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[[小语种资源]] 第四期论坛英语辩论活动(2个威望)

发表于 2006-1-1 22:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
下面是引用liushijun于2006-01-01 14:16发表的:
  To liushijun
All I want to say is that truth can not be proved by poems.Thank you!
to :叮叮糖:dear friend ,i only want to give our disscution a few hints.we can debate this topic from the diffferent sides.in effect,only poets who are kind may write a lot of excellent poems.a poet who are cruel and unkind can not write a beautful and moved poems do you agree with me?now i give you a poem to prove ny idea. the rirst poem is " light"The night has a thousand eyes/ and the day but one;Yet the light of the bright world dies/with the dying sun. The mind has a thousand eyes/and the heart but one; Yet the light of the whole life dies/when love is done.the second is "somebody": Somebody did a golden deed; somebody proved a friend in need; somebody sung a beautiful song; somebody smiled the whole day long; somebody thought,“Tis sweet to live”; Somebody said, “I am glad to give”; I hope somebody is you.
now my dear friend,let us image how  one who is abscent of love and kind can write?

The true beauty of poem is not because it's writer is kind.

Can you feel the beauty of a tragedy? Lu Xun once said, a tragedy is to tore up beauty in front of people. Of course it is crule enough, though it is of high value in art.

Songyu, who is the student of Quyuan,wrote many poems which are beautiful enough to be appreciated generation by generation. However, Songyu himself was evil-- 宋玉"为人体貌娴丽玉,口多微辞,又性好色"


Thank you.
I feel it is interesting ^_^

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发表于 2006-1-2 15:14:19 | 显示全部楼层
I think, the most important thing is that humanity was kind when he was born.Everyone likes good things.Even if we are in bad conditions.Few years ago ,we were poor.We could’t have enough food to eat .We could’t have enough cothes to make us look good  or even warm ourselves.But We all,I think, hope to make our life better ,so we are trying our best.We are not depressed..No matter how bad the future will be ,we ourselves and our friends ecourage us .Maybe at some moment,the things look hopeless.But  when you are calm, you will consider the things deeply,make a plan to do better,and you will feel that the sun rise up after a heavy rain.I think from this point,to every thing,people firstly always think its positive aspects, can prove Humanity is kind.

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发表于 2006-1-4 19:38:51 | 显示全部楼层
]Of course one's humanity  is goodness and kindness. ALL babies are cute and pure. Why? Is it because they are small like a doll. No, they are cristal and clear like a white piece of paper. But by and by they may be polluted. Even so I'm sure most of them will keep a good nature. We see many countries  and many soldiers go to war because of greed, but one day they always repent for what they did in the past. Why? Because their nature of goodness does not die out. We seldome see anyone proud of their killing, violence.
We can see the world is becoming better and better. It is the power of goodness lying in the heart of every one that moves the world to change for better. So The evil nature never stand a chance to take root in all. The world of the future can only a better place to live in.[/hide]

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发表于 2006-1-5 12:59:20 | 显示全部楼层
下面是引用rucroad于2006-01-01 06:10发表的:
This time I take the positive side. Why we say that the original humanity is evil? Why? I don’t think so. I believe one’s original humanity to be good. As a creature, man is born to be good, which accords with his normal physiological development and benefits him psychologically and then physically. A child, less distained by the society, is more likely to perform human’s original trait, that is to be good.
  To say the original humanity is good is not equal to that There is no bad person in  the world.The original humanity is subconscious, which will not be uncovered until it is stimulated.
I admitted there is really something strong hope  in my heart, but I believe I've learnt how to convice it.I really appreciate everyone take effect as an good person.and this world will be good.

what are you going to prove by just quoting our arguments?do you agree with me or not?

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发表于 2006-1-5 14:17:51 | 显示全部楼层
What is the original humanity
In my opinion , we can’t say the original humanity is kind or evil ! A man is kind or evil in the life ,  it mainly depends on the effect of the circumstance and education. A person is born without kind or evil ,it just like a white paper ,no color; like a cup of white water ,without any taste. Person ,that time is animality ,and animality is neither kind nor evil ,this is the original humanity of person .It is all knowledge to know everything ,if a person is already 18 ,but he still know nothing of the world ,then ,how do you think about him ? Kind or evil ? In fact ,I am not the first one to say original humanity is neither kind nor evil, I think the first person is zigao ,the prentice of xunzi .He think the original humanity is neither kind nor evil ,but two different separative moral character are formed during the study and circumstance subsequently. His opinion is reasonable ,and can persuade me . Certainly ,this is my own point of view ,I think what is the original humanity ,such kind of discussion will keep on for a long time .But I really bend in my mind that as long as you have the belief to be a good person ,then, you will be a good person eventually.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-6 13:42:05 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-1-7 23:16:10 | 显示全部楼层
When I was a little girl, I thought that the original humanity is kind. But now I don't think so any more. Life is complicated. Human especially is a kind of intricate organism. To me, there are many kinds of human and many kinds of environments. The same person would do completely different things in differnt environment. Probablly some persons are selfish and evil from born. While others are selfgiving and virtuous.I would even say that there isn't a distinct borderline between them at all. Because sometimes, a so-called goodman would do some bad things. All of us hope the original humanity is kind. But it's only hope.

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发表于 2006-1-8 14:49:56 | 显示全部楼层
下面是引用plotoon于2006-01-07 23:16发表的:
When I was a little girl, I thought that the original humanity is kind. But now I don't think so any more. Life is complicated. Human especially is a kind of intricate organism. To me, there are many kinds of human and many kinds of environments. The same person would do completely different things in differnt environment. Probablly some persons are selfish and evil from born. While others are selfgiving and virtuous.I would even say that there isn't a distinct borderline between them at all. Because sometimes, a so-called goodman would do some bad things. All of us hope the original humanity is kind. But it's only hope.

My opinion is that we are talking about the original humanity of a person.We don't deny that people can change from many kinds of environments.And it is true the world has a great differnce from before.It is becoming much complexer and  selfisher.We can have different ideas during the growing period of  our kife. Man should acclimatize ourselves  to the society .To do something evil is unavoidable.But that does not mean that the original humanity is evil.Your can't affirm the original humanity  of Washington  is evil just because he has destroyed a young tree. And even if he made the bad thing,he at last admited his fault .What forced him to correct his wrong.I think it was his kind original humanity .I don't think so a person will come back to let some other persons know he has done somthing wrong.We are discussing the origin .Do not be affected by peripheral matters.

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发表于 2006-1-9 16:11:40 | 显示全部楼层
If you asked me about human nature ten years ago, I must have said: " Of course, evil!!!" But at this time I shall say: "Good of course!" Why? The experience of these years tell me the right thing. Yes, everyday we can hear bad deeds from the internet, the radio, the TV, and the newspaper etc. But please be aware that people care the bad things more than the good ones.  And this may be also for that the good things are much more than the bad ones everyday. Remember: good are much more than bad. Let's go back a little. Nobody would be born to be bad. At least nobody would say to be just born infant:" you born gangster!" Now think about your parents, your families, your friends, your teachers, your collegues, ...... Could you think they are all born evil though they are so caring for you always. We are human, we may make mistakes occasionally. We are human but not saint just because of the occasional mistakes we make. And we all hope for good things and are always searching for them in all our lives. At least most, most  of us! I do believe!

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-9 21:01:24 | 显示全部楼层

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