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[[原创地带]] 【原创】《柳子厚墓志铭》英译

发表于 2011-4-12 20:08:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

An Epitaph for Liu Zihou
By Han Yu

(trans. Nov, 2007)

Part One

Liu Zongyuan’ s cognomen was Zihou. One of his ancestors seven generations before him was Liu Qing, who served at court in the Tuoba Wei Dynasty and was made Lord of Jiyin. His great-grandfather’s elder brother, Liu Shi, a prime minister in the Tang Dynasty, was executed with Zhu Suiliang and Han Yuan because they had offended Empress Wu during the reign of Emperor Gao Zong. His father, Liu Zhen, gave up his post as doctor of ceremony in order to care for his mother at home, asking for a magistracy south of the Yangzi. Later he lost his position as censor because he would not fawn on a powerful noble, and was reinstated only after that noble’s death. He was known for his probity, and all his friends were famous in their day.

Zihou was brilliant from boyhood, with a grasp of all branches of knowledge. Though still a lad at the time of his father’s death, he had already distinguished himself by passing the examination in the capital. He was known as a worthy son of the house of Liu.
Later, having passed an examination, testing erudition and literary talent, he was made a secretary in Jixian Palace. Strikingly brilliant, fearless and incorruptible, he enforced his arguments with examples from the past and present, was well-versed in the classics, histories and hundred schools of thought, marshalled his facts as swiftly as the wind, and nearly always refuted his opponents. His fame spread far and wide, and he was greatly sought after, high officials competed to win him as their protégé, and had nothing but praise for him.

In the nineteenth year of the Zhen Yuan era, he was promoted from the assistant magistracy of Lantian to the post of supervising censor. Upon Emperor Shun Zong’s ascension to the throne, he was made a secretary of the Ministry of Ceremony. When later the ministers in power were punished, he was sent out as a prefect, but before reaching his post he was further demoted and made assistant prefect of Yongzhou. While there he worked harder than ever, studying and writing essays. He stored his mind with learning till his knowledge was limitless, and took his pleasure among the hills and streams.

Part Two

He and other demoted officials were called back to the capital During Yuanhe period under the reign of Emperor Tang Xianzhong. But due to strong repulsion from someone in power,soon he was again demoted to be Cishi in Liuzhou,a remote and primitive area inhabited mostly by minorities. Arriving at the post,he sighed with some aspiration:“Well, so what ? Isn’t here the very place for me to go all out to achieve something?”Then he issued regulations eliminating social evils in line with local customs aiming to educate the people about freedom. He gained popular trust among the people of Liuzhou . It had been a practice in Liuzhou that poor people could borrow money from the rich when their children became a pledge under a contract,writing that if the debtor could not pay back the money in the due time ,by the time the interest has acrrued to the same amount as the debt ,the creditor will have the children as slaves. During his government he made every effort help the poor get their children redeemed .

For those impoverished,he demanded the creditor to record how much money the child slaves had earned in pledge. On the day when that amount of money could offset the debt,the children must be set free. After a year’s practice the number of those who returned home free from slavery amounted to around 1000 after the Guanchashi introduced the practice to other places. Those candidates of the imperial civil service examination south of Heng Moutain and the Xiang River all regarded him as their teacher in admiration. The essays that had come out through his personal instruction showed a standard of excellence both in style and diction.

Liu Mengde of Zhongshan county was one among the other officials who were calld backed to the capital with Liu Zihou but soon demoted again. On hearing the news that Liu Mengde was demoted to be Cishi in Bozhou, he came to tears and said:“Bozhou is totally a hell to live in, surprisingly remote and poverty stricken. What’s more, Mengde’s mother is still living and needs care. I can’t stand aside and see him in misery. He has no way to tell his mother about his embarrassment. Undoubtedly his mother should not go with him to suffer the torture in that hell .” He planned to submit an appeal to the court, pleading that he would like to go to Bozhou instead of Mengde and would be willing to risk his life if he would offend his Majesty. However, It happened that someone else had made Mengde’s plight known to the emperor, and he was demoted to be Cishi in Lianzhou,a better palce than Bozhou.

Alas ! Only when a man is in poverty can he manifests moral integrity and loyalty. In our life we see some people admire and flatter each other, seeming intimate when they feast and make merry together. They talked big with forced smile and behaved as inferiors. They seem to be willing to bare their hearts to each other, swearing to heaven that they will never betray each other with tears running down. They look sincere indeed. But once there is a clash of interests between them, no matter how tiny the crash is, they will turn againt each other. If a friend falls into a well, they would not give a hand to save him. Instead, they will seize the opportunity to push him down and drop stones on his head. Such people are to be found everywhere! They will think it wise enough to do the things that even beasts and savages distain, They should feel ashamed when they hear how noble Zihou is !


韩 愈







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