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[[原创地带]] 翻译难句汇集

发表于 2025-2-9 22:10:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 agent124 于 2025-2-11 08:55 编辑


1.He is a man cut off from all spontaneous acts, she thought.

2.As he did so, Ostrakova lost her final hold upon the present. Her eyes were on the mosaic floor and she noticed the husks of langoustine and crumbs of bread. But her mind was in the Moscow law court again, where her own trial was being repeated. If not hers, then Glikman’s—yet not Glikman’s either.

3.For weeks after that encounter, and through all the hushed activities that accompanied it—furtive visits to the Soviet Embassy, form-filling, signed affidavits, certificats d’hébergement, the laborious trail through successive French ministries—Ostrakova followed her own actions as if they were someone else’s.

4.Thus gradually whatever she was waiting for ceased to exist. First it was ahead of her, then it was behind her, and she had had no knowledge of its passing, no moment of fulfilment.

5.Since the gingery stranger’s approach to her, she said, her days had become unreal; she had a feeling of being denied a natural explanation of her life, even if it had to be a painful one.

6.not in Paris at all, but in the once ancient, free, and Hanseatic city of Hamburg, now almost pounded to death by the thunder of its own prosperity

7.Smiley, on the day in question, was toiling obliviously, with whatever conviction he could muster, at his habitual desk in the London Library in St. James’s Square

8.for at the time he was composing a monograph on the bard Opitz, and trying loyally to distinguish true passion from the tiresome literary convention of the period

9.The boy had seen nothing so desperate, so profoundly serious, so bare of all protection, in anyone else, ever.

10.So that the impassioned stare of this little, sharp-faced stranger, with its message of furious entreaty—“Boy, you have no idea what you are carrying! Guard it with your life!”—was a revelation of that same comedian’s soul.

11.He would try it out on his wife when he got home: man as God’s architecture, my dear, moulded by the hand of ages, infinite in his striving and diversity. . . . But at this point the Superintendent laid a restraining hand upon his own rhetorical imagination.

12.Maybe not, after all, he thought. Maybe we’re flying a mite too high for the course, my friend.

13.He was a mawkish creature, sudden but without spring, with youthful features cruelly aged and a raw unhealthy rash around his neck where his shirt had scuffed the skin.

14.On he droned, sycophantic but alert.

15.Even then, Lacon dithered, pondered, hunted with his eyes, delayed. In Lacon’s world, direct questions were the height of bad taste but direct answers were worse.

16.The question seemed to strike Mostyn very deep, for his grave eyes, made yet darker by his sickly colour, became graver

17.His heavy lids had almost closed, and what remained visible of his eyes was clouded by the thick lenses of his spectacles.

18.while in the background Strickland’s Scottish echo once again told the same truth more brutally.

19.“George, we cannot be held responsible for every ex-agent who takes an injudicious nocturnal walk in one of London’s increasingly dangerous open spaces!” He held out his hands in appeal.

20.Smiley wondered, with that part of himself which sometimes seemed to be a spectator to the rest.

21.The same uncertain light that greeted Smiley as he stepped gratefully out of the safe flat into the fresh air of that Hampstead morning greeted Ostrakova also

22.He had rekindled her, and there was enough of the alley cat in him to remind her of Glikman and other men as well

23.What happened next, in such descriptions or imaginings as had come Ostrakova’s way, was supposed to happen in a flash.

24.a similar fixity, even at that distance; a respectful attentiveness, of an almost military kind.

25.and as they squeaked up these same stairs, Toby leading, the old man had suddenly halted, and put back his great mottled head, and wrinkled his nose theatrically.
Ah! So if I get hungry I have only to stand in the corridor and sniff and my hunger is gone!


26.And in the safe flat, he thought relentlessly—tantalising himself, staving off the final insight

27.Wearing her boots, which like herself were battered but mysteriously unbroken; and she was quaintly proud of the way they had supported her.

28.To be together again, as she sometimes called it.
To forget the hurts, the list of lovers; to forget Bill Haydon, the Circus traitor, whose shadow still fell across her face each time he reached for her, whose memory he carried in him like a constant pain. Bill his friend, Bill the flower of their generation, the jester, the enchanter, the iconoclastic conformer; Bill the born deceiver, whose quest for the ultimate betrayal led him into the Russians’ bed, and Ann’s. To stage yet another honeymoon, fly away to the South of France, eat the meals, buy the clothes, all the let’s pretend that lovers play.

29. A Toulouse-Lautrec face, caught as a stray shard of fair-ground light fired one gaunt and travelled cheek.

30.Mr. Benati’s eyes were brown and they looked nowhere long and nowhere without a purpose.

31.But the fieldman in Toby Esterhase was by now fully awake

32.He hesitated, suddenly embarrassed. “So okay, Ann gave you a bad time with Bill Haydon. So there’s Karla, and Karla was Bill’s big daddy in Moscow. George, I mean this gets very crude, know what I mean?”

33.He was driving on a high plateau and the plateau was above the tree-line because the pines had been planted low in the valley’s cleft.

34.“He wasn’t residency mainstream, we knew that from day one. He didn’t ride about in residency cars, do night-shifts or twin up with identified fellow hoods, or use their cipher room or attend their weekly prayer-meetings or feed the residency cat or whatever. On the other hand, Kirov wasn’t Karla’s man either, was he, heart?

35.“Unless what? Unless he’d gone off his turnip, I suppose! That’ll be the day, I must say.”

36.He had thought he was in the Circus with her still, with the operation against Kirov just about to be launched. But in her imagination she had leapt instead to the ancient city of Tallinn more than a quarter of a century earlier.

37.In her extraordinary mind, she had been there;

38. she had known both Leipzig and Kirov in the time of their friendship. A love story, she insisted. Little Otto and fat Oleg.

39.Her face was scarlet and her breath was not enough for her story, so that it kept running out in a wheeze

40.For Karla or for the mainstream

41.Connie said, perversely doubling back upon her own assertions to the contrary

42.Whatever there had been of country life had long fallen before the armies of suburbia

43.And now, at evening, fog had further strengthened the grip of darkness upon the retreating forces of light.

44.For years afterwards, and probably for all his life, Peter Guillam would relate, with varying degrees of frankness, the story of his home-coming that same evening.

45.She was looking beautiful and Celtic

46.Toby had formed decided views on the Grigoriev marriage

47.A blackmailed man has the dignity of all our weaknesses

48.Mostyn sat with a quite particular stillness.

49.Germany was his second nature, even his second soul. In his youth, her literature had been his passion and his discipline. He could put on her language like a uniform and speak with its boldness.

50.“You used to tell me never to stop looking,” he said. The statement began like the preface to a question, but no question followed.
She waited, then offered a statement of her own. “I’m a comedian, George,” she said. “I need a straight man. I need you.”
But he saw her from a long way off.



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