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楼主: sddz

[[小语种资源]] 第十期有奖写作练习(1个威望)

发表于 2006-4-6 22:57:25 | 显示全部楼层
Whom I love the most

As for family, I think the most loves is our parents, our darling or children. And now, I'm a college student. I still study hard in the college. This mean that I am a dult, I should have burdened all my expenditure, but I wouldn't. I still live with their money and care. My hometown is in a country, not in the town. You know, earning money is not a easy thing in the country. In a general way, it must be gained after a tough work. They work day and night to save money so that they can afford my tuition. Their diligency and thrift make me admire and appreciate from my heart bottom. Those are why I love them the most, for their charities and their love.

there is also an other people impessing me deeply. she is my girlfriend, all my feeling are poured on her. I love her as well as my parents with heart and soul, who continue to inspire me when I encounter all kinds of the difficulties. As for me, She is a very good girl, and has been a part of my life. I can't even live without her.

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发表于 2006-4-7 21:51:32 | 显示全部楼层
The one I yearn for most

   I am 25 years old now.when I  look back to the whole time I have experienced,few people can deeply maintain in my memory except my parents.You will guess that the
people must be a beautiful girl I had loved deeply,but I would say:"no".The one is my math teacher when I  studyed in grade school.
   In the period of being teached by her,my character is very introverted in my class,I spended most my school time alone in my seat,I seldom talked with others if not necessary.So teachers including my first math teacher and classmates didn't know me well.But  I was favored in math,and showed great interests in math.Although others overlookde me,she who was my second math teacher of my life fonud my genius of math.she very appreciated my talent,praised me in her class many times.She was so kind to me that other classmates all admired me at that time.It is warmer than sunshine to a incommunicative child's soul for her recognition.I became more self-confidence from then on.Although it is only 3 years,I will never forget the time we got through together.
   Because the grade school time end,I must go to high school for further study.I left her finally."you will be a good student,and attain high achievement in the future,I am
tremendously ambitious for you"she said to me when I left. since that time,I often yearned for her who is the first people that appreciate me,she let me know hat I am a excellent student,I can do things better than others.The feeling is so precious to me that I can't forget!

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julia618 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-4-8 00:56:54 | 显示全部楼层
The one I love most

  It seems that eight years have been passed since he left me.The day he went away,we told each other that we would keep a promise that we will wait for ten years.After that, we will gather together to continue our love story.
  But things have changed.I still remember quite clear now when everything happened between us,which he has been forgetting for a long time.I always told myself that if I can hold on to my dream,then he will be back.I keep all the letters he has sent me.all the promices he has given me.And the very sentence we told each other:My heart will go on.
  He is in Shanghai now,learning the leading major in the top university whereas I am in Jilin University.I know that I will never keep in pace with him,because the distance between us is longer and longer. I just can not stop myself from missing him that much.
  I am sure that he is totally over me now.But I am still dangling in the dream that he left me ,holding the promice as the only treasure I could have all over the world.
  I know that no matter what I do ,I will not take him back.I just want to say,oppa,I miss you and I am right here waiting for you.When will you come back?
  Today in the class I leart a poem written by Byron,I want to read to you
  How shall I greet thee?
  With silence and tears.

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发表于 2006-4-8 10:28:51 | 显示全部楼层
The one I most like
Who is the one I most like? Of course, it is my girlfriend even if she has many shortcomings in the daily days.
She is careless to many things. For example, in the National Day holidays of 2002 we planed to visit TaiShan Mountain. Before the holidays, she bought two train tickets to JiNan for us and planed to go there on 1, October. Because she had gone to JiNan by that train, I did not pay attention to this. At five PM of the day, we went to the train station to get on the train by a taxi. ‘ let me see the tickets’ I said to her on the way to the train station. ‘oh , my God! We are late now!’ I told her after I saw the two tickets. She said, ‘it’s impossible’. She took the tickets from my hand, ‘oh, my God! I remember the drive time is five thirty in the last time, why it is five now?’ we felt very gloomy, but we have to go back by the same taxi.
She is terrible to me when I do not comply with her wish. I will be afflicted by her unless I obey her will. She cannot fall asleep without my companion, so the time she go to bed is my very time. You know the life time is not very same sometimes. So ‘a war’ will burst out between us when the difference appears. I will not be comfortable during the whole night.
Even those, I still love her using my whole heart. Because I know everyone has many shortcomings. It’s inevitable. Since I love her, I will like all of her.

