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[【学科前沿】] 2005年Nature/Science/Cell上收录的中国大陆科学家的文章

发表于 2006-1-12 12:24:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
编者按:2005年是中国生命科学研究的丰收年。这一年内,中国大陆的科学家有9篇真正的原创性文章发表在代表国际最高水平的《自然》(Nature)、《科学》(Science)和《细胞》(Cell)杂志上。这一爆炸式地增长表明中国的生命科学正在大步前进!(作者:李凌   浙江大学医学院)


标题:Both the Establishment and the Maintenance of Neuronal Polarity Require Active Mechanisms: Critical Roles of GSK-3β and Its Upstream Regulators.

杂志:Cell, Vol 120, 123-135, 14 January 2005

作者:Jiang, H., Guo, W., Liang, X., and Rao, Y.

摘要: Axon-dendrite polarity is a cardinal feature of neuronal morphology essential for information flow. Here we report a differential distribution of GSK-3β activity in the axon versus the dendrites. A constitutively active GSK-3β mutant inhibited axon formation, whereas multiple axons formed from a single neuron when GSK-3β activity was reduced by pharmacological inhibitors, a peptide inhibitor, or siRNAs. An active mechanism for maintaining neuronal polarity was revealed by the conversion of preexisting dendrites into axons upon GSK-3 inhibition. Biochemical and functional data show that the Akt kinase and the PTEN phosphatase are upstream of GSK-3β in determining neuronal polarity. Our results demonstrate that there are active mechanisms for maintaining as well as establishing neuronal polarity, indicate that GSK-3β relays signaling from Akt and PTEN to play critical roles in neuronal polarity, and suggest that application of GSK-3β inhibitors can be a novel approach to promote generation of new axons after neural injuries.


   脑神经复杂的信息传导有赖神经细胞的特殊结构,神经细胞通常有两种结构 接收讯号的树突、发送讯号的轴突。他们的研究揭示了神经细胞的这两个基本极性是如何形成的,GSK蛋白激酶在发育过程中的分布有极性,在轴突中的活性比树突中要低。如果其活性太高,神经细胞会没有轴突,太低则会把树突变成轴突。它的活性由上游分子来调控,多个分子形成通路,控制着神经细胞的极性。还发现,确定神经细胞极性的GSK还维持着极性。如果用药物改变GSK活性,就可以把树突变成轴突。这表明,可以通过药物来增加轴突数量,这可能成为神经元损伤修复和退行性神经系统疾病治疗的新突破口。


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-12 12:24:32 | 显示全部楼层

标题:Interaction with vesicle luminal protachykinin regulates surface expression of δ-opioid receptors and opioid analgesia.

杂志:Cell, Vol 122, 619-631, 26 August 2005

作者:Guan, J., Xu, Z., Gao, H., He, S., Ma, G., Sun, T., Wang, L., Zhang, Z., Lena, I., Kitchen, I., Elde, R., Zimmer, A., He, C., Pei, G., Bao, L. and Zhang, X


Opioid and tachykinin systems are involved in modulation of pain transmission in the spinal cord. Regulation of surface opioid receptors on nociceptive afferents is critical for opioid analgesia. Plasma-membrane insertion of δ-opioid receptors (DORs) is induced by stimulus-triggered exocytosis of DOR-containing large dense-core vesicles (LDCVs), but how DORs become sorted into the regulated secretory pathway is unknown. Here we report that direct interaction between protachykinin and DOR is responsible for sorting of DORs into LDCVs, allowing stimulus-induced surface insertion of DORs and DOR-mediated spinal analgesia. This interaction is mediated by the substance P domain of protachykinin and the third luminal domain of DOR. Furthermore, deletion of the preprotachykinin A gene reduced stimulus-induced surface insertion of DORs and abolished DOR-mediated spinal analgesia and morphine tolerance. Thus, protachykinin is essential for modulation of the sensitivity of nociceptive afferents to opioids, and the opioid and tachykinin systems are directly linked by protachykinin/DOR interaction.


