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[[小语种资源]] 大家来讨论一下这个稿子的不当之处

发表于 2006-8-18 16:05:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
life's good

Life’s good
The life is good, the world is beautiful. It is that you lack the eyes which can find happiness if you do not consider your life good, rather than the world short of happiness.
I defined myself as a pessimist, for many of my friends told me that. They encourage me to be confident. They lead me to find and appreciate merits of myself and be proud of that.
I am from a poor village and all I have done in senior middle school was to study hard with all my heart in it from one hour to the next. I lived a depressed college life of four years, which is a big loss to me. I have wasted the four-year time without acquire something important and essential, which I should gain.
Then I met my first girl friend, she made me more confident, he he…
Now I have realized that I have my own advantages I have also found that the life is good, my life is not as depressed as I thought before.
Formerly, I would feel awkward after I had expressed my opinion during a meeting in my work place or debate with my associates or friends. I would have the same feeling when I showing others what I had done for I thought that there were so many unreasonable factors and drawbacks in my opinion and my job. Now, I find that it is not only I would make mistakes when express opinion. I also find that my friends and other guys around me are not perfect either. But they are also proud of what they have done, they are so confident. There is always a bright scene, a beautiful world in their eyes.
I learn from them that a person should be optimistic toward life. I can live up to this standard now. I admire my advantages positively and recognize my short coming reasonably.
My present job offers me salary that is not perceived by most people as high, my job is not defined as admirable. I am not somebody; I am only a common teacher in a professional college. However, I would appreciate every day of my life.
I know that nobody is perfect. I know what my drawback is; I know what my goal is. I know which one I want to become. I can support myself financially.
I now face every sunrise and sunset with smile. I know that the world is beautiful, the life is good.

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phonology 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-8-19 00:24:12 | 显示全部楼层

It is that you lack the eyes which can find happiness if you do not consider your life good, rather than the world short of happiness.
It is that 给人的感觉好像是作者想要使用强调句,但实际的运用却不够得心应手。
If you do not think [consider是不是有些不合适呢] your life is good, it is not because the world is short of happiness, but rather you lack the eye [eye指眼光,eyes是眼睛。当然用眼睛也行]to it. (为了保留原来的句式,我这个也是点怪怪的)  

I defined myself as a pessimist, for many of my friends told me that.
"told me that",that指"I defined myself as a pessimist"?
是不是可以用 for many friends thought so.

They encourage[d 是否保持事态一致] me to be confident. They lead me to find and appreciate merits of myself and be proud of them[that是单数,既然前面用了merits,是不是应该用them呢?].

I am from a poor village and all I have done in senior middle school was to study hard with all my heart [in it] from one hour to the next.
it 应该是指senior middle school吧?前面有过了,这里是不是省略呢?

I lived a depressed college life of four years, which is a big loss to me.
我喜欢这么写:My four-year college life was depressing, and ……

I have wasted the four-year time without acquir[ing] something important and essential, which I should [have] gain[ed].
should have done 表示应该做却没有做

Then I met my first girl friend, she made me more confident, he he…
而行文本身,"more confident"之上应该写你是如何自信的,但是我们更多地看到的是不自信。过渡上有断层。

Now I have realized that I have my own advantages[?]I have also found that the life is good, [?]my life is not as depressed as I thought before.

Formerly, I would feel awkward after I had expressed my opinion during a meeting in my work place or debate with my associates or friends. I would have the same feeling when I [既然分句主语一样,我们一般不用独立分词结构,所以这里少系动词] showing others what I had done for I thought that there were so many unreasonable factors and drawbacks in my opinion and my work[job和work的区别就不多讲了].

Now, I find that it is not only I would make mistakes when express opinion. I also find that my friends and other guys around me are not perfect either.
既然用了not only ... but also 就用上吧,而且更加简洁。

I learn from them that a person should be optimistic toward life. I can live up to this standard now. I admire my advantages positively and recognize my short coming reasonably. My present job offers me salary that is not perceived by most people as high, my job is not defined as dmirable. I am not somebody; I am only a common teacher in a professional college. However, I would appreciate every day of my life. I know that nobody is perfect. I know what my drawback is; I know what my goal is. I know which one I want to become. I can support myself financially. I now face every sunrise and sunset with smile. I know that the world is beautiful, the life is good.


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-19 08:01:43 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-8-19 08:05:07 | 显示全部楼层
1)The life is good, the world is beautiful.