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moonlight 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-4-8 18:49:26 | 显示全部楼层
The One I Miss Most
It is certain that there is always someone who just dwells in your heart. No matter how many years it has passed or how many new people you have met and been aquainted with, the one in your heart will never be replaced, for he has been part of you.  
I desparately envy those who have someone to miss and meanwhile have chance to have a look with each other. That miss is a kind of hopeful one. For me, it is probably a totally deferent story.
My father, a quite ordinary person, worked for a textil factory where he met my mother, another ordinary woman. They have worked over 20 years there and naturally worked on the family with the most sincerely love and care. Here is my story I was told by them repeatedly. When I was a baby, a serious disease hit me. It was said only five of a hundred people would survive the horrible disease. I the little poor baby lying on the operation bed for the narrow escape, my father who had never cried before was kneeling, crying a pray to  whatever gods or godnesses from the eastern and the western world he could remember for his poor child.
It seemed that his pray was heard and worked. I  eventually survived and are breathing now.
My father loved me which I always felt keenly. As my age grows on, my pocket money also soars constantly while my father's income kept the same, to little to buy a good qualified suit.

In 2000, I had my first day when I proudly entered the Sichuan University. The whole family hugged together with joy and tears. We all cherish the untold wish that we would have a better life since I stepped into the wonderland where I could make a difference for me and my family.  However the tuition cost a huge fortune. Everything seemed to go smothly during the next three years. On the forth year, I made another significant decision. I would take the entrance eaxamination to be a postgraduate.  I after long hesitation told my parents through the line waiting for their possible oposition. I could understand their possible opposition. Because my decision would first lead to the another huge investment and no burden-sharing from me. My great father immediatly agreed and encouraged me to do what I wanted. "I trust you and don't worry about your tuition. Your father and mother even can afford your study for doctor!" I cried, with confidence and determination in my heart. But things always went against me. I failed in the exams. After graduation, I went back home. I totally concentrated on preparing the exam next year. Those days, my father was a little strange. It seemed that he was on the edge of anger. The afternoons of each weekend had never entertained him as before. His hand ached greatly after an accident.  He shouted at himself. At that time, I found hard to understand him. And one day, when my father left home, my mother came into my room with a plastic bag in her hand. She was trying to stop crying out. She told me everything.
My father was diagnosed to suffer cancer, which he refused to accept. These days he tried to live and work as usual and they agreed on to not let me know. At the first beginning, I thought I was dreaming and pinched my arm. The real pain  drove me to believe what I had heard and seenn. I could not stop crying. My mum and I hugged each neck and desperately cried. But crying didn't help. I realised there was no time for us to waste. So  I decided to persude my stubborn father to get treatment in hospital.
Few days later, my father came to the hospital for any chance to live on. During the first two months, he could walked to the hospital. One day, on the way back home from the hospital, he saw some nice suits hanging in a shop, saying he would have one when he was better.
And I promised to myself I would buy a suit for my father as my first gift.
But what happened next made me fail to think of it. My father couldn't stand on his own feet any more. Then the only thing he could do was just close eyes at night to wish he could open them tomorrow morring and open them on the morning to make sure he was still alive. Life is hard. On that day, my father left me and his wife. And I even didn't give him that suit and I have no chance at all.
My father's colleagues told me he used to tell them his biggest wish was to live and work until I finished my years as a postgraduate. My heart was bleeding. What selfish daughter! What great father!
Even now, I never talk about my father and recall any past memory which may easily think of him. I cannot accept he has left me forever.  I still remember my first crying after that day was when  yelled out "dad, dad..." before his picture on the gravestone.  I repeated calling him.NO more answer.
I miss him so much and I am still sad. But I pretend to be happy and I would live happily like my mother. Now we two are one. My happiness is her happiness. Hers is mine, too. And I think that is also my father's hope that we live happily on earth.

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发表于 2006-4-9 23:18:20 | 显示全部楼层
My favorite is my father
My father is a common man. But in my eyes, he is the greatest father in the word. Father loves his children very much. He has never beaten my sister or me. To us, father is a large tree protecting us from wind and rain. I will never forget what he has done for me. Here is what happened. When I was a child, I was in poor heath. Once I got serious anemia and father took me to a hospital in YangZhou. I was so weak that father had to carry me on his back and to walk miles on the way to the station. I cannot remember the treatment or anything else now expect the time we came back form the hospital. It was dark when we came back to our village, and there were gentle lights coming out of cottages. I, on father’s broad back, heard his heavy steps and breath. Then tears came down on my cheeks. Now I can hardly remember anything about my childhood, but the scene I often remember. I believe that I will never forget it.
  To me father is else a teacher, a special teacher. Being a man of little words, father seldom, told me what to do and what not to do, even when I was a child. He taught me with his deeds. Happily, I grew up well taught by his special method. When I first entered college years ago, He always telephoned to tell me to take good care of myself.
  I say father is the greatest mostly because his attitude toward my studies. In our village, most of the children at my age gave up their study early in order to support their families. I am the only one to enter college. It is hard for a farmer to support a college student. Father has never had the idea for me to give up my study even during the hardest time. The second year of my study, father was injured by a tractor and lay in bed. I decided to go to work to help the family. But father didn’t agree. He said that everything would be okay if we went through the hardest years .I knew that father wouldn’t want me to give up study in the middle. Father is like a great mountain in my mind. I can hardly believe that such a mountain will collapse some day.