   该文章报道了调控阿片类物质镇痛作用的新机制。传统理论认为,存在于脊髓中的P物质作用仅是致痛,其实它干的“坏事”远不止此。该文认为,人体内的阿片受体在感受痛觉的神经元表面严阵以待,专门执行麻醉剂的镇痛指令。其中 “mu”的受体发挥镇痛作用,而P物质却带领“delta”受体找到前者,降低镇痛作用,同时增加人体对镇痛剂的耐药性。因此,P物质可以称为是是调控吗啡镇痛的“关键人物”。 没有了P物质,添乱的delta阿片受体就没了“领路者”,找不到mu阿片受体,自然也就无法影响药效,无法产生耐药性等副作用。研究人员在小鼠身上做实验,去除其体内的P物质基因,使其无法分泌P物质,结果欣喜发现:小鼠对吗啡不再产生耐受,注射次数再多,药效也没有下降。 此次发现P物质是直接调控阿片系统镇痛功能和吗啡耐受的罪魁祸首,将为今后开发药效强、副作用小的新型镇痛药提供全新理论基础。

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-12 12:24:45 | 显示全部楼层

标题:Crystal Structure of Mitochondrial Respiratory Membrane Protein Complex II.

杂志:Cell, Vol 121, 1043-1057, 1 July 2005

作者:Sun F, Huo X, Zhai Y, Wang A, Xu J, Su D, Bartlam M, Rao Z

摘要:The mitochondrial respiratory Complex II or succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (SQR) is an integral membrane protein complex in both the tricarboxylic acid cycle and aerobic respiration. Here we report the first crystal structure of Complex II from porcine heart at 2.4

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-12 12:24:59 | 显示全部楼层

标题:Crossmodal Interactions Between Olfactory and Visual Learning in Drosophila.

杂志:Science 8 July 2005: Vol. 309. no. 5732, pp. 307 - 310

作者:Guo, J., and Guo, A

摘要:Different modalities of sensation interact in a synergistic or antagonistic manner during sensory perception, but whether there is also interaction during memory acquisition is largely unknown. In Drosophila reinforcement learning, we found that conditioning with concurrent visual and olfactory cues reduced the threshold for unimodal memory retrieval. Furthermore, bimodal preconditioning followed by unimodal conditioning with either a visual or olfactory cue led to crossmodal memory transfer. Crossmodal memory acquisition in Drosophila may contribute significantly to learning in a natural environment.



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-12 12:25:37 | 显示全部楼层

标题:Essential role of TRPC channels in the guidance of nerve growth cones by brain-derived neurotrophic factor.

杂志:Nature 434, 894-898 (14 April 2005).
作者:Li, Y., Jia, Y., Cui, K., Li, N., Zheng, Z., Wang, Y,and Yuan, X

摘要:Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is known to promote neuronal survival and differentiation1 and to guide axon extension both in vitro2,3 and in vivo4. The BDNF-induced chemoattraction of axonal growth cones requires Ca21 signalling3, but how Ca21 is regulated by BDNF at the growth cone remains largely unclear. Extracellular application of BDNF triggers membrane currents resembling those through TRPC (transient receptor potential canonical) channels in rat pontine neurons5 and in Xenopus spinal neurons6. Here, we report that in cultured cerebellar granule cells, TRPC channels contribute to the BDNF-induced elevation of Ca21 at the growth cone and are required for BDNF-induced chemo-attractive turning. Several members of the TRPC family are highly expressed in these neurons, and both Ca21 elevation and growth-cone turning induced by BDNF are abolished by pharmacological inhibition of TRPC channels, overexpression of a dominant-negative form of TRPC3 or TRPC6, or downregulation of TRPC3 expression via short interfering RNA. Thus, TRPC channel activity is essential for nerve-growth-cone guidance by BDNF.

