三点一线如何翻译????They were always in dormitory, library and classroom ,three point and one line. 翻译的对吗??? 勉勉强强。如果是我,就这么说:
They were always in dormitory, library and classroom , with which makes one line. 此"线"直译为"line"恐不行,译为"routine"可能会好些:
Dormitory, library and classroom formed their daily routine of life. 三点一线意思就是生活很单一 ,三点一线的生活,宿舍,办公室,食堂,为三点一线。形容一成不变的生活。
they have a regular way ofliving in the dormitory, library and classroom 引用第3楼normanguo于2011-05-19 11:47发表的 :
三点一线意思就是生活很单一 ,三点一线的生活,宿舍,办公室,食堂,为三点一线。形容一成不变的生活。
they have a regular way ofliving in the dormitory, library and classroom
they have a regular way of life — staying in only the dormitory, the library or the classroom. 引用第4楼brianleeeee于2011-05-19 20:45发表的 :
they have a regular way of life — staying in only the dormitory, the library or the classroom.
未尝不可,life用lives呢? Dormitories, libraries or Literally, I'll say 3 dots rather than 3 points. Not 3 and 1, but 3 to form 1, since the 3dots are connected through 1string by their subjective intention. 引用第7楼liumx2000于2011-05-20 10:10发表的 :
Literally, I'll say 3 dots rather than 3 points. Not 3 and 1, but 3 to form 1, since the 3dots are connected through 1string by their subjective intention.
这里似乎与dot/point, line/string都无关。 直译Three-point line my daily route
引用第8楼brianleeeee于2011-05-20 20:27发表的 :
这里似乎与dot/point, line/string都无关。
看似无关宏旨, 但请看题目, 还有句子起首的"字面来说". 引用第11楼liumx2000于2011-05-21 09:22发表的 :
看似无关宏旨, 但请看题目, 还有句子起首的"字面来说".
看到你的 dots 和 string,老外马上就明白你的意思了! 听人劝,吃饱饭,就回来看看吧。
Their daily life were on a dull track, which had only three stops : the dorm, the dining hall, and the library.
用 track来表示“线”的意思比较合适,stops表达“点”的意思也比较好,翻译的要点就是无论中英文内容在各自的本土环境中都不是较生僻的说法,这就成功了一半。
dorm dining hall,liabrary我印象里要加 the。 引用第13楼neotsu于2011-05-21 10:50发表的 :
Their daily life were on a dull track, which had only three stops : the dorm, the dining hall, and the library.
Their daily life were on ... ??? routine life cycled around the dormitory, library and classroom ,可否 楼主译法是三点和一线,分开了;1楼译得费解,这三种东西怎么变成/制造成一条线?两种都不乏歧义。
如果是口头对话中的描绘,那么不妨说:Dormitory, library and classroom, dormitory, library and classroom, such is their life!英文修辞学中讲过,重复具有语气内涵,这里使用此手段可以避免routine\regular之类相对正式的词语,有助于让行文显得口语化和潇洒些,如果语气还嫌不够,可以在第二遍之后加again and again/day after day(这里用的是意会的方法);
如果楼主看重的是“三点一线”这个意象很直观和漂亮,那么则可直译,three stops in a line,(三点一线看似客体,实际上是以人为主体的行迹,所以dot之类不合逻辑,stay之类则分量重了些,“线”的意味相对便弱了——同理,“介词+track”中track这一选词做作了点,不过,如果心中想到该词的是由life in the fast track这个俚语而来,倒是心思巧妙,值得嘉许),兼顾语气的话,前边可以加sheerly,完整的句子可以表达成:Their life is sheerly three stops in a line, i.e. always the same, they are coming and going between the dormitory, the library and the classroom.(这里用的是先翻后释的方法)