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[[语言学天地]] [其他]English lesson 11

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发表于 2004-9-25 11:04:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
English lesson 11---- how to improve your vocabulary

About the fastest way to improve your vocabulary, there are two methods. The first method is to say what you think. Take for example. If you want to say, “你说呢?”, how to say it in English? (“你说呢?”=What do you think?) Translate all the things you want to say to English. Because you don’t have to memorise all the words in English. You only learn and use the words needed in daily life. Through this way, you don’t have too waste the time to memorise the unnecessary words which we seldom use or read in anywhere. This method is used to say SIMPLE SENTENCES. If you want to talk about a topic or say long sentences, you need to use the second method which I would talk about below.

For the second method improving vocabulary, it is even faster. Because we use short cut to learn English. Go and prepare the composition about AIDS, drugs, accident, pollution, computer, and composition about parents’roles and teachers’roles in teaching a child.

The compositions about computer should include the advantage of surfing internet, how to prevent the people wrongly use internet; the advantage of learning computer, disadvantage of not learning computer.

Besides that, why should we prepare composition about parents’roles and teachers’roles in teaching a child? Because we always need to mention it in a composition. These parts are useful to us. Take for example. When we talk about how to prevent something like drugs, accident, how to teach a person well, we always talk about four parts ---- parents , teachers , friends , and things around them.

Let me explain it even further. If this composition is about drugs, you will say to prevent someone takes drugs, we should start from a family. THE PARENTS should give the children cares and concerns. Most parents work so hard that they ignore their children. And then THE TEACHERS must be caring and guide them well in both lessons and problems at school . and then THE FRIENDS , they should choose nice friends. About the part THINGS AROUND THEM, you can talk about MEDIA (In tv or in cinema, try not to broadcast the films which has violence, sex or encourage the people to smoke. Because heroes always smoke in the film). THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT (they can hold the exhibition, distribute the brochures to the people about disadvantage taking drugs. They can improve the economy of the country so that most people have jobs. The people don’t have to sell drugs or to take drugs. Sometimes they take drugs because they want to forget their difficult situation.) THE FACILITIES AROUND OUR LIVING AREA.(increase the libraries, play ground. Build a healthy citizen club. So that the people have somewhere to go. They can learn how to dance, how to play ping pong, how to draw,.. in the club.) These are the parts we always need to write in the compositions . so we should prepare it first.  

What I suggest is you should go to find several compositions about each tittle you want. And then copy the important paragraphs from maybe 5 compositions to write each tittle of the composition. And then put every point of the composition in order.

You need to find several compositions to write a tittle. This is because one composition may not have enough points, or may not be the tittle you want. Take for example. You want the composition about Aids. Maybe you will find the composition which tells us more about how to prevent Aids, common knowledge of Aids, what the Aids patients say about Aids. Every composition has different focus in a tittle. Take for example, when we read a book. Some may find the content dirty. Others may think this is a good medical book. Others may think this is a very good love story. Different people think different ways. So when they have to write what they think about a thing. They would focus on different aspect. So if you find a composition. That is not enough. But if you find at least 3 compositions about that topic and organise the important facts to be one composition. That composition will be a very good composition. The examiner may think you are a genius and maybe you don’t have to wait for the results, you are taken by the university directly.

Okay. After you have combined all the points you need, you arrange the points in order. You make the decision which point should be introduction, and then content, and lastly conclusion.

After you make a composition, you have to memorise the first word until the last word in the composition.

After you memorise the beautiful words and beautiful structure of the sentense, you can do well in your exam. Even though exam does not have the tittles you memorised, you can use some paragraphs that you memorised to put in the composition.

After you memorise the compositions, it becomes parts of you. You can use it whenever you want, whether in exam or in conversation.

By doing this, you can do well in your composition part of the exam if you are sitting for the exam. By doing this, you can widen your vocabulary. You can speak English very well. Because when people talk about Internet, drugs, computer, you know how to talk about these topics in English.

