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[[资源推荐]] 手把手攻克考研英语写作

发表于 2007-10-17 21:34:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  开头段的写法有很多种。常见的有背景介绍法、引用名言法、趣闻轶事法、场景描写法、大意总结法、设问法、数据法等。具体到考研写作上则存在一定特殊性,这主要是由考研写作的特殊命题形式——图画作文决定的。虽然考研英语试卷的命题大纲中也有其他题型,但从1998年开始被采用到2000年已经正式定型,图画作文已是近几年考查得最多的命题形式。这类文章开头段一般由背景综述、图画描写两部分组成 (下文将主要以2006年“崇拜偶像”与1998年“空头承诺”考研作文为例进行讲解):
  Recent years have witnessed a substantial increase in the number of groupies. To show their love for their idols, these fans are willing to do anything. Asportrayed in the first photo, a young man paints the name of Beckham on his face. In the second photo, another man is “transforming” his appearance into Beckham誷 by having his hair cut in “Beckham-style”. For this idolization, the fan has to pay 300 yuan.(2006年考研作文范文开头段)
  ★ 背景综述
  ●Recent years have witnessed a substantial increase in idolaters.
  ●Nowadays, it is widely accepted that idolatry has become increasingly common in China.
  ●Nowadays, one of the pressing problems our society is faced with is idolatry.
  ★ 图画描写
  In the middle of the cartoon stands a hen. (1998)
  In the middle of the cartoon stands a hen who promises that the eggs she lays would be absolutely normal.
  In the middle of the cartoon stands a hen. With her head held high and a poster in hand, she promises that the eggs she lays would be absolutely normal.
  Undoubtedly, what the cartoon describes goes far beyond Beckham and a haircut. It further conveys the message that an increasing number of people have become obsessed with celebrities. Adoration and passion can enrich our life, but idolatry, if taken too far, will do more harm than good. First of all, fans pay their 襜eloved?a lot of hard-earned money for event tickets and memorabilia, which might be used for better purposes. To make matters worse, fans waste a considerable amount of valuable time pursuing idols. Worst of all, supporters of different idols sometimes fight, even to death, for their own 襣od? (2006年考研作文范文主体段)
  ★ 点明题意
  ●Undoubtedly, what the cartoon describes goes far beyond a fan and his idol. It further conveys the message that an increasing number of people are obsessed with celebrities.
  ●The cartoon conveys the message that an increasing number of people are obsessed with celebrities.
  ●Like the young man depicted in the cartoons, a considerable number of people are obsessed with celebrities.
●The cartoonist aims to ridicule the phenomenon that an increasing number of people are obsessed with celebrities.
  ●The cartoonist aims to criticize that an increasing number of people are obsessed with celebrities.
  ●What is described in the cartoon reflects a common and serious problem of public concern — an increasing number of people are obsessed with celebrities.
  ●What the cartoon describes goes far beyond a hen and her eggs. It conveys the message that an increasing number of people lightheartedly make false promises.
  ●The cartoon conveys the message that some promises are nothing but empty.
  ●Like the hen, a considerable number of people and businesses also guarantee to perform nothing but their own duty.
  ●Just as the hen depicted in the cartoon promises to lay normal eggs, so do an increasing number of people and businesses guarantee to perform nothing but their own duty.
  ●The cartoonist aims to ridicule the making of false promises among all walks of life.
  ●The cartoonist aims to criticize that some promises are nothing but empty.
  ●What is described in the cartoon reflects a common and serious problem of public concern — false promises.
  ★ 因果分析
  What might be responsible for this phenomenon? Among the most important reasons is the... Also playing a part is... The third reason is ....
  What might be responsible for this phenomenon? Among the most important reasons is economic development. Life has greatly improved since the adoption of opening and reform policies. As a result, people who have become increasingly rich can afford the time and money to show their affection for celebrities. Also playing a part is technological advancement, especially in telecommunication. Were it not for the TV and Internet, fans would hardly have the opportunities to know celebrities, let alone fawn on them. The third reason is excessive publicity in the media. To arouse audience attention and attract advertisers, the media often make sensations out of actors, musicians, and athletes, even fabricating up their love affairs.
  What might be responsible for this phenomenon? Among the most important reasons is the short-term interest. Some people, for fear of failure in the market economy turn to false promises. Also playing a part is the decline of moral standards. Nowadays, driven by the desire for shining coins, some people are willing to sacrifice anything, including honesty and loyalty, for personal benefit. The third reason is lack of sound laws. Had we such a law that anyone who tries to benefit from false promises would be severely punished, no one would dare to violate it.
  ●It is beneficial in more than one way. Firstly, ... Besides,... Most important of all.
  ●The positive effects are as follows. For one thing,... For another,... What is more, ...

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