prohibits Web sites from including links to Internet games that glorify organized crime.
Such games, the ministry said, “embody antisocial behavior like killing, beating, looting and raping,” and their availability “gravely threatens and distorts the social order and moral standards, easily putting young people under harmful influence.”

By Tuesday, a number of popular games, including “Godfather,” “Gangster” and “Mafioso Hitman,” had been excised from the ether, although scores of other violence-laden games were still available.
The ruling is not entirely surprising, given the government’s war against Internet pornography and other sites that can be construed as “socially disruptive.”

This year more than a thousand Web sites have been shut down for “vulgar” content, although some critics complain that academic or public service sites that deal with sexually transmitted diseases have also been swept up in the juggernaut.

Other efforts to control the Internet have been less successful. In June, China issued an edict that would have required all new computers sold domestically to include filtering software, known as Green Dam Youth Escort. The government insisted that the program would only affect pornography, but critics suggested that it could also be used to block political Web sites. The government bowed to pressure from computer manufacturers and users and postponed the new rules this month.

It is unclear whether the ban on Mafia-themed computer games will similarly stoke the fury of China’s 200 million online gamers, although some of those who work in the industry did not seem to be too concerned.
Chen Yongjin, the founder of an online game company in Beijing, said designers could still provide customers with the blood and violence they craved without the offending themes. “The problem is when the killing correlates to real life,” said Mr. Chen, who asked that the name of his company not be printed.
Online games are hugely profitable in China. In 2008, the industry brought in revenues of 18 billion renminbi, or about $2.64 billion, a 77 percent increase over the year before, according to an association of Chinese gaming companies.
Industry experts say that at least 90 percent of all online games in China have some form of violence, whether they involve homicidal kung-fu masters, sword-wielding hobbits or monsters with a taste for human flesh.

“If the games stick to the fantastical or the mythological, there should be no problem,” Mr. Chen said.
The new regulations reflect increased concern over the pernicious effects of computer games on Chinese youth. There are summer camps for teenagers who spend too much online, and in Shanghai, volunteers monitor Internet cafes, looking for children younger than 18.
新规定反映了对网络游戏日益增长的对青少年影响的焦虑(这句翻译得烂)。在上海,志愿者在网吧监督,这句有歧义,不清楚是上网超过18小时,还是年龄低于18岁(under 18?)
According to a survey by the National People’s Congress, more than 10 percent of the country’s young people are “addicted” to the Internet, though some psychologists in the West have questioned the validity of such a diagnosis. In China, the definition includes children who spend more than six hours a day staring at a computer screen while avoiding sleep, social interaction and schoolwork.

The China Youth Association for Internet Development issued a report last year in which it claimed that 70 percent of all juvenile crimes were “induced by Internet addiction.”

Zhang Jing contributed research.

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发表于 2009-7-29 10:35:56 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-7-29 13:03:54 | 显示全部楼层

生活中就碰到一些人,别人说这个好,他(她)去买了,别人说那个效果不错, 他(她)也跑去买了。
我们买一些东西, 买之前总喜欢询问别人, 可有些事情仁者见仁,智者见智, 别人说不好,未不就不适合自己,别人说好,也未必对自己就好。

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发表于 2009-7-29 13:53:24 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-7-29 14:52:15 | 显示全部楼层
引用第0楼bulunuo于2009-07-29 10:05发表的 打击互联网“黑社会类”游戏,又听到纽约时报的唧唧歪歪 :
The new regulations reflect increased concern over the pernicious effects of computer games on Chinese youth. There are summer camps for teenagers who spend too much online, and in Shanghai, volunteers monitor Internet cafes, looking for children younger than 18.
新规定反映了对网络游戏日益增长的对青少年影响的焦虑(这句翻译得烂)。在上海,志愿者在网吧监督,这句有歧义,不清楚是上网超过18小时,还是年龄低于18岁(under 18?)


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发表于 2009-7-29 17:09:01 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-29 17:25:30 | 显示全部楼层
引用第6楼josephe于2009-07-29 14:52发表的 :



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