1. 笨鸟先飞
直译: The stupid bird flies first.
意译: One who is not so clever should make an early start.
套译: It is the early bird that catches the worm.
2. 千钧一发
直译: The hair in the very emergency situation.
意译: Very emergency time.
套译: Hang by a thread.
3. 一贫如洗
直译: One poor guy looks like washing something.
意译: Very poor.
套译: As poor as a church mouse
4. 骑虎难下
直译: Ride on the tiger and hard to get off.
意译: Suggest it is hard for one to get rid of something.
套译: Hold a wolf by ears
5. 拆东墙补西墙
直译: pull the east wall to make up the west wall
意译: Haven’t change anything.
套译: Rob Peter to pay Paul
6. 本末倒置
直译: Put the beginning as the end.
意译: Cannot tell the importance and the unimportance.
套译: Put the cart before the horse
7. 瓮中捉鳖
直译: Catch the tortoise in the urn.
意译: It is in the control or it is easy to deal with.
套译: like a rat in the hole
8. 功夫不负有心人
直译: Kungfu will not betray the person who with the heart.
意译: One should work hard to gain what he needs.
套译: Everything comes to him who waits.
9. 好了伤疤忘了疼
直译: Once recovered, one forget the pain.
意译: Haven’t remember the lesson.
套译: Once on shore, one prays no more
10. 对牛弹琴
直译: Play the piano at the front of the cow.
意译: It is hard to make one understand who is freshman for your talking.
套译: Cast pearls before a swine
11. 不伦不类
直译: Not like this and not like that.
意译: Not normal.
套译: Neither fish nor fowl
12. 雪中送炭
直译: Send the firewood in snow.
意译: Give the lacking things to the poor people.
套译: help alamp dog over a stile
13. 一箭双雕
直译: One arrow and two birds.
意译: Use the less thing to get bigger success.
套译: Killing two birds with one stone
14. 一丘之貉
直译: All the animals live on the same hole.
意译: All of them are bad people.
套译: Birds of a feather
15. 猫哭老鼠
直译: Cats cry for the rats.
意译: Pretend to be a good guy.
套译: Shed crocodile tears
16. 脚踩两只船
直译: Stand on the two boats at the same time.
意译: Not concentrate on the one thing.
套译: Sit on the fence.
17. 老生常谈,陈词滥调
直译: The old man always talk a lot.
意译: Cliché
套译: Cut and dried.
18. 礼尚往来
直译: The courtesy goes away and come back.
意译: One should be more polite.
套译: Courtesy calls for reciprocity.
19. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧
直译: Leave the green hill, and we don’t fear there is no firewoods.
意译: Prepare the most fundamental things and then one day one can also succeed.
套译: Where there is life, there is hope.
20. 如坐针毡
直译: One looks like sitting on the blanket which is made by needle.
意译: Uncomfortable.
套译: Have ants in one’s pants
21. 爱屋及乌
直译: Likes the house and the crow.
意译: One like one thing and likes everything surrounding this thing.
套译: Love me ,love my dog
22. 噤若寒蝉
直译: To be silent as a cold cicada.
意译: Fear to say any words.
套译: As mute as a fish
23. 弄巧成拙
直译: Makes the skillful people become foolish.
意译: One who wants to play trick on other people but finally he fails and destroies himself.
套译: Cunning outwits itself.
24. 进退维谷
直译: Come or back are both very hard.
意译: It is hard to make any decisions.
套译: Between Scylla and Charybdis
25. 赔了夫人又折兵
直译: Pay for the lady and then pay for the soliders.
意译: Loose it completely.
套译: Throw good money after bad
26. 胸有成竹
直译: Have abamboo in one’s stomach
意译: Have the enough confidence to deal with things.
套译: To have a card up one’s sleeve.
27. 强强联手
直译: The strong co-operate another strong guy.
意译: Use the all good things together.
套译: Win-win co-operation
28. 乐不可支
直译: Can not support the joy.
意译: Feel very happy.
套译: In the seventh heaven.
29. 灭顶之灾
直译: The disaster of destroy the cover.
意译: The strong disaster.
套译: To meetWaterloo.
30. 人逢喜事精神爽
直译: One feels happy when he come across a good thing.
