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[【民商法学】] 译文对照 <法治>

发表于 2009-1-7 15:09:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原文选自CONSTITUTIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE LAW  Fourth Edition by Hilaire Barnett.


Where laws do not rule, there is no constitution.1
The rule of law represents one of the most challenging concepts of the
constitution. The rule of law is a concept which is capable of different
interpretations by different people, and it is this feature which renders an
understanding of the doctrine elusive. Of all constitutional concepts, the rule
of law is also the most subjective and value laden. The apparent uncertainties
in the rule of law and its variable nature should not cause concern, although,
inevitably, it will cause some insecurity. In the study of the rule of law, it is
more important to recognise and appreciate the many rich and varied
interpretations which have been given to it, and to recognise the potential of
the rule of law for ensuring limited governmental power and the protection of
individual rights, than to be able to offer an authoritative, definitive
explanation of the concept.
The rule of law may be interpreted either as a philosophy or political theory
which lays down fundamental requirements for law, or as a procedural device
by which those with power rule under the law. The essence of the rule of law
is that of the sovereignty or supremacy of law over man. The rule of law
insists that every person – irrespective of rank and status in society – be
subject to the law. For the citizen, the rule of law is both prescriptive – dictating
the conduct required by law – and protective of citizens – demanding that
government acts according to law. This central theme recurs whether the
doctrine is examined from the perspective of philosophy, or political theory,
or from the more pragmatic vantage point of the rule of law as a procedural
device. The rule of law underlies the entire constitution and, in one sense, all
constitutional law is concerned with the rule of law. The concept is of great
antiquity and continues to exercise legal and political philosophers today.
The rule of law cannot be viewed in isolation from political society. The
emphasis on the rule of law as a yardstick for measuring both the extent to
which government acts under the law and the extent to which individual
rights are recognised and protected by law, is inextricably linked with
Western democratic liberalism.2 In this respect, it is only meaningful to speak
of the rule of law in a society which exhibits the features of a democratically
elected, responsible – and responsive – government and a separation of
powers, which will result in a judiciary which is independent of government.
In liberal democracies, therefore, the concept of the rule of law implies an
acceptance that law itself represents a ‘good’; that law and its governance is a
demonstrable asset to society.
法 治

It should not be assumed that this acceptance of law as a benevolent ruling
force is universally accepted. In differing societies, subscribing to very
different political philosophies, the insistence on the rule of law – in the
Western liberal sense – has little application. For example, from a Marxist
perspective (on which see below, pp 82–83), the law serves not to restrict
government and protect individual rights but rather to conceal the injustices
inherent in the capitalist system. Accordingly, the concept of the rule of law –
denoting some form of morality in law – represents no more than a false
idealisation of law designed to reinforce the political structure and economic
status quo in society. Echoes of this thesis dominate the more moderate
socialist conceptions of the rule of law and the critique of liberalism. It can be
argued – from the socialist perspective – that liberalism pays too little regard
to true equality between persons and too great attention to the protection of
property interests. The liberal domain thus becomes one which, again, masks
true social and economic inequality while at the same time proclaiming
equality and justice under the rule of law.3
The rule of law, as understood in liberal democracies, also has little
relevance in a totalitarian state. While it is true that such a state will be closely
regulated by law, there will not be government under the law – as adjudicated
upon by an independent judiciary – which is insisted upon under the liberal
In traditional Oriental society, the Western preference for law is an alien
notion. By way of example, in relation to traditional Chinese society, David
and Brierley write:
For the Chinese, legislation was not the normal means of guaranteeing a
harmonious and smooth-working society. Laws, abstract in nature, could not
take into account the infinite variety of possible situations. Their strict
application was apt to affect man’s innate sense of justice. To enact laws was
therefore considered a bad policy by traditional Chinese doctrine. The very
exactitude which laws establish in social relations, and the way in which they
fix the rights and obligations of each individual, were considered evils,
according to the Chinese, not benefits. The idea of ‘rights’, an inevitable
development of the laws themselves, ran counter to the natural order. Once
Chapter 4: Constitutional and Administrative Law
[i]3 For a critical account of the liberal tradition, see Lustgarten, 1988.
The Rule of Law

