晚唐 九世纪中叶的中国诗歌(827-860)
【作 者】宇文所安著
【出版商】 北京市:生活·读书·新知三联书店 , 2010.12
【参考文献格式】宇文所安著. 晚唐 九世纪中叶的中国诗歌(827-860). 北京市:生活·读书·新知三联书店, 2010.12.
【内容提要】 本书对晚唐诗的风格、形式和意蕴的变化有独到的阐释,对杜牧、李商隐和温庭筠的诗歌有不同于前人的精审解读。而且基于在中唐余韵影响下晚唐独特的社会文化状况和历史地位,作者在本书中有不同于前三部的对文学史的新叙述,如更加注意文本是如何保存下来和如何在当时流传的,诗的写作与在当代的流传之间的关系如何,还有当时的诗歌与盛唐诗歌之间、与元代诗歌之间有怎样的关联等等。
http://book1.duxiu.com/bookDetail.jsp?dxNumber=000008046212&d=299DF2D73FA226FA6303D206A43BD193&fenlei=0903030103&sw=%D3%EE%CE%C4%CB%F9%B0%B2+%CD%ED%CC%C6 中文版(后帖以1代之)P7:在这三位诗人当中,李商隐和温庭筠的诗歌成就在有生之年都未获得普遍承认。杜牧虽然闻名于世,但他与当时很多诗人齐名,而那些诗人现在大多已不为人知。
英文版(后帖以2代之)P7:Of those three Li Shangyin and Wen Tingyun went largely unrecognized as poets in their own lifetimes; and Du Mu, though prominent, shared the stage with many other poets whose names have largely been forgotten.
2P7: Chang'an, the great city, was doomed. We know virtually nothing about the monk called Zilan 子蘭 except that he was writing at the end. The first couplet of the follwing poem would have been written at any time, wheareas the second evokes a moment like no other in Chang'an.
案:第一句和第二句的部分(at the end),译语堪疑。第三句或许就是鲁迅先生所说的“硬译”。其所欲表达的,是否是这种意思呢——单从下引诗歌的前两句看,我们难以确定其写作时间;但是后两句却不一样,诗中所描写的并不是平常时期的长安。。
2P8:We cannot date with any certainty the following poem in relation to the preceding one, but it is hard not to read it in seasonal sequence.
案:我们无法确定下面这首诗与上引诗篇的关系,然而我们难以抗拒地按照诗中反映出的季节顺序来展开阅读。 1p8:但是长安城未陷之前,当马群还在奔走,士兵还在被募集去保卫这座城市时,那些宴会上所写的诗篇,可能与我们将要读到的诗篇很相像。
1P8:Yet the poems written at those parties before the fall-while the horses were galloping outside conscripting men for the defense of the city-wre probably very much like the ones we will read here.
2P9:Although the diversity of the poetry between thd mid-820s and 860 permits no single overall characterization, we do see new values and interests emerging.
案:为什么要翻译成“第二个二十五年”呢?难道这里面有行规?不讲究。 这里有篇书评:
www.litphil.sinica.edu.tw/home/publish/PDF/Bulletin/35/35-189-218.pdf 1P10:很少有诗人像白居易和贾岛那样截然不同,但我们发现两人都筹划以手稿的物质形式积累自己的诗歌作品。在八世纪第二个十年,元稹已经致力于整理自己的几个文集,白居易紧随其后,编集了数部手稿,并不断更新和补充。到九世纪中叶,整理编辑自己的诗歌已广为开展,同时还产生了未收入作者主集的、专收特定题材的小集。
2P10:(Absorption was a way of excluding the larger world, of looking inward and isolating a particular object or domain. Figures of absorption paly an important role in the representations of poets and poetry during this period. We witness a growing sense of poetry as a separete sphere of activity, demanding absolute commitment, with the "poet" as a distinct type. Poetry continued to flourish as a shared practice among a wide cross-section of the Tang elite, but we find groups who celebrated their devotion to poetry as a vocation, matched by a growing contempt for "poets" by some in court cricle. As poetry became a seperate sphere of commitment, like the vocation of a Buddhist monk, poets began to think of their poetry in terms of an accumulation, a "legacy", based on the model of amassing land and goods or the "merit" accumulated over a lifetime of official service or Buddhist practice.)Few poets are as different as Bai Juyi and Jia Dao, but in both we find scenes involving contemplation of their own accumulated poetic production in the form of physical manuscripts. Already in the 810s Yuan Zhen was working on preparing versions of his literary collection, followed by Bai Juyi, who produced multiple manuscript copies with ongoing updated editions and supplements. By mid-century editing one's own poetry had become widespread, along with the production of subcollections of poems on special topics that might not be included in an author's main collection.