2)It is that you lack the eyes which can find happiness if you do not consider your life good, rather than the world short of happiness
楼上指出了不妥之处,不过可以不用lack,可用dont have a eye for

3)I defined myself as a pessimist, for many of my friends told me that.

4)They lead me to find and appreciate merits of myself and be proud of that.
用lead不妥,用help就可以了,find可改为find out

5)I am from a poor village and all I have done in senior middle school was to
have done应为did,senior middle school不妥,可改为high school

6)I lived a depressed college life of four years, which is a big loss to me.
depressed应为depressing, is应为was

7)without acquire something important and essential, which I should gain.
可改为something useful or valuable, should gain可改为should have gained,有自责的语气


8)I admire my advantages positively and recognize my short coming reasonably.

9)I know which one I want to become
改为what kind of person I want to be

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-19 11:19:16 | 显示全部楼层
引用第1楼phonology2006-08-19 00:24发表的“”:





It is that you lack the eyes which can find happiness if you do not consider your life good, rather than the world short of happiness.
It is that 给人的感觉好像是作者想要使用强调句,但实际的运用却不够得心应手。
If you do not think [consider是不是有些不合适呢] your life is good, it is not because the world is short of happiness, but rather you lack the eye [eye指眼光,eyes是眼睛。当然用眼睛也行]to it. (为了保留原来的句式,我这个也是点怪怪的)


  先说一下原句除去结构的问题,rather than the world short of happiness, 缺少动词, is short of happiness.
   don't think. 这里用 think ...is not...比较好。think直接表达自己的意见, don't think往往表达与对方意见相左的情况。 “mine english are very much good”, “I don't think so”

  It's that....这不是个句型, It's because,  It's because of...都可以。

  如果我要表达这个强调的意思: The world is NEVER short of happiness AS LONG AS You have the eyes to find it.

   眼光一般是用作 to the artist's eye  .. 以艺术家的眼光。。。中文的有眼光 似乎不是这么直接翻译。

I defined myself as a pessimist, for many of my friends told me that.
"told me that",that指"I defined myself as a pessimist"?
是不是可以用 for many friends thought so.

  问题phonnny说得还算清楚, 不过acknowledge就不能as。

  另外,my 不可以省略。I went out with my family last night for dinner. 你家里人我也不认识,my 不是也不能去么? I love my wife.... 你老婆我也不认识。。。得了,扯远了。

  直接修改成:Many of my friends said I am a pessimist, and I agree with them.(注意,这里前后时态可以不同,my friend过去和我说的,现在我和你们说的时候,我同意这点)

They encourage[d 是否保持事态一致] me to be confident. They lead me to find and appreciate merits of myself and be proud of them[that是单数,既然前面用了merits,是不是应该用them呢?].

   前面要保持encouraged一致,后面就lead了? lad, use led instead.

   that 一定要慎用,建议作者好好学学that的用法。that不是万金油,可以随便抹,一般各处都有各处的用词,而that也一般用作这些用词所避讳的一些场合,比如 it's ....who.. it's .... which...当这些次不适合的时候,才是that...

I am from a poor village and all I have done in senior middle school was to study hard with all my heart [in it] from one hour to the next.
it 应该是指senior middle school吧?前面有过了,这里是不是省略呢?

    不需要什么in it.. 不过作者要是想写 深更半夜子时归,关门闭户掩柴扉 这样风格的话另当别论。

   你如果不是高中没毕业,那就是had done. 而如果你是要描述你整个高中的事情的话,all I DID in senior...  

   to do 句型可以是名词性的,但这里还是studying hard...动名词做宾语好。

  from one hour to the next?? 很陌生,从没见过,如果作者不确定这个确实是个固有用法的话。you must have coined it yourself!.  还很别扭。直接 studying hard with all my heart all the time.

I lived a depressed college life of four years, which is a big loss to me.
我喜欢这么写:My four-year college life was depressing, and ……

   更地道的好像应该这么写 “My four years in college were depressing”

  四年的生活不能用loss, 再怎么depressing 也不行, loss应该是具体的,depressing 只能是pity

I have wasted the four-year time without acquir[ing] something important and essential, which I should [have] gain[ed].
should have done 表示应该做却没有做

   without后面还要用 anything. without something 也不是不可以,黑人说法。 相似的还有 i don't need no arms around me.