   中国科学院上海生命科学研究院神经科学研究所研究员袁小兵博士(博士毕业于神经所的PI)和王以政博士领导的研究组经过两年多的合作研究发现,神经纤维最前端生长锥的细胞膜上有一类称为TRPC的阳离子通道起着传递“方向指令”的关键作用。阐明发育过程中神经纤维生长方向是如何被调控的,是当前神经生物学关注的关键问题之一。已有的研究表明,神经纤维的生长主要是尖端生长,即新物质主要被组装在神经纤维的最前端。生长中的神经纤维最前端,有一个被称为生长锥的结构,它具有像变形虫一样的高度动态,活跃地探索细胞外环境,感受外界导向因子,引导神经纤维朝特定的方向生长, 逐步形成神经网络。但是,这个过程中导向因子如何引导神经生长方向的分子机理此前尚未完全揭示。 袁小兵和王以政及其学生李艳、贾怡昌、崔凯等应用生长锥转向分析方法,首次观察到神经细胞外的导向因子BDNF能打开非选择性阳离子通道TRPC,导致神经纤维最前端生长锥内的钙离子浓度增加,进而引导神经纤维朝BDNF浓度高的一侧生长。这项工作阐述了BDNF是激发钙离子内流信号转导的一个重要环节,揭示了TRPC这类阳离子通道新的功能,对研究神经损伤再生机制提供了新的启发。 该研究论文的一位审稿人评论说,“这是一项做得很好也很重要的研究”。据介绍,神经系统是一个由数以千亿计神经元相互联系组成的复杂网络,动物的各种基本生理活动如呼吸、心跳、分泌、感觉、运动,乃至人类的高等行为如情感、学习、记忆、思维等都有赖于精确的神经回路的参与及调控。而神经回路发育的失调或缺陷势必造成神经功能的紊乱。

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-12 12:25:51 | 显示全部楼层

标题:Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Influenza Virus Infection in Migratory Birds.

杂志:Science 19 August 2005: Vol. 309. no. 5738, p. 1206
作者:Liu J, Xiao H, Lei F, Zhu Q, Qin K, Zhang X, Zhang X, Zhao D, Wang G, Feng Y, Ma J, Liu W, Wang J, Gao GF

摘要:H5N1 avian influenza virus (AIV) has emerged as a pathogenic entity for a variety of species, including humans, in recent years. Here we report an outbreak among migratory birds on Lake Qinghaihu, China, in May and June 2005, in which more than a thousand birds were affected. Pancreatic necrosis and abnormal neurological symptoms were the major clinical features. Sequencing of the complete genomes of four H5N1 AIV strains revealed them to be reassortants related to a peregrine falcon isolate from Hong Kong and to have known highly pathogenic characteristics. Experimental animal infections reproduced typical highly pathogenic AIV infection symptoms and pathology.


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-12 12:26:06 | 显示全部楼层

标题:Efficient Transposition of the piggyBac (PB) Transposon in Mammalian cells and Mice.

杂志:Cell, Vol 122, 473-483, 12 August 2005
作者:Sheng Ding, Xiaohui Wu, Gang Li, Min Han, Yuan Zhuang, and Tian Xu

摘要:Transposable elements have been routinely used for genetic manipulation in lower organisms, including generating transgenic animals and insertional mutagenesis. In contrast, the usage of transposons in mice and other vertebrate systems is still limited due to the lack of an efficient transposition system. We have tested the ability of piggyBac (PB), a DNA transposon from the cabbage looper moth Trichoplusia ni, to transpose in mammalian systems. We show that PB elements carrying multiple genes can efficiently transpose in human and mouse cell lines and also in mice. PB permits the expression of the marker genes it carried. During germline transposition, PB could excise precisely from original insertion sites and transpose into the mouse genome at diverse locations, preferably transcription units. These data provide a first and critical step toward a highly efficient transposon system for a variety of genetic manipulations including transgenesis and insertional mutagenesis in mice and other vertebrates.






   在这一大胆的假设前提下,他们利用飞蛾体内一种常见的转座子PB,经过改造后,作为重要的靶点,将PB转座因子高效插入小鼠基因组,还可以培育转基因小鼠。同时,PB转座因子可在人等哺乳动物的细胞株中高效导入基因并稳定表达,为体细胞遗传学研究和基因表达提供了一个高效、便捷的新系统。《细胞》杂志审稿人评价:“这是里程碑式的发现,将可能在世界范围内改变小鼠遗传学研究,并有用于人类基因治疗的前景 (these are landmark finding with the potential to alter the way mouse genetics is carried out worldwide, and with implications for human gene therapy. )”。



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-12 12:26:40 | 显示全部楼层

标题:A Nuclear Function of β-Arrestin1 in GPCR Signaling: Regulation of Histone Acetylation and Gene Transcription.

