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[[小语种资源]] 第二十一期论坛英语辩论活动(1个威望)

发表于 2006-7-14 12:48:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



辩论题目: 机遇是成功的关键

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发表于 2006-7-15 15:50:16 | 显示全部楼层
As far as I am concerned, I believe that success is the result of action of opportunity and strength together.
At the first place, our own ability can be accumulated and added, but opportunity don’t exist originally. At the second place, with ability being increased, it is possible for opportunity to be found. Only when matched people’s ability, objective environment can produce opportunity. And the key role sometimes can make things have a qualitative leap. We will declare our success when we find opportunity and seize opportunity in deed. “key" criteria for determining as the following show, on the one hand, key is the necessary condition for thing to develop. No ability, no success, and no opportunity, no success also. On the another hand, opportunity should occur in the higher phase. The key would come when the precondition and base are ok. At last, anything all  are relative, and can not be treated as the same. Therefore, we can succeed only when external opportunities and our ability are matched each other. For example, even when exernal opportunities are very appropriate, a ostrich egg also can not hatch a  chicken. And we all know Van Gogh was not famous until he died. Can we think his soul had succeed? We can not say Van Gogh had no strength.
    In a word, no opportunity and ability, no success.

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发表于 2006-7-15 20:20:46 | 显示全部楼层
when asked about if opportunity is the key to success, my answer is "no". there is an old saying, "opportunity will only knock his door who is ready to succeed", which means abilities and  diligency are always the key question , although sometimes it seems that opportunity plays an extremely important role in road to success. reasons are as follows.

   first, opportunity is something untouchable and unpredictable. we never know when it is coming and where it is come from. he who does nothing but wait for chance would quite likely fail to succeed. chinese ancient allegory" standing by a tree stump waiting for a hare to dash itself against it" explains this reason very well.

   second, without ability and diligency , we may still miss the opportunities at our hands.only by being diligent and accumulating the ablities to succeed, can we seize the opportunity and reach our goal.

   third, with diligency and abilities, we can create opportunities which does not exist originally. although we never now when it will arrive, we do have the confidence that it will come sooner or later.

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发表于 2006-7-16 09:10:17 | 显示全部楼层
As far as I am concerned, I believe that opportunity is really the  crucil conditon of

success,but we  can’t  ignore the  capability .That’s to say, both  opportunity and  

capability can’t  be separated , If  you  want to win, you have to use both the

opportunity and the  capability.

   In history, a lot of people who had great capability ,but can’t  be  recognized.Do

you remember the idiom,”FengTang is easy to be old,Li-guang be promoted difficultly(冯唐易老,李广难封)”?  Opportunity of success  is  important very much.

How can we have  the  golden opportunity? This is  a  problem that different people

have different answer. Broadly speaking , we should  look for  opportunity  , even  

creat opportunity  for ourselves.It is difficult ,but it is useful geatly and .

I advocate you don’t  wait for the opportunity,but  go out to  look for  opportunity

and creat the opportunity for yourself.
    There is an old saying, "opportunity will only knock his door who is ready to succeed", which means abilities and diligency are the keys to success, opportunity can’t play an extremely important role in road to success  if you have no ability.
    In a word,  capability and opportunity can’t be separated. If you want win,you must have both of them.

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发表于 2006-7-16 09:41:32 | 显示全部楼层
I belive that success needs a lot of factors, and opportunitiy is not the key factor of success.

(i hate caplitalization)

suppose if you are given plenty of opportunities to success, then you get lots of doors opened to successes. however, between the doors and your final targets, there's a long way to go and that demands your abilities. if you are not an able man, how could you get through? all you can do is to take a look at all those target and sigh.

someone may argure that if you are qualified but no chance given to you, you also can not succeed, then let's talk about it.

if the chances are not given to you, but dangling around, the key factor of success is also your ability but not the chance itself. in this case, the ability of grasping the chances around you become a necessary, and as long as you have it, you don't need others to provide chances for you, and you can take the chances whenever they appears.

how about there's no chance at all? the ability speaks too! suppose you have the ability to create chances yourself, just like in a chess game, for victory, sometimes you need to create a chance to break the opponent's negative defense. so, abilities can make up the loss of opportunities.

then we can reach the conclusion that abilities might be the key factor of success, but chance are definitely not!