意译: The good thing is always very helpful to person.
套译: Joy puts heart into a man.
31. 致命要害
直译: The fatal destroyment.
意译: The very important destroyment.
套译: The heel of Achilles
32. 世上无难事,只要肯攀登
直译: There is no hard things in the world if you can climb.
意译: Pay a lot of hard work to gain the success.
套译: Where there is a will, there is a way.
33. 巧舌如簧
直译: The skillful tongue likes the spring.
意译: One talks very.
套译: Silken tongue.
34. 浑水摸鱼
直译: Catch the fish in the dirty water.
意译: Mass.
套译: Fish in troubled water.
35. 岁岁平安
直译: Every year one is very safe.
意译: A good hope for people.
套译: Peace all year round
36. 隔墙有耳
直译: There is a ear in the next wall.
意译: Be careful to prevent someone steal the message.
套译: Wallshave ears.
37. 白纸黑字
直译: White paper and black words.
意译: State the statement clearly.
套译: Black and white
38. 有钱能使鬼推磨
直译: Money can make the ghost work.
意译: Money is very powerful.
套译: Green power.
39. 万丈高楼平地起
直译: Millions meter highed building comes from the flat ground.
意译: Everything comes from very basic things.
套译: Green oaks from little acorns grow.
40. 时不我待
直译: Time doesn’t wait for me.
意译: To cherish the time or to take the opportunity.
套译: Time and tide wait for no man.
41. 杀鸡用牛刀
直译: Use a sword which is for cow to kill the cock.
意译: Not use the tool appropriate.
套译: Break a butterfly on the wheel
42. 说曹操,曹操到
直译: Talk Caocao and he comes.
意译: When talk about someone and he comes. Emphasis the speed is very quick.
套译: Talk of the devil and he comes.
43. 实话实说
直译: To tell the truth.
意译: To tell the truth.
套译: Call a spade a spade; tell it as it is
44. 一山望着它山高
直译: One hill watched another higher hill.
意译: Always wants things which is not belong himself.
套译: Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
45. 天有不测风云
直译: The wind and cloud in the sky is unpredictable.
意译: One can not predict anything.
套译: A bolt from the blue
46. 大事铺张
直译: Big action and waste a lot.
意译: Waste the money to have a too big party.
套译: Paint the town red.
47. 物以类聚,人以群分
直译: The same kind of things or persons comes together.
意译: There is a rule for organize the things.
套译: Birds of a feather flock together.
48. 打草惊蛇
直译: Beat the grass and shock the snake.
意译: Be enough careful.
套译: Wake a sleeping dog
49. 屋漏又逢连阴雨
直译: The house is broken and the rain is not stop.
意译: Misfortunes never come singly.
套译: When it rains it pours.
50. 画蛇添足
直译: One adds the feet on his snake painting.
意译: The unnecessary act.
套译: Paint the lily.
51. 先入为主
直译:who come first will be the host
意译:first words or first impressions are often in a dominant position in the minds
套译:First impressions are firmly entrenched.
52. 先下手为强
直译:act first is stronger
意译:act before the adversary is ready in order to get the initiative status
套译:catch the ball before the bound
53. 鱼米之乡
直译:the hometown of fish and rise
意译:rich place where abounds in fish and the rice
套译:a land of milk and honey
54. 息事宁人
直译:settle down the matter so that people can live in peace.