案:哈哈。对于第一句,我无语了。the 810s能否翻译为“八世纪第二个十年”,我真的不懂了。
2P14:It is fair to say, as we have stated above, that the Late Tang begins in the 820s in reaction to the now famous poets of the Yuanhe generation.
绝大多数诗人都像白居易和贾岛一样,只是他们两人更为沉迷,都以抄本的形式收集自己的诗歌作品。 引用第0楼陶梦于2011-03-28 15:09发表的 宇文所安著,贾晋华,钱彦译《晚唐——九世纪中叶的中国诗歌》读书随札 :
这么希望,恐怕您会失望。 引用第4楼陶梦于2011-03-28 17:44发表的 :
2P10:Few poets are as different as Bai Juyi and Jia Dao, but in both we find scenes involving contemplation of their own accumulated poetic production in the form of physical manuscripts.
Few poets are as different as Bai Juyi and Jia Dao, but in both we find scenes involving contemplation of their own accumulated poetic production in the form of physical manuscripts
要害的地方在于:诗人们都不满意仅仅留着一大堆手稿了,要考虑如何出版的问题了。因为前文的意思隐然是说诗人已经成为一种独立的职业。 扮古以配时远,擅出文外以图意彰。句一慰陶梦之雅求,句二解原译之磕绊。噫!吾得玩票兮!
Of those three Li Shangyin and Wen Tingyun went largely unrecognized as poets in their own lifetimes; and Du Mu, though prominent, shared the stage with many other poets whose names have largely been forgotten.
Few poets are as different as Bai Juyi and Jia Dao, but in both we find scenes involving contemplation of their own accumulated poetic production in the form of physical manuscripts.
白(居易)贾(岛)之别,诗人中可逮者鲜,心伤诗作仅得案陈,二人却无殊致。 1P10:我们看到不同修辞层次间的差异和冲突不断增加,同时看到反对白居易所提倡的下层修辞的评语。在这种修辞层次的对立中,我们第一次窥视到一种“诗意的”或“古典的”感觉,这对后来的文学文化有深远的影响,无论是将“古典”作为标准来遵循或谴责其矫揉造作。此前只有具备各种修辞层次的“诗歌”,一首诗中往往自始至终使用同一种修辞层次。混合修辞层次的诗篇使得“高”和“低”之间的对照更为明显。
2P10:We see a growing divergence and tension between registers, along with disapproving comments on the low register that was championed by Bai Juyi. In this opposition of registers we first glimpse a sense of the "poetic" or "classical",which would have profound consequences in later literary culture, whether the "classical" was held up as a standard to be followed or condemned as artificial. Earlier there had simply been "poetry" with a wide range of registers, one of which was usually used consistently in a poem; mixed-register poetry heightened the contrast between "high" and "low".
感谢wio兄的热心且耐心的指点。“register”有“修辞”的涵义,但将“low register”翻译为“下层修辞”实在有些不妥。不了解白居易诗学主张和诗歌特色的人,如偶,常常会将此“修辞”与常见的“修辞”联系起来。
另外,wio兄还告诉我,“literary culture”或可以翻译为“文学风尚”、“文学理念”。觉得比译者硬译成“文学文化”要接近愿意一些。 引用第7楼白马西北驰于2011-03-28 19:16发表的 引用第8楼cicerocicero于2011-03-28 20:48发表的 :
Of those three Li Shangyin and Wen Tingyun went largely unrecognized as poets in their own lifetimes; and Du Mu, though prominent, shared the stage with many other poets whose names have largely been forgotten.
Few poets are as different as Bai Juyi and Jia Dao, but in both we find scenes involving contemplation of their own accumulated poetic production in the form of physical manuscripts.
