最近看到一本文学理论名著(Jonathan Culler’s On Deconstruction )的中文译本:《论解构》,卡勒著,陆扬译,北京,中国社会科学出版社,1998年。
Roland Barthes opens Le Plaisir du texte by asking us to imagine a bizarre creature who has rid himself of the fear of self-contradiction, who mixes reputedly incompatible languages and patiently endures charges of illogicality. The rules of our institutions, Barthes writes, would make such a person an outcast. Who, after all, can live in contradiction without shame? “Yet this anti-hero exists: he is the reader of texts at the moment when he takes his pleasure” (p. 1013). Other critics and theorists have disagreed about the character of the reader, celebrating her freedom or his consistency, making her a hero rather than anti-hero, but they have concurred in casting the reader in a central role, both in theoretical discussion of literature and criticism and in interpretations of literary works. If, as Barthes claims, “the birth of the reader must be at the cost of the death of the author,” many have been willing to pay that price (Image, Music, Text, p. 148).
Even critics who find the price exorbitant and resist what they consider dangerous trends in contemporary criticism seem inclined to join in the study of readers and reading. Witness some recent titles: Wayne Booth’s Critical Understanding, Walter Davis’s The Act of Interpretation. E. D. Hirsch’s The Aim of Interpretation, John Reichert’s Making Sense of Literature, Geoffrey Strickland’s Structuralism or Criticism: Some Thoughts on How We Read. These theorists for whom criticism is essentially an elucidation of an author’s purposes have felt compelled to provide their own accounts of reading so as to challenge those that make the reader an anti-hero, a fall guy, an unabashed hedonist, a prisoner of an identity theme or of an unconscious, or a willful inventor of meanings. Seeking to eliminate such nonsense with, as Reichert puts it, a criticism that “cuts through the plethora of competing critical languages to recover and redignify the simple procedures of reading, understanding, and assessing,” they have thrown themselves into the critical competition for the rights to “the reader” (Making Sense of Literature, p. x). If, as Barthes says, the reader can live in contradiction without shame, this is doubtless a good thing, for on this disputed figure converge the contradictory claims and descriptions of current critical debate. “Reader and audience,” writes Susan Suleiman, introducing a reader-centered anthology, “once relegated to the status of the unproblematic and the obvious, have acceded to a starring role” (The Reader in the Text, p. 3). Why should this be?
Jonathan Culler, On Deconstruction, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1982, 31-2
可惜版主每帖最多只能评5财富。 好在俺评的10财富,加上老醉评的两威兑换成财富,虫子倒也差不多能捉尽了。再有更多的也不怕,经费管够!大家只管放手捉虫便是。呵呵。 多谢两位版主,近来收钱太多,也没有什么地方可用,这次就是想回报社会来着。
请woi55和gidiok两兄评判,只是为了防备万一发生的理解分歧,并不妨碍两位尽情参与。woi55兄既然进来了,还不开个好头,抓几个错儿再说!陆扬这段译文,说多少错恐怕也有,正好可供暴发户消化财富 引用第0楼chaque于2007-04-21 20:41发表的 有奖游戏——名著陆扬译文抓错:《论解构》 :
who mixes reputedly incompatible languages
he is the reader of texts at the moment when he takes his pleasure
If, as Barthes claims, “the birth of the reader must be at the cost of the death of the author,” many have been willing to pay that price.
评:此处Barthes所言恐怕仅限于“the birth of the reader must be at the cost of the death of the author,”至于“许多人将会心甘情愿地偿付这一代价”,应是Culler的观点而非Barthes的观点。
to join in the study of readers and reading
Making Sense of Literature
Some Thoughts on How We Read
评:这里是How We Read不是How to Read,可理解为“关于当前阅读风气的一些思考”。
so as to challenge those that make the reader an anti-hero, a fall guy, an unabashed hedonist, a prisoner of an identity theme or of an unconscious, or a willful inventor of meanings.
评:这里感觉译文句子不完整,宜把those (theorists)“其他理论家”补译上去,另外这里“a fall guy”也漏译了。
the rights to “the reader”
评:这里似乎应理解为“对读者享有的权利,支配读者的权利”。 真不愧是bibliomaniac!抓出了这么多bug,而且有些连我这个游戏发起人都没发现。
"who mixes reputedly incompatible languages"这句,诚如bibliomaniac所说,reputedly的位置被译错了,而且我以为to mix毕竟与to synthesize有程度上的差别,mixture可能只是混合、混杂而未经“综合”,没有达到辩证之后的synthesis。Barthes等人从来不屑于辩证法,他设想的享乐主义读者很可能仅仅满足于让矛盾和差异并置、混杂起来,并不一定非要形成“合题”。
此外好像还有错误,后来者仍有机会,请大家继续! 引用第4楼bibliomaniac于2007-04-22 11:39发表的 :
If, as Barthes claims, “the birth of the reader must be at the cost of the death of the author,” many have been willing to pay that price.