意译:dispute the resolution
套译:pour oil on troubled waters
55. 英雄所见略同
直译:heroes’ view are similar
意译:heroes’ opinion basically the same
套译:great minds think alike
直译:the injuries as close as the scales
意译:a heavy injuries
套译:black and blue
直译:rain as big as water pour from the basin
意译:a heavy rain
套译:rain cats and dogs
直译:dare boiling water and fire
意译:fearless danger, bravely forward
套译:go through thick and thin
直译:difficult to advance and retreat
意译:things can not be decided making it difficult to action
套译:between Scylla and Charybdis
直译:seven is in disorder, eight is awful
意译:no order, no coherent, not like in the chaos
套译:at sixes and sevens
直译:no spirit and not look good
意译:sleepiness, and can not afford to momentum
套译:dead and alive
62. 喜忧参半
直译:half happiness and half grief
意译:a thing mix with happiness and grief
套译:mingled hope and fear
63. 不择手段
直译:not chinchy to use method
意译:made up whatever means To achieve the purpose
套译:by hook or by crook
65. 唯利是图
直译:the only wish is the benefit
意译:make profit the first
套译:draw water to one's mill
66. 新官上任三把火
直译:the new officer fires three heaps of fire
意译:new rulers, new rules
套译:a new broom sweeps clean
67. 有情人终成眷属
直译:lovers end as couples
意译:the people who love each other will live together at last
套译:Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well
68. 以人为本
直译:make people the first
意译:trait people as the most important part
套译:people oriented; people foremost
69. 有勇无谋
直译:with courage but not wisdom
意译:good strength bad intelligence
套译:use brawn rather than brain
70. 欲速则不达
直译:go fast but not arrive
意译:nervous helps nothing in solution
套译:Haste does not bring success
71. 优胜劣汰
直译:good wins bad loses
意译:only the best can be alive
套译:survival of the fittest
72. 一言既出,驷马难追
直译:when words be paid, four-horses-drived carriage can not overtake
意译:promise is important
套译:A real man never goes back on his words.
73. 债台高筑
直译:the floors of debt raise up
意译:owe many people for money
套译:become debt-ridden
74. 致命要害
直译:the point cause to death
意译:the most serious disadvantage of sth
75. 众矢之的
直译:the target all arrow go
意译:the point everyone pay their wrath to
套译:target of public criticism
76. 纸上谈兵
直译:talk about the war in the paper
意译:boast in a field sbself never experience
套译:be an armchair strategist
77. 纸包不住火
直译:the paper can not fold the fire
意译:truth will talks itself
套译:Truth will come to light sooner or later.
78. 恩深意重
直译:huge grace deep affection
意译:did a huge favour to sb before
套译:the spiritual debt is deep and great
79. 耳根清静
直译:silence around the ears
意译:no business interrupt
套译:peace of mind achieved by staying away from nagging
直译:remind in the ear, order on the face
意译:remind many times
套译:pour exhortations into sb's ear; give earnest exhortations
直译:beautiful scenes are short
意译:good times don't last long
套译:every day is not Sunday
82. 海底捞月
直译:drag for moon from the seabed
意译:strive for the impossible or illusory things
套译:cry for the moon
直译:nine cows and one feather
意译:a small thing
套译:a drop in the bucket, a mite on an elephant
84. 耳听八方
直译:ears at the same time listen to the voices of all directions
意译:very alert; extremely vigilant
套译:all ears
85. 二百五
直译:two hundred and fifty
意译:a stupid person
套译:a stupid person
86. 既往不咎
直译:not go behind the past
意译:forgive sb.'s past misdeeds
套译:let the dead bury the dead
87. 惹事生非
直译:ask for something and make quarrel
意译:ask for trouble
套译:let sleeping dogs lie
直译:can sing and can weep
意译:move one to praises and tears
套译:set one in a melting mood
直译:care for every weight
意译:haggle over every ounce
套译:strain at a gant
直译:measure the strength then act
意译:do according to one's abilities
套译:cut the coat according to the cloth
直译:the wood has become the boat
意译:what is done cannot be undone
套译:the die is cast
92. 烂醉如泥
直译:as drunk as mud
套译:be as drunk as a lord
93. 乐极生悲
直译:huge happy brings sad
意译:extreme joy begets sorrow
套译:laugh before breakfast you’ll cry before supper
94. 老马识途
直译:old horse knows the way
意译:an old hand is a good guide
套译:the devil knows many things because he is old
95. 班门弄斧
直译:wigwag ax before Luban’s house
意译:display one's slight skill before an expert
套译:teach fish to swim
96. 不翼而飞
直译:fly without wings
意译:disappear without trace
套译:vanish from sight
97. 出人头地
直译:stand out
意译:be the famous person
套译:come to the fore
98. 公事公办
直译:do official business according to official principle
意译:do things with principle
套译:business is business
99. 春风化雨
直译:the wind of spring brings rain
意译:salutary influence of education
套译:one’s mantle fails on somebody
100. 人困马乏
直译:people and horse are tired
意译:the exhausted troops
套译:the entire force was exhausted |