individuals think of their ‘rights’ there is, it was thought, some form of social
illness; the only true matter of concern is one’s duty to society and one’s fellow
The enactment of laws is an evil, since individuals, once familiar with them,
will conclude that they have rights and will then be inclined to assert them,
thereby abandoning the traditional rules of propriety and morality which
should be the only guides to conduct. Legal disputes become numerous, and a
trial, by reason of its very existence, is a scandalous disturbance of the natural
order which may then lead to further disturbances of the social order to the
detriment of all society. [1966, p 442; and see 3rd edn, 1985, Title III, Chapter 1
for the persistence of traditional ideas.]
In Japan, despite the nineteenth century adoption of codes based on French
and German models,4 law, in the Western sense, remained largely irrelevant
to traditional Japanese life:
Still essential for the Japanese are the rules of behaviour (giri-ninjo) for each
type of personal relation established by tradition and founded, at least in
appearance, on the feelings of affection (ninjo) uniting those in such
relationships. A person who does not observe these rules is seeking his own
interest rather than obeying the nobler part of his nature; he brings scorn upon
himself and his family. Apart from the contracts arising between important but
depersonalised business and industrial concerns, one does not attempt to have
one’s rights enforced in a court of law even though this is permitted by the
various codes … [David and Brierley, 1966, p 458; see 3rd edn, Title III,
Chapter 2.]
As the notion of the rule of law is dependent upon the political foundations of
a state, so, too, it is dependent – according to the approach adopted to the
concept – upon a nation’s economic resources. It may be that law, as a mere
regulator of individual behaviour, is perfectly feasible in an impoverished
state, and accordingly, a state which maintains law and order, and no more,
can conform to a narrow interpretation of the rule of law which insists simply
on a citizen’s unquestioning compliance with rules of the law. However, if the
rule of law implies more than mere regulation by law and is elevated to a
theory guaranteeing freedom from hunger and homelessness and entitlement
to a basic decent standard of life, then economic conditions are of paramount
importance to conformity with the rule of law. Such an approach is adopted
by the International Commission of Jurists, which in the New Delhi
Declaration of 1959 included – alongside traditional civil and political rights –
the realisation of social, economic, cultural and educational standards under
which the individual could enjoy a fuller life within the ambit of the rule of
law. On the other hand, reasoning such as this is anathema to radical
conservatives such as Friedrich von Hayek ((1944), 1994 and 1960), who
viewed the correct role of government as being best confined to establishing
4 Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure enacted in 1882; Codes on Judicial
Organisation and Civil Procedure 1890; Commercial Code 1899.
clear, fixed rules of law which ensure maximum economic freedom for
individuals, unimpeded either by planning controls or ideas of redistributive
justice. From von Hayek’s perspective, the rule of law requires no more than
the existence of a stable set of minimum rules which are to be applied in a
uniform, non-discretionary manner. A legal system is viewed as just – and in
conformity with the rule of law – if it exhibits both these features and an
absence of discretionary rules or practices.
法律的制定是件坏事,因个人一旦熟悉法律,就会得出他们拥有权利的结论,接着就会试图维护其权利,因而会放弃本应作为唯一行为指南的传统的礼仪道德规范。  争讼纷起,故有审判,而审判-正是由于审判的存在-是对自然秩序的令人反感的扰乱,进而可能导致社会秩序的进一步混乱,从而有害于全社会。(1966年版,422页;并见1985年第三版第1章第三题有关传统思想的保存)

