本帖最后由 agent124 于 2024-12-22 01:49 编辑
鬼笔环肽 发表于 2024-12-22 00:47
How can I judge a translation if I don’t know the original language? We can tell if a book is flu ...
How can we evaluate a translation if we don't know the language it was translated from? 这句是chatGPT建议的,我只是把I改成了we,以和下文一致。我本来的写法是How can I judge a translation if I don't know its source language? ChatGPT说source language是翻译研究里用得更多的术语。但我感觉过于正式,所以还是chatGPT建议的这句在语体上比较合适。
We can tell whether the translation is fluent, elegant, or lucid, but how do we know if the original work is of the same quality or of the same style?
On the other hand, if we can't judge the translation, how can we tell the original work is good or not? It may seem poorly written, but that is actually due to the bad translation. It may also be true the other way around in some cases. So we may only be able to say that we like or don't like a book, but don't know who to praise or blame, the author or the translator?
另外说一下对这个问题的看法。我不懂德语,但是对比《茵梦湖》的几种译文,这一句的效果应该是巴金老人的最佳:“静静的庄子渐渐地在他后面隐去,广大的世界却在他的眼前展开了。” 试对比杨武能的版本:“那座宁静的庄园便渐渐落在后面,展现在他眼前的是一个辽阔广大的世界。”
我也不懂俄语,但是《珍贵的尘土》中的一句,感觉是李时的译文最佳:“在最初的一刹那,沙梅甚至感到了轻松。” 试对比翻译家戴骢的版本:“最初夏米甚至有如释重负之感。” “如释重负”意思过了,“最初的一刹那”比“最初”更加精确。
当然不是说可以完全不顾原文,自己随意创作。但是不能把所谓的“忠实”当作唯一的标准,一票否决,最重要的还是表达效果。如果效果好,个别不太重要的地方的字句有出入,vs 效果一般,虽然字句对应很严谨。两者对照,我宁可选前者。