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发表于 2006-7-16 10:03:04 | 显示全部楼层
Opportunities don’t come often. They come every once in a while. Very often, they come quietly and go by without being noticed. Therefore, it is advisable that you should value and treat them with care.

When an opportunity presents itself, it brings a promise but never realizes it on its own. If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitions you must work hard, make efforts and get prepared. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to visit you. It is clear that in order to be highly qualified for out future jobs, we should make every possible preparation.

The difference between a man who succeeds and one who does not lies only in the way each treats opportunities. The successful person always makes adequate preparations to meet opportunities as they duly arrive. The unsuccessful person, on the other hand, works little and just waits to see them pass by. Obviously, the two different attitudes towards opportunities may lead to quite different consequences.

In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, in our society, but only those who are prepared adequately and qualified highly can make use of them to achieve their purpose.

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发表于 2006-7-16 22:11:27 | 显示全部楼层
I do not agree that opportunity is the key that one gets success, however, I would prefer it to one of the necessary conditions' for success.

To begin with, I think we all will accept that one person without some ability could not finish things successfully even if he had the best opportunity. For example, a fool, who can not discriminate gold from copper, gets a bar of gold. Unfortunately, because of his ignorance, the final result of the gold may be sold as a bar of copper. So, one can not hold the chance except he has the ability to know it on the occasion it comes. Just like a saying says: opportunities are only for one who is ready for them. So we must have some capability so that we can grasp the chance lest it is wasted.

Secondly, I want to point out that one's psychology state is critical in his way to success. A moderate mind is not only useful to help one get success, but also important to please oneself in his whole life. Without a peaceful and broad mind, one is easily worried about oneself, and tends to be too nervous whether he will succeed. It is clear that no benefits will be taken to him if he does things in a narrow and jealous way. On the other side, moderate mind will make one be in a easy state so that he can do things efficiently. In this way, one can succeed more easily and happily.

Finally, we have to accept that opportunity is really very important for one to succeed. Most of us have heard the saying that time makes the hero. This words display the opportunity's importance exactly. No one will succeed if he has not opportunity, and similarly, almost all of the success examples tell us a story that the hero catches a good opportunity before he makes an achievements. However, whether the time chooses the hero or the hero grasps the chance is an argument for ever. Even so, there is no doubt that the opportunity plays a big role in one's success.

So, the conclusion is that you will succeed with your special ability, your moderate mind, and your good use of opportunity. What's more, the success will happy your whole life for it is not a burden with your good psychology state.

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发表于 2006-7-16 22:51:48 | 显示全部楼层
I thought the opportunity certainly is not the successful only key aspect. people regarding the success, are easy to feel on their body the corona, can think was the opportunity has accomplished them, actually you did not know each success trail step has not been fills has been difficult. The cold climate, has how many strong forerunner against the wind to front; The world has not the person who attains harvest without ploughed , only has bridged over the desert to be able to arrive the oasis.

I thought, in that life stochastic comes perhaps a green, is an opportunity, how discovered and grasps this green, and excavates it, expands a piece of oasis, then successful is away from own not to be far. Indeed the opportunity is very important, but we cannot like wait for gains without pains such wait the opportunity the arrival. Because the opportunity is an external factor after all, is accidental. Must people know that, no thing may baseless drop from the clouds. Some decides the successful true factor, or must depend on our knowledge and the ability, only had own knowledge and the ability achieves the certain degree, when we met the opportunity once more, we only then were allowed to be steadily steady hold it, lets catalyst which it turned urges us to succeed!

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发表于 2006-7-16 23:26:37 | 显示全部楼层
I do not agree with the opinion that the opportunity is the key of success. The reasons are following.