心伤、案陈,更是令人不解。想是contemplation看成disconsolation了? 呵呵,戏玩,woi兄认真了。
第一句字里行间不难感觉宇文隐含的慨叹,两分句同在largely上做文章,largely unrecongnized对largely forgotten,味道丰满呢,写杜牧那句很绝,若有续貂之句,该是“如此之名,不出也罢”吧?奈何,奈何!
再明白点,就是要make their poetry come up as a systematic entity
呵呵,戏说在先,正答在后,也算是补胡乱造次之过,woi兄恕罪 引用第12楼cicerocicero于2011-03-29 00:43发表的 :
第一句字里行间不难感觉宇文隐含的慨叹,两分句同在largely上做文章,largely unrecongnized对largely forgotten,味道丰满呢,写杜牧那句很绝,若有续貂之句,该是“如此之名,不出也罢”吧?奈何,奈何!
关于第二句,还得跟您商榷:按照您的意思,这一段里面两个manuscript,哪个是诗稿散片,哪个是结集汇编? 对于整段,只梳理了一下语境,没特别关注这个词。
您提醒之下,再读了一遍,文段在所谈及那句之后说,元稹做的是version、collection工作,白居易做的是manuscript及其后续,可见,这里两人实际都在做朝向systematic entity的事情,不过前者走在前头。紧接的后句是讲时代大势是这项工作日趋盛行。
p.s.我重新编辑下,把第二段中的代词换成名词,免得影响您理解我的意思。 引用第14楼cicerocicero于2011-03-29 01:42发表的 1P16:在他的选集中我们再次看到对五言律诗的注重,大历时代的同一批诗人占据主导地位,加上一些继承保守传统的元和诗人。
2P15:In his anthology we again see a focus on regulated verse in the short line and the predominance of the same poets from the Dali era, along with some Yuanhe poets in that conservative tradition.
案:在他的选集中我们看到,时人对五言诗仍然重视,大历时代的那批诗人和继承保守传统的元和诗人仍然占据主导地位。 引用第10楼woi55于2011-03-28 23:29发表的 :
Few poets are as different as Bai Juyi and Jia Dao, but in both we find scenes involving contemplation of their own accumulated poetic production in the form of physical manuscripts
Few poets are as different as Bai Juyi and Jia Dao, but in both we find scenes involving contemplation of accumulating their own poetic production in the form of physical manuscripts
我还是觉得编手稿集这种事是为了“发表”或“出版”(不是现代意义上的),以广流传。 1P16-17:从一个角度来看,与其划分“中唐”和“晚唐”,不如划分三代诗人:大历一代,元和一代,以及九世纪第二个二十五年那一代。从另一个角度来看,存在着一个连贯的“诗歌”传统,而“元和体”只是较小的一群诗人所创造的一种迷人而常受责备的异常现象。后一角度似乎最接近九世纪第二个二十五年的律诗大师们对诗歌传统的认识。对他们来说,上世纪并不是诗歌的“历史”。他们只确认一种时代风格,即“元和体”,除此之外则存在着一种持久的古典风格。
2P15-16:From one perspective, rather than "Mid-Tang" and "Late Tang",we have here there generations: the Dali generation, the Yuanhe generation, and the generation of the second quarter of the minth century. From another perspective, there was one continuous "poetry", with the "Yuanhe style" as a fascinating and often disapproved aberration produced by a narrow community of writers. This latter perspective seems closest to the way the regulated-verse masters of the second quarter of the ninth century conceived the poetic past. For them the preceding century was not a "history" of poetry. They identified only one period style, the "Yuanhe style"; aside from that there was an enduring classical style.
案:研究本来应该如此着眼,如此着手,然而现实中的研究往往执其一端而不及其余,最终忘记了“其余”,于是,需要外来的“和尚”才能念好这个经。可惜。但有时想一想,除了古典文学研究,其他的一些事情,又何尝不是如此呢?诚所谓数典忘祖。 引用第17楼白马西北驰于2011-03-29 13:30发表的 :
Few poets are as different as Bai Juyi and Jia Dao, but in both we find scenes involving contemplation of their own accumulated poetic production in the form of physical manuscripts
Few poets are as different as Bai Juyi and Jia Dao, but in both we find scenes involving contemplation of accumulating their own poetic production in the form of physical manuscripts