If you want to talk about a topic, you shouldn’t translate what you think into English and then put them into the composition. This will ruin your composition and your English.

That is the correct way to improve your English. Because these are hot topics in conversation. You learn how to use the word correctly from the composition you memorise. You learn how to make correct sentences from the composition you memorise.

After you memorise the compositions, you will be able to understand English TV news, English newspapers, English magazines, and English novels. Because all the content of the reading materials are only regarding :

war and peace,
road accident,
these hot topics. (You may find for yourself the topics I haven’t mentioned)
So after you memorise them, you would be able to understand what the media says. You may be wondering where to find these compositions and organise them to be one composition. It is hard to find good English composition books. Well, there is Internet nowadays. You can find the information of all these topics through the Internet. It is so convenient nowadays.

Further more, you don’t have to walk a long way to improve your vocabulary. You don’t have to memorise the words which are so difficult and hardly meet. By using this way, you will memorise all the words which are useful. It saves your time.

Memorising things are no problems to us Chinese as we are very hardworking. When we Chinese find that there is a way to make money, we are very hardworking. So, when we find that it is so easy to improve your English, we are very hardworking to achieve the goal of mastering English. The way to improve English is easy. Only two ways. Firstly,  improve your grammar. Secondly, improve your vocabulary.

I have told you how to improve grammar. So after you improve your vocabulary by using the way I teach. You will be very good at English. All the girls who sees you are so good at English will fall in love with you. (smiles) They think it is so hard to master English. But just using my method, you can master English. English is so simple.

(You can’t find a composition from the Internet. You only can find the information and organise them to be a composition. And most of the time, you can’t find the information you want. So it is better that looking for the compositions from the encyclopedia.

If you want to find the compositions, you had better look for encyclopedia. They write very good compositions and they gather all the information for you. All the information are well-arranged.)

你要找那七大篇英文文章可以从英文百科全书里找,网络上会比较少,没有能力买英文百科全书,可以向图书馆借。百科全书收集了你所有要找的资料,比方,你要找pollution, 百科全书会列出你要找的资料,它会列明有什么种类的污染,空气污染、海水污染、环境污染。它把全部有关资料都列出来。百科全书可以说是大型的作文书。



war and peace,
road accident,
these hot topics. (You may find for yourself the topics I haven’t mentioned)

After you memorise seven of the compositions, you will be able to understand tv news, newspapers, magazines, novels. Because all the content of the reading materials are only about :

war and peace,
road accident,
these hot topics. (You may find for yourself the topics I haven’t mentioned)


If you can’t memorise the whole composition, you can go and learn the words you don’t know. That can also help you to achieve the goal of lesson 9 (improve your vocabulary and speak fluent English and able to understand English news, English reading materials) But of course, it is not as good as the method memorising the composition. Because whenever you talk about the topic, you tend to use the words that you memorise. If you learn the words only, you forget them quickly.

But I am also lazy. I learn the words only. You can learn from me if you want.

After I have said all these, you might wonder how come I still do not know how to speak English since this is so good? This is because I havent even read one of the compositions. I feel too lazy to read them. I also havent memorised them.

I have helped you to find composition about Aids. ----


You should memorise it from the first word to the last word, if you want to improve your vocabulary. But I won't force if you don't want to do that.

I prefer you to learn English with joy.

By the way, you should save this web page. Because the web page will be taken down one day. It will not be put on the net forever. If you save the web page, you can see it anytime. It will be more convenient for you. You can save this web page by going to the name of file on the top and the left. After you click the word ‘file’, you will see several options. Choose ‘save as’ and choose the place you want to save this web page. You put the web page in desktop, program files, temp,.. or any places you like.

I can’t help you to find all the compositions which I said they are important. You have to find your own. But if I come across the composition, I will tell you. You can’t put all the hope on me to help you to find the compositions.



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