As we know, many factors lead to success, such as opportunity and ability. Of all the factors, in my opinion, the ability is the important one, which play the key role in the success. The role of opportunity is like a fuze. When one's ability was reached to or beyond the some criterion of success, it meant that he or she may succeed or not. In this case, whether he or she succeed or not depends on the opportunity. If the opportunity came, he or she would succeed. But if not, he or she would not succeed although he or she has a high ability or has made great efforts. In this sense, the opportunity is a fuze while one's ability is like dynamite. When enough amount of dynamite was collected together, it would not explode without fuze. But in contrast, small amount of dynamite were collected together, even if it was detonated, the might was still so small. When opportunity came, it was not expected that one without ability could make full use of the opportunity to gain some achievements.

In a word, the ability is the most important factors. Finally, I hope the opportunity will come in time before one nearly reaches the destination.

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发表于 2006-7-17 13:29:06 | 显示全部楼层
In my opinion,the opportunity is very important to success but not the key factor.
The success is not inevitable.It is affected by many factors. No success in life merely happens
Thomas Edison, American inventor has some famous wisdom about success as follow:
If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. At all times and in all over the world, numberless sage have drawn much conclusion about how to succeed, we can see from these proverbs I gather through the internet as below:
①  I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated.(Bonaparte Napoleon, French emperor )
我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇。(法国皇帝 拿破仑. B.)
②Success covers a multitude of blunders.(George Bernard Shaw, British Dramatist)
成功由大量的失望铸就。( 英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G.)
③The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them.they make them.(George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist )
在这个世界上,取得成功的人是那些努力寻找他们想要You have to believe in yourself. That's ④the secret of success.(Charles Chaplin, American actor )
人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。(美国演员 卓别林. C.)机会的人,如果找不到机会,他们就去创造机会。( 英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G.)
The opportunity can not always lie there silently for us to pick up. It only favours these prepared brain. Besides of hard work,based on making use of the opportunity maybe you can achieve success than others.

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发表于 2006-7-17 13:36:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2006-7-17 17:15:36 | 显示全部楼层
In my opinion, chance is important for your success, but it is not the key point.

If you want to succeed, the first thing you have to do is that you have enough strength. I think this is the key point.  In our daily life, I think no one does not want to be a successful man. But if you do not pay out your efforts, the hope of success will be a daydream. Efforts of yourself are the base of your success. No one can succeed if he does not make efforts to do something. In history, a lot of successful man have done this. For example,  a number of  emperors of founding a state must have done a lot to establish their own goverment before their success. If they do not have genuine ability and learning, how can we imagine their coming into their kingdom?

We can not deny that chance is a great factor for success of a person. But I think this is based on your ability. If you can not do anything, even if the chance is coming, how can you catch it?
No one will pay attention to you. Chance is only deep in love with well-prepared persons. So, what we should do in our daily life is that go all out to do what you think it is worth doing. If you think you can succeed, but the chance does not come, we can make a chance by ourselves. No one can prevent us to succeed if we are outstanding. Although our society has a lot of dark aspects,  but we always believe that ability is the only thing to judge a person.
So, Let's do our personal best.

All in all, chance is a great point for success, but it is not the key point, and ability is that.

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发表于 2006-7-18 10:14:09 | 显示全部楼层
In fact, it is fair that Heaven treats everyone, while offering an opportunity to others, offer the same opportunity to you too. Perhaps, the arrival of those opportunities is not so clear, totally the accident appears under the condition that you can't expect , at this time, whether could succeed , the key lies in that you caught the ability of the opportunity.

In life, always have some laymans are always sorry that destiny is unjust , say that Heaven has not given one's own good opportunity for development , is always complaining, complain that the society has not offered the corresponding stage to them , gives them the chance to display one's talent. In fact, it is fair that Heaven treats everyone, while offering an opportunity to others, offer the same opportunity to you too. Perhaps, the arrival of those opportunities is not so clear, totally the accident appears under the condition that you can't expect , at this time, whether could succeed , the key lies in that you caught the ability of the opportunity.

The opportunity, it is a prerequisite to success, very important in the course of developing entirely. The essence of the opportunity is that the society develops into the inevitable demand produced certain stage, at the beginning when these demands is produced , if a person can insight it sharply , catch it, or because the accidental factor knocks the opportunity, even if he does not possess deeper grounding in basic skills , more outstanding talent, other quality is very general too, so long as he can catch this opportunity , he can succeed , is success at one stage at least.