评:此处Barthes所言恐怕仅限于“the birth of the reader must be at the cost of the death of the author,”至于“许多人将会心甘情愿地偿付这一代价”,应是Culler的观点而非Barthes的观点。
"many have been willing to pay that price" 译为“许多人将会心甘情愿地偿付这一代价”,“将”字从何而来?想是看得太匆忙,把“willing”当成将来时之故。时态错了,意思也就不准确了。 确实,many have been willing,这是说,跟在Barthes后面喊作者死了的人已经有很多了。 语义晦涩啊,比经济方面的书难多了,还好没干这行吼吼。要是跟经济学翻译的平均水平比,此书恐怕是翻得相当出色了。经济学文章的词义往往要明确得多,但翻成中文啥样都有。
“Other critics and theorists have disagreed about the character of the reader, celebrating her freedom or his consistency, making her a hero rather than anti-hero…”
Seeking to eliminate such nonsense with, as Reichert puts it, a criticism that “cuts through the plethora of competing critical languages to recover and redignify the simple procedures of reading, understanding, and assessing,” they have thrown themselves into the critical competition for the rights to “the reader” (Making Sense of Literature, p. x).
(参考上一句:These theorists for whom criticism is essentially an elucidation of an author’s purposes have felt compelled to provide their own accounts of reading so as to challenge those that make the reader an anti-hero, a fall guy, an unabashed hedonist, a prisoner of an identity theme or of an unconscious, or a willful inventor of meanings.)
原文译成“为清除加诸这一批评的这类谬说”,作者是把with a criticism 看成搭配nonsense了。但我觉得,with a criticism搭配的是eliminate,with表示的是“用”,也就是这些理论家用“a criticism…”来eliminate such nonsense。Such nonsense也就是上一句把读者当成反英雄的那一大串。
所以全句的意思大概是:这些理论家(此句主语是they,但指的是上一句的These theorists for whom…)参与了关于读者权利(即读者理解文学的权利)的争论,用赖克特的话说,他们的批评力图突破纷争不休的批评语言的桎梏,而让阅读、理解和评价的简洁程序恢复光大,他们力图以这种批评来推翻关于读者是反英雄之类的谬论。
这样看来,我倒觉得rights to “the reader”似乎指的是读者享有的权利,而不是对读者享有的权利,请指教。 mmdzz兄原来是经济学家,了不起!
我觉得mmdzz兄的对"Other critics and theorists have disagreed..."一句的理解,较原译更细致。
Seeking to eliminate such nonsense with, as Reichert puts it, a criticism that “cuts through the plethora of competing critical languages to recover and redignify the simple procedures of reading, understanding, and assessing,” they have thrown themselves into the critical competition for the rights to “the reader”
mmdzz兄分析的eliminate...with a criticism的关系,实在有经济学家的精确。但"a right to something" 大概是一个固定用法,表示"对...的权利",所以我以为bibliomaniac兄的指谬是有道理的。原作大致指的是:这一批较为保守的理论家也投身于对“读者行为的理论解释权”的争论了。换言之,谁的理论能更好地描述阅读行为的实质,谁也就把“读者”这个珍贵的战略制高点给争取到了。不知大家以为然否? 我是经济学生,汗
兄台对right那个短语的解释,我觉得很精妙,那个短语我曾查到,但没弄懂,你这么一说,才恍然大悟。而且他的“the reader”是加引号的,我觉得这更可以说明你的理解是准确的。有时候我在不熟悉的地方会“转向”,把东西南北搞颠倒,经人指点有时一下子就明白过来,刚才就是这种奇妙的感觉,多谢指教,吼吼:)
下面把Culler引的一段Barthes抄过来。是Richard Miller的英译本(1975):
Imagine someone (a kind of Monsieur Teste in reverse) who abolishes within himself all barriers, all classes, all exclusions, not by syncretism but by simple discard of that old specter: logical contradiction; who mixes every language, even those said to be incompatible; who silently accepts every charge of illogicality, of incongruity; who remains passive in the face of Socratic irony (leading the interlocutor to the supreme disgrace: self-contradiction) and legal terrorism (how much penal evidence is based on a psychology of consistency!). Such a man would be the mockery of our society: court, school, asylum, polite conversation would cast him out: who endures contradiction without shame? Now this anti-hero exists: he is the reader of the text at the moment he takes his pleasure. Thus the Biblical myth is reversed, the confusion of tongues is no longer a punishment, the subject gains access to bliss by the cohabitation of languages working side by side: the text of pleasure is a sanctioned Babel.
