
[【问道台】] ChatGPT教学应用之牛刀小试(有奖)
本帖最后由 daxigua 于 2023-5-1 09:38 编辑


Write a telephone conversation script on the basis of the following prompts.
Caller: Make a phone call.
Receptionist: You work for Thorpe Office Ltd. Answer the call.
Caller: Ask to speak to Raj Khan.
Receptionist: Say that Mr Khan is in a meeting. Offer to take a message.
Caller: Explain that your order has arrived and it is wrong. You ordered: four diaries, three packets of envelopes, and two printer cartridges. You received: one diary, six packets of envelopes, and one printer cartridge. The printer cartridge was the wrong one.
Receptionist: Ask which printer cartridge the customer ordered.
Caller: code HL630
Receptionist: Ask which printer cartridge the customer received.
Caller: code HPC3903A
Receptionist: Say that you will ask Mr Khan to call when his meeting finishes. Ask if he has the customers telephone number.
Caller: give your number.
Receptionist: Say the number again to check it.
Caller: if the number is correct, say so.
Receptionist: Say that you will pass the message on.
Caller: Thank the receptionist. Say goodbye.

[Phone rings]
Receptionist: Good morning, Thorpe Office Ltd. How may I assist you?
Caller: Hi, may I speak to Raj Khan, please?
Receptionist: I'm sorry, but Mr. Khan is currently in a meeting. Would you like to leave a message?
Caller: Actually, I have an issue with an order I received. I ordered four diaries, three packets of envelopes, and two printer cartridges, but I received only one diary, six packets of envelopes, and the wrong printer cartridge.
Receptionist: I apologize for the inconvenience. Could you please let me know which printer cartridge you ordered?
Caller: I ordered the code HL630.
Receptionist: And which printer cartridge did you receive instead?
Caller: I received the code HPC3903A, which is incorrect.
Receptionist: Thank you for providing the details. I will inform Mr. Khan about the situation as soon as his meeting concludes. May I have your telephone number in case he needs to contact you?
Caller: Sure, my number is 555-1234.
Receptionist: Thank you. Let me repeat that to ensure I have it correctly: 555-1234.
Caller: Yes, that's correct.
Receptionist: Perfect. I will pass on the message to Mr. Khan, and he will reach out to you regarding the order issue.
Caller: Thank you for your assistance. Have a great day.
Receptionist: You're welcome. Goodbye and take care.



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