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发表于 2006-4-10 08:58:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-4-10 17:15:51 | 显示全部楼层
A Girl in My Memory, Just in My Membery

I loved a girl about fifteen years ago. Those days,  I studied in my high time, where was not far from my home. That days I was very happy not because how much I learned but because I have a good feeling. I chatted with her, talking about love, romantic stories and so on. she liked to write poem.  so did I . We created a magazine named picking osmunds, which came from the Chinese classical book of songs. The name meant that our poems were not well enough but they were our treasures, and they were our beautiful dreams. Of course, she was my beautiful dream.
One dream referred to one of our outings. One day, I invite her to  go for outing. It was in spring day and it was sunny. Flowers were in bloom, birds twittered in trees; our hearts were already flying to mountain, river and grass land. We were very excited, especially when we thought of the beautiful scene. She and I  visited a rural area of pear trees which was a famous scenery spot in my hometown. The way to the scenery spots was about one and half hour. In the route, we talked about everything we caught in my eyes, and we laughed aloud without paying attention to others’attention.
What or how the outlook were, I had forgotten. I just remembered that all flowers were in their full blooms from one spot to another. The red flowers were bloomed in peach trees, and the white flowers were bloomed in pear trees with bees flying around them. About thousands of trees were spread out for hundreds of kilometers. Very grand it was!
On the peak of mountain, we saw the fountain which flowed waters out continuously. A pool was full of the fountain waters. The water was very clear and calm, like a mirror and we could see ourselves through the water.  Through the mirror of water I saw the girl with red face, like peach flower bloomed in spring.
Thousands of days passed, I experienced more than ten springs, and when I caught sight of flowers in blossom and leaves of trees in bud, I would think of that travel.  In that days, you, he and she, including me, was in full blooms. Off course, it was Exciting Trip, not only because the beautiful outlooks but because other things also. What? I couldn’t point out the exactly reason about it, but the most exciting trip would be stayed in my life for ever.
I heard that she married a another man, who was my close friend. He  pursued her many many times while I was just looking on. Just several days ago, I had dream in which she and I visited the scene spot again.

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发表于 2006-4-10 21:23:15 | 显示全部楼层
Miss you tonight

The one who I miss so much is my girl in love,my angel.
There is a song written and sung by "The Flowers" calling "Miss you",the sea of stars links up to a group in the night sky,and may you be standing on the other side of the balcoly,the pretty light intwines our love slowly,imprecating the beatific future,oh my love,telepathy for you and me,miss you tonight......
This song reminds me a lot of happiness with my girl,and also arouses my deep miss.We came across with each other on the internet and found in favor with the short massage and the phone call,our love grew firmly and naturely,all we could complain was that why can't we know each other much more earlier.We met in the winter vacation after a long journey on the train.There's a long distence between us,but I felt our hearts was so closely the moment that I caught the first sight of her ,in front of the railway station,my angel with a sweat smile on her lovely face......
I remember the every minute staying with her during the short staying in the city where she is studing.We walked around the street hand in hand,shared the special local nosh eye to eye,it's the happiest time I've ever had.And together,we accomplished a most exiting programme,climbing the E'Mei Mountain on foot,it really wasn't a easy job,but love holp us and with the energy it brought we finally reached the top of the mountain after three days climbing.How exiting we were the moment we arrive!We can't helped to embace and kiss each other...
I miss you,my love,and thank you so much for your appearance in my life,and I will love you all my life...
Miss you tonight and miss you every night...

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发表于 2006-4-10 22:28:11 | 显示全部楼层
the one i miss most
he is my boy friend.we knew each other in seior middle school.but that time we have no time to talk with each other for we must prepare for many kinds of test . some of my classmates callded these days "black days".And so my boy friend and I.of couse he was not my boy friend then ,we just classmates like others .that time all of us goals is get into university ,so we work hard day and night without playing and anything else ,but unfornalitily,both of us failed in the college entrance test. so we must have to seior school again.this time ,we sit near with each other ,in the rest time of class we chattered with each other ,and discuss questions in some papers .as time gone ,we know each other much than before and would miss each other we can't see each. so we falled in love .
  that days , he send me home every nigth after and we have happy times in the road to my home.
  but we have distance now for we went to different universitise in different place .so i just can meet him in vocation. but the vacation always so short , so i must live the university life myself.so i always miss him when i feel lone. mang time i hope he is just stand in front of me when i wake up .but always get dispointment .and now when i write the passage he is still in my sides .and i miss him so much .i hope to meet him  soon for i don't want to do thing myslef .

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-12 19:55:41 | 显示全部楼层

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