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[[资源推荐]] 新托福听力的内容、形式及做题技巧

发表于 2008-1-23 18:00:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  生活类段子的话题主要有四大类:课堂生活类、日常生活类、文体生活类以及解决问题类,其中课堂生活类段子依然是考试的核心内容,日常生活类段子和课堂生活类段子的比例约为1:5,偶尔是2:4。这类段子是旧托福听力Part A(小对话题)的进一步延伸和拓展。
  Welcome to the Forewinds historical farm where traditions of the past are preserved for visitors like you. Today our master thatchers will begin giving this barn behind me a sturdy thatched roof able to withstand heavy wind and last100 years. How do they do it? Well, in a nutshell, thatching involves covering thebeams or rafters, the wooden skeleton of the roof, with reeds or straw. ... It's a real shame that most people today don't realize how strong and long-lasting a thatched roof is. In Ireland where thatching is still practiced, the roof can survive winds up to 110 miles per hour. That's because straw and reeds are so flexible they bend but don't break in the wind like other materials can...
  1. What are thatched roofs made of?
  2. According to the speaker, why does thatch survive strong winds?
  第一题的答案你一定是听见了,因为非常明显。请注意段子中的黑体部分。reeds 以及reeds and straw出现过总共四遍,当然会听得见,因此,就把它选出来,于是你就得到了正确答案。第二题的答案也是原词:It bends without breaking.
  Thank you all for coming today to hear about the new recycling program on campus. ... Instead of seeing the usual brown trash cans all over the campus, from now on you'll see four different colors of trash cans. Pink trash cans are for paper, green cans are for glass, maroon ones are for metal and white ones are for other wastes. Just remember, pink: paper; green: glass; maroon: metal; white: waste. After the trash is sorted, they need to be collected and them distributed to the correct recycling facilities. That's where all of you come in... And again, your job is to collect the sorted trash and take it to different centers for each type of trash...
 3. What will be the color of the trash can for paper?
  4. What will be the primary responsibilities of volunteers?
  请看第3、4题,这两题的答案在段子中都得到了反复强调。文中首先提到Pink trash cans are for paper, 后面再次提到时又进行了如此强调:Just remem-ber, pink: paper.关于第4题,段子中的黑体部分是正确选项的来源。
  So, uh, as Jim said, James Polk was the eleventh president. And, well, my report is about the next president Zachery Taylor. Taylor was elected in 1849, it's surprising because he was the first president who didn't have any previous political experience. The main reason he was chosen as a candidate was because he was a war hero...
  1. Why was Zachary Taylor chosen by his party as a candidate for president?
  2. According to the speakers, why is it surprising that Taylor was elected president?
  这个段子共有四道题,当中前三道都在考原因。事实上,托福听力段子题是经常考到原因的,这就需要同学有实力,能够辨别清楚什么地方表述原因,什么地方表述结果。因此在听的过程中,要留意表述原因的一些标志词,如because、because of、 since、 the main reason、 the most important reason等等,一旦这些标志词出现了,后面的内容就是同学必须记住的内容。一起来看这几道题的选项:
  1. (A) He was well known on the West Coast.
   (B) He served as James Polk's Vice President.
   (C) He supported financial aid to farmers.
   (D) He was a popular war hero.
  2. (A) He was not interested in political reform.
   (B) He had an unusual military career.
   (C) He had no political experience.
   (D) He expressed many controversial ideas.
  In ancient times, many people believed the earth was a flat disc. Well over 2,000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosophers were able to put forward two good arguments proving that it was not. ... By the way, it was also from this difference in the apparent position of the North Star that the Greeks first calculated the approximate distance around the circumference of the earth, a figure recorded in ancient documents says 400,000 stadia, that's the plural of the word stadium. Today, it's not known what length one stadium represents, but let's say it was about 200 meters, the length of many athletic stadiums. This would make the Greek's estimate about twice the figure accepted today, a very good estimate for those writing so long before even the first telescope was invented.
  请注意这个段子的一道考题:What does the professor say the term stadium refers to?
  这个题讲stadium是指什么?在段子当中这是一个生僻的概念,说话人对它进行了解释,在段子中说话人告诉你stadia 是stadium的复数,虽然我们不知道它具体长度是多少,但大概是二百米,也就是很多体育场的长度。这样的信息经常是题目考查的内容。
  You may remember that a few weeks ago we discussed the question of what photography is. Is it art or is it a method of reproducing images? ... Alfred Stieglitz went from the United States to Germany to study engineering. While he was there he became interested in photography and began to experiment with his camera. He took pictures under conditions that most photographers considered too difficult. He took them at night, in the rain and of people and objects reflected in windows. When he returned to the United States he continued this revolutionary effort. Stieglitz was the first person to photograph skyscrapers, clouds and views from an airplane. What Stieglitz was trying to do in his photographs was what he tried to do throughout his life: make photography an art. He thought that photography could be just as beautiful a form of self-expression as painting or drawing. For Stieglitz, his camera was his brush. While many photographers in the late 1800s and early 1900s thought of their work as a reproduction of identical images, Stiglitz saw his as a creative art form. He understood the power of the camera to capture the moment. In fact he never retouched his prints or made copies of them. If you are in this class from today, I'm sure you'd say: Well, painters don't normally make extra copies of their paintings, do they?
  1. What is the professor mainly discussing?
  2. What question has the professor raised in the previous class?
  3. What does the professor imply about the photographs Stieglitz took at night?
  4. Why did Stieglitz choose not to make copies of his photographs?
  (A) They were influenced by his background in engineering.
  (B) They were very expensive to take.
  (C) They were among the first taken under such conditions.
  (D) Most of them were of poor quality.
  Stieglitz 第二点与众不同的地方是他把摄影当作一门艺术,事实上这也是整个段子要阐明的主要观点。抓住这一点,第4题就迎刃而解了。
  (A) He thought the copying process took too long.
  (B) He considered each photograph to be unique.
  (C) He didn't have the necessary equipment for reproduction.
  (D) He didn't want them to be displayed outside his home.

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