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[【其它】] SPACEX公司开发X翼太空飞船向星球大战致敬

发表于 2014-12-11 11:56:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



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发表于 2014-12-11 22:35:01 | 显示全部楼层
特斯拉(Tesla)执行长、太空探索科技公司(Space X)创始人暨执行长以及贝宝(PayPal)共同创始人伊隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)现年43岁、南非出生长大,12岁时,便设计并出售一款名为“冲击波”(Blastar)的游戏软件;1995年搬到加州并就读斯坦福大学,但只读了2天,就辍学并创立了Zip2公司,4年后以3.07亿美元售给康柏(Compaq)。

随后他用这笔钱创立了全球最大的支付公司——贝宝(PayPal);2003年成立了引领世界电动车潮流的特斯拉,生产出世界上第一部能在3秒内加速到60英里的电动跑车;之后又参与设计能把飞行器送入太空的新型火箭,并创立太空探索科技公司Space X。


2008年8月Space X在尝试第3次发射火箭进入太空失败后,马斯克表示,“我永远都不会放弃,我的意思是说永远都不会放弃”。7周后,Space X成为第一家成功将火箭发射至外太空的私营企业。

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发表于 2014-12-11 22:44:12 | 显示全部楼层
Elon Musk, (born June 28, 1971, Pretoria, South Africa), South African-born American entrepreneur who cofounded the electronic-payment firm PayPal and the maker of launch vehicles and spacecraft SpaceX. He was also one of the first significant investors in, as well as chairman and chief executive officer of, the electric car manufacturer Tesla Motors.

Musk was born to a South African father and a Canadian mother. He displayed an early talent for computers and entrepreneurship. At age 12 he created a video game and sold it to a computer magazine. In 1988, after obtaining a Canadian passport, Musk left South Africa because he was unwilling to support apartheid through compulsory military service and because he sought the greater economic opportunities available in the United States.

Musk attended Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, and in 1992 he transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, where he received bachelor’s degrees in physics and economics in 1995. He enrolled in graduate school in physics at Stanford University in California, but he left after only two days because he felt that the Internet had much more potential to change society than work in physics. That year he founded Zip2, a company that provided maps and business directories to online newspapers. In 1999 Zip2 was bought by the computer manufacturer Compaq for 307million,andMuskthenfoundedanonlinefinancialservicescompany,X.com,whichlaterbecamePayPal, which specialized in transferring money online. The online auction eBay bought PayPal in 2002 for 1.5billion.

Musk was long convinced that for life to survive, humanity had to become a multiplanet species. However, he was dissatisfied with the great expense of rocket launchers. In 2002 he founded Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) to make more affordable rockets. Its first two rockets were the Falcon 1 (first launched in 2006) and the larger Falcon 9 (first launched in 2010), which were designed to cost much less than competing rockets. A third rocket, the Falcon Heavy, is scheduled for launch in 2014 and is designed to carry 53,000 kg (117,000 pounds) to orbit, nearly twice that of its largest competitor, the Boeing Company’s Delta IV Heavy, for one-third the cost. SpaceX also developed the Dragon spacecraft, which carries supplies to the International Space Station and is designed to carry as many as seven astronauts. Musk sought to reduce the expense of spaceflight by developing a fully reusable rocket that could lift off and return to the pad it launched from. Beginning in 2012, SpaceX’s Grasshopper rocket made several short flights to test such technology. In addition to being CEO of SpaceX, Musk was also chief designer in building the Falcon rockets, Dragon, and Grasshopper.

Musk had long been interested in the possibilities of electric cars, and in 2004 he became one of the major funders of Tesla Motors, an electric car company founded by entrepreneurs Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. In 2006 Tesla introduced its first car, the Roadster, which could travel 394 km (245 miles) on a single charge. Unlike most previous electric vehicles, which Musk thought were stodgy and uninteresting, it was a sports car that could go from 0 to 97 km (60 miles) per hour in less than four seconds. In 2012 Tesla introduced the Model S sedan, which was acclaimed by automotive critics for its performance and design.

Dissatisfied with the projected cost (68billion)ofahigh-speedrailsysteminCalifornia,Muskin2013proposedanalternate,fastersystem,theHyperloop, a pneumatic tube in which a pod carrying 28 passengers would travel the 560 km (350 miles) between Los Angeles and San Francisco in 35 minutes at a top speed of 1,220 km (760 miles) per hour, nearly the speed of sound. Musk claimed that the Hyperloop would cost only 6billionandthat,withthepodsdepartingeverytwominutesonaverage,thesystemcouldaccommodatethesixmillionpeoplewhotravelthatrouteeveryyear.However,hestatedthat,betweenrunningSpaceXandTesla,hecouldnotdevotetimetotheHyperloop’sdevelopment.

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发表于 2014-12-11 22:49:48 | 显示全部楼层
美国太空探索科技公司“Space X”总裁马斯克(Elon Musk)日前在伦敦国际太空发展会议透露,6年后、也就是2020年,人类就能以50万美元(约316万人民币)的代价登上火星!

Space X在今年四月时于佛罗里达州成功试射可重複使用的火箭“猎鹰9号”,不仅将物资成功送上国际太空站,火箭返回地球后则在大西洋“软着陆”。

对于猎鹰9号的成果,让马斯克对日后移民火星的计画更为乐观,他透露Space X预计在火星建立一个有8万人的殖民地,但他强调最初会先送10人小组上火星打头阵,而这趟火星之旅收费金额为50万美金(约316万人民币)。

而Space X和美国太空总署(NASA)签有一份16亿美元(约100亿人民币)的合约,未来Space X还有好几次送补给品上太空总站的机会,这些次数也都能作为Space X的太空科技测试。

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发表于 2014-12-11 22:50:13 | 显示全部楼层
太空科技狂人、Space X老板穆斯克又有惊人构想,他构想出一种全新运输工具「超回路列车」(Hyperloop),速度是飞机的2倍,据称从洛杉矶到纽约只要45分钟,2小时就能从美国纽约直达中国北京,环游世界仅需6小时。







穆斯克执掌的Space X是全球首家以太空船载货前往国际太空站的民营公司。他还是网路付款服务公司PayPal以及电动车公司Tesla的创办人。

不过,让列车在真空管道中运行并不是什么独具创意的新点子。早在20世纪初期就有类似概念,之后物理学家索尔特(R.M. Salter)也著有相关论文,并由智库兰德公司于1972年以「超高速运输系统」为题发表。

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