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-7 15:13:05 | 显示全部楼层
An understanding and appreciation of the rule of law is both politically and
culturally dependent. Moreover, it is also clear that the rule of law has more
than one meaning, even within the Western liberal tradition. To some
theorists, the rule of law represents an aspirational philosophy; to others, no
more than a device under which compliance with law – good or bad in
content – is secured. It has been remarked that:
It would not be very difficult to show that the phrase ‘the rule of law’ has
become meaningless thanks to ideological abuse and general over-use.5
Partly as a result of such ‘over-use’, some writers have refuted the claim that
the rule of law represents anything other than a purely procedural or
formalistic device. By way of example, Raz writes that the rule of law:
... says nothing about how the law is to be made: by tyrants, democratic
majorities, or any other way. It says nothing about fundamental rights, about
equality, or justice.6
Other writers have gone further. SA de Smith and R Brazier confine
discussion of the rule of law to a few paragraphs and, having acknowledged
the past influence of Dicey’s ideas (but denied their contemporary relevance),
state that it would not be ‘justifiable to examine the general concept of the rule
of law at length in this book’.7
Contrast such a dismissive view with that expressed in the following
The rule of law is a rare and protean principle of our political tradition. Unlike
other ideals, it has withstood the ravages of constitutional time and remains a
contemporary clarion-call to political justice. Apparently transcending partisan
concern, it is embraced and venerated by virtually all shades of political
opinion. The rule of law’s central core comprises the enduring values of
regularity and restraint, embodied in the slogan of ‘a government of laws, not
… men’. [Hutchinson and Monahan, 1987, p ix]
Chapter 4: Constitutional and Administrative Law
5 Shklar, ‘Political theory and the rule of law’, in Hutchinson and Monahan, 1987, p 1.
6 See Raz, 1979, p 210.
7 On Dicey’s influence, see below, p 91 ff; de Smith and Brazier, 1989 (see, now, 8th edn,
The Rule of Law
In light of such divergent assessments, it must be recognised that any attempt
to align the rule of law with a broad philosophical doctrine – or indeed with
any other interpretation – is likely to meet with opposition from some
quarters. Notwithstanding such criticisms, the rule of law retains a secure
grasp on political and legal thinking: in the words of Raz (1979), it has
‘enduring importance as a central artefact in our legal and political culture’.

