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[[资源推荐]] 银行英语

20020901 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-9-2 03:15:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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帐号    A/C (account) number  A/C No
存款    to deposit
存户    depositor
存款单    certificate of deposit, paid-in slip, deposit slip
存款收据    deposit receipt
存折    deposit book, passbook
自动取款(出纳)机    ATM (Automatic Teller Machine)
信用卡    credit card
对帐单    bank statement
本金    principal
透支    overdraft, overdraw
双签、会签    to counter sign
背书    to endorse
背书人    endorser
兑现    to cash
兑付    to honor a cheque  check
拒付    to dishonor a cheque
贴现    discount
贴现率    discount rate, bank rate
支票    cheque, check
支票本    cheque book
记名支票    order cheque
不记名支票    bearer cheque
空白支票    blank cheque
空头支票    rubber cheque
现金支票    cash cheque
旅行支票    traveler's cheque
票根    cheque stub, counterfoil
行长    president
开户银行    bank of deposit (V.S. opening bank)
储蓄银行    savings bank
中央银行    central bank, national bank, banker's bank
商业银行,储蓄信贷银行    commercial bank
清算银行    clearing bank
信托公司    trust company
信用社    credit cooperatives
营业时间    banking hours, business hours
国民生产总值    national gross product / GNP
国内生产总值    GDP
经济周期    economic cycle
经济繁荣     economic boom
经济衰退    economic recession
经济萧条    economic depression
经济危机    economic crisis
经济复苏    economic recovery
通货膨胀    inflation
通货收缩    deflation
货币贬值    Devaluation,
货币增值    revaluation
硬通货    hard currency
软通货    soft currency
外汇储备    foreign currency (exchange) reserve  forex
黄金储备    gold reserve
国库券    treasury bill
    treasury bond 长期国库券 ,政府债券

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