Then I met my first girl friend, she made me more confident, he he…
而行文本身,"more confident"之上应该写你是如何自信的,但是我们更多地看到的是不自信。过渡上有断层。

  逗号改句号就成了。不过这小段让我们浮想联翩哦。he he ...

Now I have realized that I have my own advantages[?]I have also found that the life is good, [?]my life is not as depressed as I thought before.

   作者的have...还真是多啊。。。。该去还是去了吧。 倒是让我想起来我表妹中文蹩脚的时候,跟我说:这个东西你可以有(you can have this.)异曲同工?

   as.. as... 如果否定句  is not so.... as..有印象否?
   这不是联结词的问题,几个句子基本上都是独立成句的。用句号! 道明寺也说过:如果逗号有用的话,要句号做什么?

Formerly, I would feel awkward after I had expressed my opinion during a meeting in my work place or debate with my associates or friends. I would have the same feeling when I [既然分句主语一样,我们一般不用独立分词结构,所以这里少系动词] showing others what I had done for I thought that there were so many unreasonable factors and drawbacks in my opinion and my work[job和work的区别就不多讲了].


   Would feel??既然说的是过去的事实,那就i FELT
    after i EXPRESSED..
    IN a meeting...
    DEBATED with... (这里用Argue更好)
    I HAD the same feeling...

    showing others what I had done  这句话难得时态用的准确,表扬一下。体会一下区别?

   unreasonable factors and drawbacks ?? 改成一个词 defects如何?

   My work我觉得没有错。

   formerly, because i thought..... , i felt....... , also i got the same feeling when....   

Now, I find that it is not only I would make mistakes when express opinion. I also find that my friends and other guys around me are not perfect either.
既然用了not only ... but also 就用上吧,而且更加简洁。

   find some具体的thing, find out some 抽象的thing.


  Now I find out that not only I but also my friends and collegues make mistakes when expressing opinions

   来,跟我重复 When DOING SOMETHING ,这个句型你已经错了好多次了。

  还有 expressing OPINIONS, 大声念, 这个opinion,如果不加修饰的 their opinion,就要加复数。 这里their明显不合适,因为还有I呢。

I learn from them that a person should be optimistic toward life. I can live up to this standard now. I admire my advantages positively and recognize my short coming reasonably. My present job offers me salary that is not perceived by most people as high, my job is not defined as dmirable. I am not somebody; I am only a common teacher in a professional college. However, I would appreciate every day of my life. I know that nobody is perfect. I know what my drawback is; I know what my goal is. I know which one I want to become. I can support myself financially. I now face every sunrise and sunset with smile. I know that the world is beautiful, the life is good.

  太长了。偷懒不看了,instead, 看个短的



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-19 11:32:53 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-8-19 11:33:44 | 显示全部楼层
引用第5楼canway20082006-08-19 11:32发表的“”:


不过我的经验是,不但平常的口语是,就连写作,我们中国人的时态和动名词,to be,单复数都是经常出问题的地方。我写作已经基本能够避免这些问题,可是说话的时候,还是经常错误不断。没办法,我们的中文语法和习惯都和英语太不相同了。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-19 11:46:43 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-19 12:08:04 | 显示全部楼层
1. I have wasted the four-year time without acquire something important and essential....
acquire vt. 取得,獲得, 为动词,应该用acquiring.

2. I would have the same feeling when I showing others .....
showing 动词的ing形式,缺少谓语应该为 am showing.

3. Now, I find that it is not only I would make mistakes when express ....
express 是动词应该用expressing做状语.

4. But they are also proud of what they have done, they are so confident.
but 是连接词转的是前一句话的语义,不对应they are so confident。应该这样用
However, they are also proud of what they have done and they are so confident.

5. I admire my advantages positively and recognize my short coming reasonably.
short coming 应该是一个词。连起来写shortcoming.

6. My present job offers me salary that is not perceived by most people as high, my job is not defined as admirable.

7. I now face every sunrise and sunset with smile.
应该是with a smile.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-19 12:12:33 | 显示全部楼层
引用第7楼canway20082006-08-19 11:46发表的“”:


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-19 12:53:32 | 显示全部楼层
引用第1楼phonology2006-08-19 00:24发表的“”:
They encourage[d 是否保持事态一致] me to be confident. They lead me to find and appreciate merits of myself and be proud of them[that是单数,既然前面用了merits,是不是应该用them呢?].
that 只能指单数吗?

