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[[原创地带]] Smiley's People汉译74

发表于 2024-6-28 21:28:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
“Party bought a wooden duck on wheels,” the minicab driver had said, turning to illustrate with his white hands. “Yellow job.”
The back door had a knocker. He gave a light tap with it and tried the door handle, which yielded. He stepped inside and closed the door carefully behind him. He was standing in a scullery that led to a kitchen and the first thing he noticed in the kitchen was the kettle off the gas with a thin line of steam curling from its silent whistle. And two cups and a milk jug and a teapot on a tray.
“Mrs. Craven?” he called softly. “Stella?”
He crossed the dining-room and stood in the hall, on the brown carpet beside the perambulator, and in his mind he was making pacts with God: just no more deaths, no more Vladimirs, and I will worship You for the rest of our respective lives.
“Stella? It’s me. Max,” he said.

He pushed open the drawing-room door and she was sitting in the corner on an easy chair between the piano and window, watching him with cold determination. She was not scared, but she looked as if she hated him. She was wearing a long Asian dress and no make-up. She was holding the child to her, boy or girl he couldn’t tell and couldn’t remember. She had its tousled head pressed against her shoulder and her hand over its mouth to stop it making a noise, and she was watching him over the top of its head, challenging and defying him.


“Where’s Villem?” he asked.
Slowly she took her hand away and Smiley expected the child to scream but instead it stared at him in salute.
“His name’s William,” she said quietly. “Get that straight, Max. That’s his choice. William Craven. British to the core. Not Estonian, not Russian. British.” She was a beautiful woman, black-haired and still. Seated in the corner holding her child, she seemed permanently painted against the dark background.
“I want to talk to him, Stella. I’m not asking him to do anything. I may even be able to help him.”
“I’ve heard that before, haven’t I? He’s out. Gone to work where he belongs.”
Smiley digested this.
“Then what’s his lorry doing outside?” he objected gently.
“He’s gone to the depot. They sent a car for him.”
Smiley digested this also.
“Then who’s the second cup for in the kitchen?”
“He’s got nothing to do with it,” she said.
He went upstairs and she let him. There was a door straight ahead of him and there were doors to his left and right, both open, one to the child’s room, one to the main bedroom. The door ahead of him was closed and when he knocked there was no answer.
“他的名字是威廉。”她轻声说。“搞清楚,马克斯。这是他自己起的。威廉·克雷文。道地的英国人。不是爱沙尼亚人,也不是俄国人,而是英国人。(维廉是威廉这个英文名字在爱沙尼亚语里的拼法——译注)” 她是个美丽的女人,黑发,文静。她抱着孩子坐在角落里,好像是黑色背景的一幅画。

“Villem, it’s Max,” he said. “I have to talk to you, please. Then I’ll go and leave you in peace, I promise.”
He repeated this word for word, then went down the steep stairs again to the drawing-room. The child had begun crying loudly.
“Perhaps if you made that tea,” he suggested between the child’s sobs.
“You’re not talking to him alone, Max. I’m not having you charm him off the tree again.”
“I never did that. That was not my job.”
“He still thinks the world of you. That’s enough for me.”
“It’s about Vladimir,” Smiley said.
“I know what it’s about. They’ve been ringing half the night, haven’t they?”
“Who have?”
“‘Where’s Vladimir? Where’s Vladi?’ What do they think William is? Jack the Ripper? He hasn’t had sound nor sight of Vladi for God knows how long. Oh, Beckie, darling, do be quiet!” Striding across the room, she found a tin of biscuits under a heap of washing and shoved one forcibly into the child’s mouth. “I’m not usually like this,” she said.
“Who’s been asking for him?” Smiley insisted gently.
“Mikhel, who else? Remember Mikhel, our Freedom Radio ace, Prime Minister designate of Estonia, betting tout? Three o’clock this morning while Beckie’s cutting a tooth, the bloody phone goes. It’s Mikhel doing his heavy-breathing act. ‘Where’s Vladi, Stella? Where’s our leader?’ I said to him: ‘You’re daft, aren’t you? You think it’s harder to tap the phone when people only whisper? You’re barking mad,’ I said to him. ‘Stick to racehorses and get out of politics,’ I told him.”
“弗拉基米尔在哪?弗拉迪在哪?他们以为威廉是什么?开膛手杰克(一名身份不明的连环杀手,1888年活跃于英国伦敦,这个案件至今是个谜——译注)?天知道他有多久没见过弗拉迪了。哦,贝琪,亲爱的,安静点!” 她大步穿过房间,在一堆衣物下找到一罐饼干,硬塞了一块到孩子嘴里。“我平时可不是这样的,”她说。
“谁找他了?” 斯迈利温和地追问道。

“Why was he so worried?” Smiley asked.
“Vladi owed him money, that’s why. Fifty quid. Probably lost it on a horse together, one of their many losers. He’d promised to bring it round to Mikhel’s place and have a game of chess with him. In the middle of the night, mark you. They’re insomniacs, apparently, as well as patriots. Our leader hadn’t shown up. Drama. ‘Why the hell should William know where he is?’ I ask him. ‘Go to sleep.’ An hour later who’s back on the line? Breathing as before? Our Major Mikhel once more, hero of the Royal Estonian Cavalry, clicking our heels and apologising. He’s been round to Vladi’s pad, banged on the door, rung the bell. There’s nobody at home. ‘Look, Mikhel,’ I said. ‘He’s not here, we’re not hiding him in the attic, we haven’t seen him since Beckie’s christening, we haven’t heard from him. Right? William’s just in from Hamburg, he needs sleep, and I’m not waking him.’”
“So he rang off again,” Smiley suggested.
“Did he, hell! He’s a leech. ‘Villem is Vladi’s favourite,’ he says. ‘What for?’ I say. ‘The three-thirty at Ascot? Look, go to bloody sleep!’ ‘Vladimir always said to me, if ever anything went wrong, I should go to Villem,’ he said. ‘So what do you want him to do?’ I said. ‘Drive up to town in the trailer and bang on Vladi’s door as well?’ Jesus!”
“他为什么这么担心?” 斯迈利问道。





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