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[[资源推荐]] 自考英语二完整讲义102

发表于 2008-2-22 20:06:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  Text A Sacrificed to Science?

  课文简介: 本文主要论述了以下三点:




  Paras.1-6 The different ideas on animals testing.

  Paras.7-11 New research in developments makes the number of animals used in laboratory tests decline.

  Paras.12-14 Even though we don't want to do animal research for medical use, stopping testing on animals is not easy.s

  New Words

  1 anaesthetics   n. 麻醉学 
  2 vaccine   n./a. 牛痘苗;疫苗;牛痘的;疫苗的 
  3 diabetes   n. 糖尿病 
  4 developmental   a. 发展的,开发的 
  5 disorder   n./vt. 混乱;失调;使混乱 
  6 irrelevant    a. 不相干的,离题的 
  7 misleading   a. 引入歧途的,使人误解的 
  8 irresponsible   a. 不负责任的,无责任感的 
  9 unethical   a. 不合伦理的;不合道德的 
  10 thalidomide   n. [药]萨立多胺 
  11 replacement   n. 复位,复职;替换,代替 
  12 refinement   n. 精炼,精制 
  13 simulate   vt. 假装,冒充;模仿,模拟 
  14 cell   n. 细胞 
  15 toxicity   n. 毒性 
  16 eventual   a. 最后的,结局的 
  17 dose   n. (一次)剂量 
  18 replace   vt. 把…放回(原处);使恢复;更换 
  19 tube   n. 管,软管;试管 
  20 partly   ad. 部分地,在一定程度上 
  21 polio   n. 脊髓灰质炎,小儿麻痹症 
  22 biomedical   a. 生物医学的 
  23 ethics   n. 伦理学,伦理观 
  24 undergo   vt. 经历,经受;忍受 
  25 suitable    a. 合适的,适当的 
  26 rabbit   n. 兔 
  27 litter   n./vt.(供动物睡眠或植物防冻的)干草;
  28 refine   vt./vi. 提纯,精制;使精美,使改进 
  29 regeneration    n. 新生,再生,复兴 
  30 paralyse   vt. 使麻痹,使瘫痪; 
  31 regrow   vt. 再生长,重新生长 
  32 reproduce   vt. 繁殖;再生产;复制 
1 to sacrifice to    向…献祭;为..而牺牲; 
2 to do research into    进行…的研究 
 3 be central to    对…极为重要的 
4 to do experiment on    用…做实验 
5 be irrelevant to    与…不相干;不切题 
6 to test on    对…进行试验 
7 to aim for    瞄准;以…为目标 


  1.disorder: n. / vt. 混乱,失调,紊乱

  派生词:order n. 顺序,秩序

  The whole office was in a state of disorder - she couldn‘t find a thing that she looked for.


  The police tried to quiet the disorders in the streets. 警察设法平息街头的骚乱。

  dis-,ir-,un- ,il-是反意前缀

  2.irrelevant : a.不相干的,离题的

  派生词:relevant a. 相关的,相干的

  The documents are largely irrelevant to the present investigation.



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