不过看了这一段,倒是有个问题,这里Barthes的原文说“who endures contradiction without shame?”这里的who应该指的是别人吧,“谁能忍受这么一种行为?”
那么Culler文中的“Who, after all, can live in contradiction without shame?”,这里的who似乎应该也指别人了。而且其上一句是说,那个矛盾的人会是弃儿,那么这一句说,毕竟谁都不会忍受这种矛盾,前为果,后为因,语义很顺畅。反过来看陆译,who指的似乎是矛盾的人本人,这样前后两句话的逻辑就不连贯了。
只是如果这样理解,live in就不好解释了,如果是live with就好解释了。盼哪位学友指点一下,多谢
Roland Barthes opens Le Plaisir du texte by asking us to imagine a bizarre creature who has rid himself of the fear of self-contradiction, who mixes reputedly incompatible languages and patiently endures charges of illogicality.
看到这里,读者不禁生疑,陆译所说的“提出一个问题”是指什么呢?再往下,最类似于问题的东西也就是:“Who, after all, can live in contradiction without shame?”难道这是Barthes向我们提的问题?
Such a man would be the mockery of our society: court, school, asylum, polite conversation would cast him out: who endures contradiction without shame?
说白了,这是个不问之问,a rhetorical question,答案是不言自明的:没有谁能够毫无愧怍地容忍矛盾、“生活在矛盾中”——无论是那个anti-hero本人,还是our institutions,都不行。
因此陆把"Roland Barthes opens Le Plaisir du texte by asking us to imagine a bizarre creature.."翻成"罗兰·巴特劈头向我们提出一个问题,要我们想象一个奇特古怪的家伙..",大概也是不够精确的。To ask somebody to do something本身没有"向...提出问题"的含义,而这里无论Culler,还是Barthes,也毫无提问的意思。
引用第6楼woi55于2007-04-22 12:51发表的 :
"many have been willing to pay that price" 译为“许多人将会心甘情愿地偿付这一代价”,“将”字从何而来?想是看得太匆忙,把“willing”当成将来时之故。时态错了,意思也就不准确了。
这一句是假设,用If开头,If......, many have been willing to pay that price。好像这是原文的问题?如果是,“将”就没有问题。 引用第5楼chaque于2007-04-22 12:36发表的 :
"who mixes reputedly incompatible languages"这句,诚如bibliomaniac所说,reputedly的位置被译错了,而且我以为to mix毕竟与to synthesize有程度上的差别,mixture可能只是混合、混杂而未经“综合”,没有达到辩证之后的synthesis。Barthes等人从来不屑于辩证法,他设想的享乐主义读者很可能仅仅满足于让矛盾和差异并置、混杂起来,并不一定非要形成“合题”。
chaque兄很严谨!回头看我的点评,粗率得很,比如说译文的“错误”,其实多数算不上错误,只是像这个to mix译成“综合”一样,不太精确而已。 chaque兄见笑了
而且兄台还指出了我的理解错误,让俺又一次恍然大悟,多谢多谢:“who endures contradiction without shame?”其实是假设有这么个人,别人肯定会这么笑话他,就好比小女生说的“居然有这么不要脸的人?”之类。这一下我的疑问算是解开了。
现在我的汗都下来了,看上去相当不错的一段译文,想不到有这么多问题,这行真是太不好干了。 bibliomaniac兄的点评其实很精炼,比如consistency,我觉得对照巴的原文,你的译法就显得更好。而且火眼金睛,我觉得好多地方别扭,但要抓虫子又不知道哪里下手。
不知还有哪些大个虫子没抓出来,chaque兄啥时候公布呢?这文章,其实我还是不少地方看不大懂,吼吼,:D 引用第8楼mmdzz于2007-04-22 16:04发表的 :
“Other critics and theorists have disagreed about the character of the reader, celebrating her freedom or his consistency, making her a hero rather than anti-hero…”
这里我和mmdzz兄看法略有不同。Other critics and theorists中有和Barthes观点相似的(those making the reader an anti-hero, celebrating his/her freedom),也有观点相对的(those making the reader a hero, celebrating his/her consistency),这里说"making her a hero rather than anti-hero"而不说"making her a hero or an anti-hero"大概是making the reader an anti-hero的critics or theorists已有Barthes为例,无须再列举。 引用第14楼bibliomaniac于2007-04-23 10:41发表的 :
这一句是假设,用If开头,If......, many have been willing to pay that price。好像这是原文的问题?如果是,“将”就没有问题。
If, as Barthes claims, “the birth of the reader must be at the cost of the death of the author,” many have been willing to pay that price.