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-8 17:42:54 | 显示全部楼层
The rule of law is an aspect of ancient and modern natural law thought.8 In
essence, the natural law tradition – of which there are many strands – insists
that the authority of law derives not from the power of any political ruler, but
from a higher source, either theological or secular. The laws of man must be
evaluated against the dictates of this ‘higher’ form of law. It is impossible to
provide more than a mere sketch of the rich history of natural law in Western
philosophy and political thought and the legacy it gives to modern
constitutions. Nevertheless, a basic understanding of its nature and evolution
is instructive, for it reveals the manner in which the requirements of good law
– morally worthwhile law – have been stipulated over centuries.
Natural law in ancient Greece and Rome
Aristotle stated in The Politics that ‘the rule of law is preferable to that of any
individual’. The appeal to law as a control over naked power has been
apparent throughout history. At a philosophical level, the natural law
tradition, whether theological or secular, instructs that the power of man is
not absolute, but is rather controlled and limited by the requirements of a
higher law. To the ancient Greeks, man was under the governance of the laws
of nature – the natural forces which controlled the universe – although this
view is more closely aligned to the ‘law of nature’ than ‘natural law’ as it came
to be understood in later times. However, from the time of Socrates, Plato
(427–347 BC) and Aristotle (384–322 BC), the quest for virtue – or goodness or
justice under the law – has been a recurrent theme. Socrates, teacher and
philosopher, was accused, tried and convicted by the grand jury of Athens for
corrupting youth with his teachings. Despite the possibility of escape, Socrates
chose to accept the verdict of death which had been imposed upon him, in
order to demonstrate his fidelity to law. When pressed by Crito to escape,
Socrates considered the questions which would be put to him by the laws and
constitution of Athens were he to succumb to the temptation to escape the
penalty of the law:
Can you deny that by this act [of escaping] which you are contemplating you
intend, so far as you have the power, to destroy us, the laws, and the whole
8 On natural law, see d’Entrèves, 1970; and Finnis, 1980.
state as well? Do you imagine that a city can continue to exist and not be
turned upside down, if the legal judgments which are pronounced in it have
no force but are nullified and destroyed by private persons? [Crito, in
Hamilton and Cairns, 1989, p 50b]
In submitting to death, Socrates was doing nothing other than giving
recognition to the supremacy of law: to the rule of law. An early – and famous
– formulation of the dictates of natural law was offered by Cicero (106–43 BC):
True law is right reason in agreement with nature; it is of universal application,
unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its commands, and averts
from wrongdoing by its prohibitions. And it does not lay its commands or
prohibitions upon good men in vain, though neither have any effect on the
wicked. It is a sin to try to alter this law, nor is it allowable to attempt to repeal
any part of it, and it is impossible to abolish it entirely. We cannot be freed
from its obligations by Senate or People, and we need not look outside
ourselves for an expounder or interpreter of it. And there will not be different
laws at Rome and at Athens, or different laws now and in the future, but one
eternal and unchangeable law will be valid for all nations and for all times, and
there will be one master and one ruler, that is, God, over us all, for He is the
author of this law, its promulgator, and its enforcing judge. [De Republica, cited
in d’Entrèves, 1970, p 25]
It is from ancient Greek philosophy that natural law enters into Roman law.
From the Corpus Iuris Civilis (AD 534) is derived ius civilis, ius gentium and ius
naturale. Ius civilis denotes the law of the state; ius gentium the law of nations;
and ius naturale ‘a law which expresses a higher and more permanent
standard’. It is the law of nature (ius naturale) which corresponds to ‘that
which is always good and equitable’ (d’Entrèves, 1970, p 24).
亚里士多德在《政治学》中主张“法治比任何个人的统治更可取”。整个历史中呼吁法律作为对赤裸裸权力的控制已显而易见。在哲学层面,不论是神学的还是世俗的自然法传统,都表明人的权力不是绝对的,而应受到更高层次的法律的要求的控制和限制。对古希腊人来说,人在自然的律法-控制宇宙的自然力--的统治之下,尽管这个观点与后世所理解的“自然法”比起来,更接近于“自然之法”。然而,从苏格拉底、柏拉图(427-347 BC)和亚里斯多德(384-322 BC)时代以来,对美德-或法律下的善良或正义-的追求已经成为一个一再出现的主题。作为教师和哲学家的苏格拉底,被雅典的大陪审团以用自己学说来腐化青年的罪名指控、审判和定罪。尽管有逃走的可能,苏格拉底仍选择了接受强加在他头上的死刑判决,以此表明他对法律的忠诚。当克里图劝说他逃走时,苏格拉底认为他面临着雅典的法律和宪法给他提出的一个问题,即他受到逃脱法律惩罚的诱惑:
苏格拉底甘愿受死,他仅仅是为了承认法律的至高无上,亦即法治。有一篇早期的著名的对自然法规则的详细论述是由西塞罗(106-43 BC)作出的:
正是通过古希腊哲学,自然法进入了罗马法。从《国法大全》衍生出市民法、万民法和自然法。市民法指城邦的法律,万民法指各国的法律,自然法指“一种表示更高的更永恒的标准的法律”。它就是这种与 “总是善良与公正”(d’Entreves,1970,第24页)的特征相对应的自然法。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-8 17:50:50 | 显示全部楼层
Christian natural law thought
The scriptures and gospel provided the basis for Christian natural law
thought which developed in the Middle Ages. Natural law was perceived as
God-given, communicated to man by Revelation, and remaining absolutely
binding upon man and unchanging in its content. As a result, the dictates of
natural law take precedence over man made laws. If the demands of the state
conflict with the laws of God, the obligation to God must prevail.
Undoubtedly, the most powerful writing of the Middle Ages comes from St
Thomas Aquinas (1225–74):
This rational guidance of created things on the part of God ... we can call the
Eternal Law.
But, of all others, rational creatures are subject to divine Providence in a very
special way; being themselves made participators in Providence itself, in that
they control their own actions and the actions of others. So they have a share in
the divine reason itself, deriving therefrom a natural inclination to such actions
and ends as are fitting. This participation in the Eternal Law by rational
creatures is called Natural Law. [Summa Theologica, cited in d’Entrèves, 1970,
p 43]
Chapter 4: Constitutional and Administrative Law
The Rule of Law
In the thirteenth century, Bracton proclaimed that ‘the King himself ought not
be subject to man but subject to God and to the law, because the law makes
him King’ (1968–77, f5 b). In 1534, Thomas More (1478–1535) – at the cost of
his life – refused to recognise Henry VIII as head of the Church, thereby
acknowledging the higher duty of obedience to God rather than the rule of his
temporal King.

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