杂志:Cell, Vol 123, 833-847, 2 December 2005
作者:Jiuhong Kang, Yufeng Shi, Bin Xiang, Bin Qu, Wenjuan Su, Min Zhu, Min Zhang, Guobin Bao, Feifei Wang, Xiaoqing Zhang, Rongxi Yang, Fengjuan Fan, Xiaoqing Chen, Gang Pei, and Lan Ma

摘要:Chromatin modification is considered to be a fundamental mechanism of regulating gene expression to generate coordinated responses to environmental changes, however, whether it could be directly regulated by signals mediated by G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), the largest surface receptor family, is not known. Here, we show that stimulation of delta-opioid receptor, a member of the GPCR family, induces nuclear translocation of β-arrestin 1 (βarr1), which was previously known as a cytosolic regulator and scaffold of GPCR signaling. In response to receptor activation, βarr1 translocates to the nucleus and is selectively enriched at specific promoters such as that of p27 and c-fos, where it facilitates the recruitment of histone acetyltransferase p300, resulting in enhanced local histone H4 acetylation and transcription of these genes. Our results reveal a novel function of βarr1 as a cytoplasm-nucleus messenger in GPCR signaling and elucidate an epigenetic mechanism for direct GPCR signaling from cell membrane to the nucleus through signal-dependent histone modification

   复旦大学上海医学院长江特聘教授马兰博士的最新Cell文章,深入揭示了药物成瘾的分子神经学机制。以往马兰实验室和裴钢实验室已揭示δ阿片受体作为G蛋白偶联受体大家族的重要成员之一,可以诱导β-arrestin 1(抑制因子)蛋白从胞浆向细胞核内转位。然而并不知道β-arrestin 1进入核以后如何发挥作用。此次研究发现,β-arrestin 1进入细胞核后,有选择性富集于一些具有特殊启动子的基因前,如P27, C-fos,从而增强组蛋白乙酰化转移酶P300,最终促进这些基因的转录。这一研究首次证明了,β-arrestin 1扮演了GPCR信号从胞浆到细胞核的浆-核信使(cytoplasm-nucleus messenger ),同时阐明了GPCR信号从胞膜--胞浆--胞核的信号传递的机制。

   根据这项研究结果撰写的论文投到国际生命科学顶级学术刊物《细胞》杂志后,三位以严格著称的审稿专家认为这是“一项影响面很宽、将引起广泛关注和轰动的研究结果”。 这是一条通过β抑制因子直接传递信息到细胞核的新的受体信号传递通路。这条“秘道”的发现,标志着我国受体信号转导和分子药理学研究已经走向国际学术最前沿。一贯以严格著称的《细胞》杂志审稿专家认为,中国科学家的这一原创性研究是“一项影响面很宽、将引起广泛关注和轰动的研究成果”。



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-12 12:26:53 | 显示全部楼层

标题:Hypomethylation-linked activation of PAX2 mediates tamoxifen-stimulated endometrial carcinogenesis .

杂志:Nature 438, 981-987 (15 December 2005)
作者:Huijian Wu, Yupeng Chen, Jing Liang, Bin Shi, Ge Wu, Ying Zhang, Dan Wang, Ruifang Li, Xia Yi, Hua Zhang, Luyang Sunand Yongfeng Shang

摘要:Tamoxifen, a selective oestrogen receptor modulator, has been used in the treatment of all stages of hormoneresponsive breast cancer. However, tamoxifen shows partial oestrogenic activity in the uterus and its use has been associated with an increased incidence of endometrial cancer. The molecular explanation for these observations is not known. Here we show that tamoxifen and oestrogen have distinct but overlapping target gene profiles. Among the overlapping target genes, we identify a paired-box gene, PAX2, that is crucially involved in cell proliferation and carcinogenesis in the endometrium. Our experiments show that PAX2 is activated by oestrogen and tamoxifen in endometrial carcinomas but not in normal endometrium, and that this activation is associated with cancer-linked hypomethylation of the PAX2 promoter.



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