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[[原创地带]] iamluda 翻译学习贴

发表于 2012-5-8 20:41:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英语一直没有提高。很想通过阅读来提高,但坚持不下去。痛下决心,争取在今年内翻译完 swf 文件格式参考手册 第6版。花一年的时间,看看英语能不能提高。

力争每天翻译一小段。 开个帖子督促一下自己。

由于网上能找到 高磊(网站:http://www.Mikel.cn) 翻译的swf 文件格式参考手册 第七版 前6章,

第七章  变形(Shapes)  
第八章  渐变(Gradients)  
第九章  位图(Bitmaps)  
第十章  旋转变形(Shape Morphing)  
第十一章  字体和文本(Fonts and Text)  
第十二章  声音(Sounds)  
第十三章  按钮(Buttons)  
第十四章  图形和电影剪辑(Sprite and Movie Clips)  
第十五章  视频(Video)  

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-9 07:19:03 | 显示全部楼层

The Macromedia Flash (SWF) shape architecture is designed to be compact, flexible and rendered very quickly to the display.  It is similar to most vector formats in that shapes are defined by a list of edges called a path. A path may be closed – where the start and end of the path meet to close the figure, or open – where the path forms an open-ended stroke. A path may contain a mixture of straight edges, curved edges, and ‘pen up and move’ commands. The latter allows multiple disconnected figures to be described by a single shape structure. (see MoveTo flag)

Macromedia Flash (SWF) 形状结构设计是紧凑,灵活和很快渲染显示。类似大多数矢量格式的形状定义,一个边的列表称为路径。路径可能是封闭的–开始和结束的路径会闭喝,或是开放的–所在路径形成 一个开放式的描绘

A fill style defines the appearance of an area enclosed by a path. Fill styles supported by Macromedia Flash (SWF) include a color, a gradient, or a bitmapped image.
A line style defines the appearance of the outline of a path. The line style may be a stroke of any thickness and color.
填充样式定义路径包围区域的显示外观。Macromedia Flash (SWF) 填充样式包括颜色,渐变或位图图像。线条样式定义一个路径的轮廓外观。线条样式可能是任何粗细和颜色的描绘

Most vector formats only allow one fill and line style per path. Macromedia Flash (SWF) extends this concept by allowing each edge to have its own line and fill style. This can have unpredictable results when fill styles change in the middle of a path.

多数矢量格式只允许每个路径的填充和线条样式。Macromedia Flash(SWF)延伸了这个概念,每边有它自己的线条和填充样式。当改变路径中间的填充样式时,可能会有不可预知的结果。

Flash also supports two fill styles per edge, one for each side of the edge: FillStyle0 and FillStyle1. FillStyle0 should always be used first and then FillStyle1 if the shape is filled on both sides of the edge.



使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-5-9 22:29:27 | 显示全部楼层
Flash也支持每一页有两种填充模式, FillStyle0和FillStyle1。


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-10 08:59:57 | 显示全部楼层
Shape Overview(形状概述)
A shape is comprised of the following elements:
•  CharacterId — A 16-bit value that uniquely identifies this shape as a ‘character’ in the dictionary. The CharacterId can be referred to in control tags such as PlaceObject. Characters can be re-used and combined with other characters to make more complex shapes.
   CharacterId - 16位的值,这个值用来唯一标识形状, 形状是字典中的字符。这个字符ID可以被引用作为控制标记,例如PlaceObject。字符可以被重新使用,和与其他字符相结合,来表达更复杂的形状。

•  Bounding box — The rectangle that completely encloses the shape.
Bounding box —矩形的形状是完全封闭的。

•  Fill style array — A list of all the fill styles used in a shape.
•Fill style array — 形状中使用的所有填充样式列表。

•  Line style array — A list of all the line styles used in a shape.
Line style array — 形状中所使用的线条样式列表。

•  Shape-record array — A list of shape-records. Shape-records can define straight or curved edges, style changes, or move the drawing position.
•  Shape-record array —形状记录列表。形状记录可以定义直线或曲线的边缘,样式的变化,或移动绘图位置。

Note: Line and fill styles are defined once only, and may be used (and re-used) by any of the edges in the shape.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-5-10 13:39:35 | 显示全部楼层



1. 第一句开始的"also"未译出。Also可用作类同的“也”,“还”,也可指连接性的“而且”。如果楼主引用的是全文,我没找到“也”的另一半在哪里。作为连接用此处不如略过。
2. 末句的“should always”译为“必须”。"Should always"在英语里很自然,但“应始终”、“应该总是”在中文这句话里太生硬了。“必须”不损失精确性,科技英语也无需特别注意作者的措辞细节。

根据个人(非科班的)经验,英语阅读能力的提高,在开始阶段贵精不贵多,可以从词、惯用法、句、段逐步入手,精读精思,收获自知。否则草草带过,形同流水帐,容易荒废时间,消磨志气。举例而言,第一段里“is designed to”并不难理解,但楼主的翻译就有很大偏差。学习讲求自知自控,似乎不应该抱着“试一试,看效果”的心态。IT英语句式简单,单词量极少,方法对路就很容易见到成效。


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-11 07:51:01 | 显示全部楼层
An Example Shape(形状举例)

This example appears to be a collection of shapes, but it can be described with a single DefineShape tag.

The red circle, red square and green rounded-rectangle are closed paths. The curved line is an open path. The red square consists of all straight edges, the red circle consists of all curved edges, while the rounded rectangle has curved edges interspersed with straight edges.

There are two fill styles; solid green and solid red, and two line styles; 1-pixel black, and 2-pixel black. The red circle and red square share the same fill and line styles. The rounded rectangle and curved line share the same line style.

Here’s how to describe this example with Macromedia Flash (SWF):
下面是用 Macromedia Flash (SWF) 来如何描述这个例子

•  First, the fill styles are defined with a FILLSTYLEARRAY. The two unique fill styles are solid red and solid green.

•  This is followed by a LINESTYLEARRAY that includes the two unique line styles; 1-pixel black, and 2-pixel black .

•  This is followed by an array of SHAPERECORDs.
All shape records share a similar structure but can have varied meaning. A shape-record can define straight or curved edge, a style change, or it can move the current drawing position.

Now we define the curved line:
•  The first shape-record selects the 2-pixel wide line style, and moves the drawing position to the top of the curved line by setting the MoveTo flag.
首先 形状记录 选择线宽度样式为2象素,通过设置MoveTo标志移动绘制位置到曲线的顶层

•  The next shape-record is a curved edge, which ends to the bottom of the line. The path is not closed.

Now we define the red square:

•  The next shape-record selects the 1-pixel line style and the red fill style. It also moves the drawing position to the top-left corner of the red rectangle.

•  The following four shape-records are straight edges. The last edge must end at the top-left corner. Flash requires that closed figures be joined explicitly. That is, the first and last points must be co-incident.

Now we define the red circle:
•  The next shape-record does not change any style settings, but moves the drawing position to the top of the red circle.

•  The following eight shape-records are curved edges that define the circle. Again, the path must finish where it started.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-5-14 17:18:16 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-5-24 10:25:35 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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