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发表于 2006-7-18 10:20:32 | 显示全部楼层
Only those who have fully prepared can grab the oppotunities that pass; for those who have not, oppotunity means nothing.

The exterior causes effect via the interior causes; the interior ones are those that determine.

The favor that oppotunities do to success is that they can promote the condition and privide favorable elements; What that really matters are the interior causes.

Success is the output of unswerving efforts done; to succeed without hardworking is forever a day-dream.

For instance: when you are in want of a girl friend, fortunately your superior ask you to work in the department where there are many girls. Isn\\\'t it a heaven-sent opportunity? However you have not such capability to catch one. Even if you have such capability, it still depends on whether the one you love loves you. Only if you are popular among the girls and all the girls like you that you can catch a favorite one.

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发表于 2006-7-18 16:40:03 | 显示全部楼层
There is an idiom that "God help those who help themselves". This should not be seen as stating any theological theory. Rather, it is telling people that the key factor of success is what one does for himself. Opportunity sometimes became an important variant in someone's life, and makes him more successful than others. However, one reason why many people are used to put inproportional weight on opportunity is that, the story of unusual procedure of success is more attractive for those who are afraid of working hard. Therefore, a kind of "myth" has been created. It is said that opportunity is important, even determinant in the route towards success. However, such conclusion can hardly be supported by any empirical evidence. If we look at most successful scholars, atheletes, or people doing other jobs in our society, we should find that most of them do not face much better opportunities than the average level. It is true that sometimes they may face a choice about what they would do in the future, but I believe that if someone can be successful in one area, then s/he should also be successful in most other areas, since none of the areas accept people only according to their luck. Thus I think opportunity is neither a neccessary nor a sufficient condition for successful life.

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发表于 2006-7-19 08:17:59 | 显示全部楼层
1. The opportunity only therefore becomes the successful key is obtains according to the Marxism-Leninism materialistic world outlook.We said the detachment condition decided person's subjective consciousness, a person's success needs to rely on not only own subjective endeavor, three countries times Zhou Yu once has sighed with regret: The all things have, only owes the east wind. Ancient so,people of our time still. Our subjective endeavor not is must fully display the ambient condition the biggest superiority? Therefore said regardless of succeeds the person is in or the inferiority superiorly,he therefore obtains the success is precisely as a result of the outside opportunity existence, but own diligently also only is speeds up the successful power  
2. The success key is the opportunity, the splendid steed cannot meet the Bole value also to be inferior to a mule

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发表于 2006-7-20 20:59:53 | 显示全部楼层
Opportunity knocks but once .So we can know how important the opportunity is!The opportunity is treasure.But in my view ,opportunity is also challenge.It doesnt mean  achievement.Opportunity will only knock his door who is ready to succeed.Only the prepared mind can catch it .When the opportunity and challenge comes ,he can grasp  it successfully  with his capacity and then make a  satisfied result.

To an unprepared mind ,the opportunity just likes a flying bird that comes then goes  and never again .The guy only can do nothing but sigh because of his poor quality. It is really a miserable thing. Maybe the more important thing is our hard working .It is true that  it is the only thing we can grasp .Through working assiduously ,we can accumulate enough experience to be ready for the priceless opportunity.Even  the opportunity  is too mysterious ,we almost dont know where and when it will come .But our experience can ensure us that once the opportynity comes,we can catch it firmly and then make full use  of it to achieve our goal .
Opportunity is rare ,but only the prepared mind can gain it and then depend on it to have a great achievement .

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sainnt 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-7-22 08:52:07 | 显示全部楼层
I belive that Opportunities is the key to success

Opportunities is the key to success .Old things, the number of gifted scholar to regret, when Qu Yuan, threw down in the river, when Li Bai go to worry about things more bureaucratic and loses me, when Buddhist Master of skills and Buddhism, we do not have the opportunity or how to those who abuse missed opportunity loss sigh!  man of profound learning are not only friends to have talent but no opportunity to use it, in the face of the people can grasp opportunities and is dummy, and only able to seize the opportunity of real talent! Members talents, let us seize the opportunity to display life style!

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-30 16:37:29 | 显示全部楼层

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