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-19 12:55:09 | 显示全部楼层
引用第1楼phonology2006-08-19 00:24发表的“”:

I lived a depressed college life of four years, which is a big loss to me.
我喜欢这么写:My four-year college life was depressing, and ……


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-19 12:56:42 | 显示全部楼层
引用第1楼phonology2006-08-19 00:24发表的“”:

Now I have realized that I have my own advantages[?]I have also found that the life is good, [?]my life is not as depressed as I thought before.

使用道具 举报

phonology 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-8-19 15:59:49 | 显示全部楼层

1) 楼上指出了不妥之处,不过可以不用lack,可用dont have a eye for

2) define可改用call,这里的my不可省略,that可改为so
many friends可不可以?我想应该是可以的,难道一定要说成 many of my friends或者是 many my friends?

3) depressed应为depressing, is应为was

4) don't think. 这里用 think ...is not...比较好。think直接表达自己的意见, don't think往往表达与对方意见相左的情况。 It's that....这不是个句型, It's because, It's because of...都可以。眼光一般是用作 to the artist's eye .. 以艺术家的眼光。。。中文的有眼光 似乎不是这么直接翻译。

英语更加习惯用think ...is not...,这一点我已开始就意识到了。但是我的句子,为了和原句保持保持大体一致,后面立刻又出现了一个not,故此才忍痛把not放到前面去了。其实现在外国人也有不少直接用don‘t think,教科书是死的,英语是活的。和外国人多接触,你会发现很多书上的东西即便不是错的,至少也是不实际的。

It's that....的确不是句型,我的意思是It's ....that....。误解我了。


5) 不过acknowledge就不能as。另外,my 不可以省略。
acknowledge可以加as的。不知道大家晓不晓得terry Teagleton。我忘了他是牛津还是剑桥的英文终身教授。他有一本专门写tragedy的书中就用了acknowledge ... as 的句型(好像是the sweetness of tragedy,既不清楚了,要回图书馆才行)。在学界,terry Teagleton以漂亮的英文著称。当然不仅仅是英文本身。

6) 前面要保持encouraged一致,后面就lead了? use led instead.  that一般用作这些用词所避讳的一些场合,比如 it's ....who.. it's .... which...当这些次不适合的时候,才是that...
it's ....who..不适合的时候,才是that...  ???什么意思,不懂

7) 四年的生活不能用loss, 再怎么depressing 也不行, loss应该是具体的,depressing 只能是pity
life is tough.可不可以?那为什么depressing不可以呢?

8) 几个句子基本上都是独立成句的。用句号! 道明寺也说过:如果逗号有用的话,要句号做什么?

9) My work我觉得没有错。

10) 太长了。偷懒不看了,instead, 看个短的

11) that 只能指单数吗?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 00:32:44 | 显示全部楼层
1) 四年的生活不能用loss, 再怎么depressing 也不行, loss应该是具体的,depressing 只能是pity
life is tough.可不可以?那为什么depressing不可以呢?

我的意思是说:再怎么depressing, 您也不能用loss啊,不是说depressing 不行, d...行得很的很。

2) 至于call. so, so 我很同意, agen1234的改法还是生硬一些

3) agen1234的depressed/ing 是这样, ed修饰人,ing修饰事情。 ed是指人沮丧,ing是指事物让人沮丧。
来个例句: agen1234 is ED.   hehe .别想歪了。

4) acknowledge as ...顺手写错了,没错, acknowledge 可以连as.误人不浅,吾之过也

5) 再想说说a的短句,该短的时候不短,该长的时候不长。也不只是连词和符号的问题。感觉长句罗索,短句放在一起更罗索。似乎应该更好的组织一下中文意思再写比较好。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 11:49:13 | 显示全部楼层
I am from a poor village and all I have done in senior middle school was to study hard with all my heart in it from one hour to the next.
改为: I am from a poor village and all I have done in senior middle school was to study hard with all my heart  from one hour to another.
Now I have realized that I have my own advantages ,I have also found that the life is good, my life is not as depressed as I thought before.
改为:Now I have realized that I had my own advantages and I have also found that the life was good and my life was not as depressed as I thought before.
Now, I find that it is not only I would make mistakes when express opinion. I also find that my friends and other guys around me are not perfect either.
改为Now, I find not only I would make mistakes when express opinions. ,but also my friends and other guys around me are not perfect either.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 13:15:42 | 显示全部楼层

1,The life is good, the world is beautiful. 与It is that you (you指谁?)lack the eyes which can find happiness if you do not consider your life good, rather than the world short of happiness.并没有必然的联系。作为第一段落,两句没有联系的话串联在一起,似乎不妥。

2。I defined myself as a pessimist, for many of my friends told me that. 这句缺少逻辑性,如果单从语法的角度,没有问题,楼主显然不会满足于此。pessimist不应是被告知的,应该是自己的感知,并佐以事例或具体事实来说明。为后面的They encourage me to be confident.来提供依据。 They(什么是They?) lead me to find (find什么?)and appreciate merits of myself and be proud of that. 该段有一些逻辑上的问题,宜澄清。
3,I am from a poor village (没有看出农村的出身与后面有什么联系。如果想表明读书的不容易应该再深入一下说明农村背景与个人学习或奋斗的联系。poor village与作者并不一定产生study hard 的后果)and all I have done in senior middle school was to study hard with all my heart in it from one hour to the next. I lived a depressed college life of four years, which is a big loss to me(depressed life与loss没有必然联系,因为depressed life也可以是宝贵的财富,经历,很多人因为depressed life经历成就了后来的事业)所以 I have wasted the four-year time without acquire something important and essential, which I should gain. 并不一个合理的表述。
4,Then I met my first girl friend, she made me more confident, he he… (空洞)
5,Now I have realized that I have my own advantages I have also found that the life is good, my life is not as depressed as I thought before. (除了作者,读者看不出作者的advantages 是什么)
6,Formerly, I would (没有必要用语气表达词)feel awkward after (用when就可以了)I had expressed my opinion during a meeting in my work place or debate with my associates or friends. I would have the same feeling when I showing others what I had done for I thought that there were so many unreasonable factors and drawbacks in my opinion and my job. Now, I find that it is not only I would make mistakes when express opinion. I also find that my friends and other guys around me are not perfect either. But they are also proud of what they have done, they are so confident. There is always a bright scene, a beautiful world in their eyes. 这段,作者的语气表达式多余的,(would的使用),另一个问题是句子太长,好像在砌砖墙,最好的语言是最简洁易懂的语言。
6。I learn from them that a person should be optimistic toward life. I can live up to this standard now. I admire my advantages positively and recognize my short coming reasonably.
My present job offers me salary that is not perceived by most people as high, my job is not defined as admirable. I am not somebody; I am only a common teacher in a professional college. However, I would appreciate every day of my life. 优点和缺点好像用strength 和weakness更好
7,I know that nobody is perfect. I know what my drawback is; I know what my goal is. I know which one I want to become. I can support myself financially.
I now face every sunrise and sunset with smile. I know that the world is beautiful, the life is good. 全文没有看出作者的经历与life is bad 和world is bad有什么联系。所以the world is beautiful, the life is good. 的结论看是牵强。

建议:多与native speaker接触,尽量用语言化的感觉写作,可以克服语法化文体的毛病。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-7 20:32:20 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-8 10:27:20 | 显示全部楼层
WOrld is beautiful, and life is good. We do not feel our lives are good rather for the lack of eyes to find happiness than for the short of happiness in the world.
I thought of myself as a pessimist,and many of my friends also told me that.They advise me to be more confident,and help me to find merits that I will be proud of.
I think my experinces lead me to be like that.I am from a poor vilage.My senior-middle-school life is a hard-working one for every minute with all my heart and soul,and the four-year college life is even depressed.I really regret for my college life for I should acquire something important and necessary instead of just wasting time.This is a big loss to me.
When I was in a gray world, I met my first girl friend,who make me more confident.Giggle...
Now I have already realized the advantages in myself,and found the life is good. My life is not as depressed as I thoughe before.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-8 11:51:25 | 显示全部楼层

rather than is a conjunction,which is not matched with preposition phrases.

I defined myself as a pessimist-I think I'm a pessimist

many of my friends-many friends of mine

lead me -direct me

I am from a poor village-I was born in a poor village

in it- omit

from one hour to the next-from day to day is better

I should gain-omit gain

he he…what's this?

debate with-debated with


I find that it is not only I would make mistakes when express opinion. I also find that my friends and other guys around me are not perfect either.

I find that I may make mistakes when I expess my opinions,so do my friends and other guys around me.

with smile-with a smile

使用道具 举报

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