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[[辞书评介]] 试评《新编法律英语术语》

发表于 2011-4-8 21:52:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  新遍法律英语《术语》(New Glossary of English Legal Terms)编译之目的在于给出英美法律《术语》较精确的汉译,为学习研究法律英语 强化法律词汇提供参考工具书。
  成书过程中,美国The Segue Group Inc.公司的Present Summer S. Xia先生给予多方面指导和帮助。本书得到了宁波大学外语学院,法学院的几位领导和外籍教师Margare ta Skov的大力协助,在此深表谢意。
  就此,如所言属实,则各该公司先生,一大学两学院的领导和外籍教师于领受所“深表”的谢意之余,是不是还在继续“多方指导和帮助”和“大力协助”呢?您们请教过法律顾问么:您们对《术语》该承担什么产品责任即Products liability吗?
  第二、汉语词目之英译大错特错 错定错绝。 以下所列,原汉语译名在箭头前为《术语》之错;箭头后为笔者之更正 ,如:
  1. bypass trust also called a marital life estate or an A-B trusts A trust designed to help couples with combined assets over $600000 save money on estate taxes. A bypass trust allows each member of a couple to use the $600000 estate tax exemption. 受信托管理财产→夫妻…… 原文中的“couple”原汉语译文中不见去向了!
  2. marital life estate see bypass trust 终身财产→同上[原英文中的“marital”在汉语译文中也不见踪影了!]
  3. maker one executes a note or indorses it before its delivery to the payees, and who thereby assumes an absolute obligation to → make payment on the note 期票出票人→……或背书人
  4. marital communications privilege principle that either spouse is precluded from disclosing a confidential communication made by one together 婚姻特权→夫妻通讯(享有的由对方予以)保密(的)特权
  5. mandatory sentence a criminal sentence set by a legislature that
establishes the minimum length of prison time for specified crimes and thus limits the amount of discretion a judge has when sentencing a defendant 委托判决→(由立法机关定下最低刑从而限制法官量刑幅度的并对之有)强制性(的)有罪判决 错误之关键:把“强制”误解为“委托”了!
  6. malpractice a professional’s improper or immoral conduct in the performance of his or her duties, done either intentionally or through carelessness or ignorance, the failure of a professional to follow the accepted standards of practice of his or her profession 不法行为;营私舞弊→职业事故(如医疗事故之类)
  7. medical directive see living will有效遗嘱→(晚期病人关于今后需否继续治疗乃至该如何)治疗(的)志愿书 未必是“遗嘱”,更谈不上“有效”与否
  8. living will also known as a medical directive or advance directive a written document that states a person's wishes regarding life-support or other medical treatment in certain circumstances, usually when death is imminent 有效遗嘱→同上
  9. legal age the age determined by each state, at which a person becomes responsible for his or her action and is capable of entering into contracts or other business relationships 法定成年年龄→法定年龄 “法定年龄”与“法定成年年龄”非同一概念;何况更不存在“法定成年年龄”!――“成年年龄”之外无“法定”与“事实”之分。
  10.lateral support an owner of real property has the right to have one's land, in its natural condition, supported and held in place from the sides by one's neighbor's land 旁系抚养→英语界定为物权法概念;而译成了汉语,竟是亲属或家庭法概念了!
  11. abandoned child 遗弃孩子→(被遗)弃(的孩)子 “遗弃孩子”是主动的。英语当非“abandoned child”而是“to abandon child”才是吧。如今英语原文是被动的“abandoned child”――汉语自以译作“弃子”为是。这丁点儿汉语语感总该有吧
  12. acquire to gain by any means,to obtain by any endeavor,to become the owner of property,to make something own 取得(领土、国籍、财产等)→取得(财产等)
  13. hostile possession actual occupation or possession of real estate coupled with a claim express or implied,of ownership,without permission of the holder of paramount title 不动产抗拒占有→擅自占有(其主张所有权之他人产业)以示对抗(之行为)
  14. immigrant visa: see green card 绿卡→外来移民签证 须知:“绿卡”固“外来移民之签证”之属,但并非一切“外来移民签证”都是“绿卡”。故把“immigration visa”译成“绿卡”乃大错也。
  15. ad litem 拉丁 for the suit,for the purpose of the lawsuit being prosecuted 参考某一法律案例→诉讼(上的) 如“guardian ad litem”不就是“诉讼监护人”吗?!
  16. guardian ad litem 拉丁 for a guardian at law;a person appointed by the court to look out for or to protect the best interests of the child during the course of a legal proceeding 诉讼监护人;诉讼代理人→诉讼监护人 这“诉讼代理人”者另有其词,乃“agent ad litem”也――它径自闯进来,太猖狂了!
  17. visitation right the right granted to a parent or other relative to visit a child on a specified bases Usually occurs during a divorce proceeding 现场检查…→父、母等亲属对其未成年亲属之探视权 原汉语译文与英语原文风马牛!
  18. next friend a competent person who,although not an appointed guardian,acts in behalf of a party who is unable to look after his or her own interests or manage his or her own lawsuit 未成年或其他无行为能力的诉讼辅助人→有完全行为能力、主动为无能力关心自己利益或管理自己诉讼者办事的人
  19. negative pregnant in pleading,a denial that implies an affirmation of a substantial fact and hence is beneficial to the opponent 包含肯定的否定陈述;包含有确认的否认 →(诉辩中)意味着肯定某重大事实从而有利于对造之否认
  20. named plaintiffs the originators of a class action suit 指名原告→在集团诉讼中出头的原告 原译脱离原文界定、逐字硬译词目的表层,故“译”了出来,谁也难以理解
  21. lottery a gambling scheme in which consideration is taken in return for the offering of a prize that will be given on the basis of chance and not merit抽签;彩票→抽签、彩票等赌博 英语原文“gambling”即“赌博”被隐匿不译 活动
  22. movant the moving party,applicant for an order by way of motion before a court 倡议人;动议人→申请人 原译之谬误在于把法律《术语》作一般词语译了
  23. open adoption an adoption in which the birth mother may retain some visitation privileges 公开收养→生母享有一定探视权的收养关系 原译不但置英语界定于不顾(如birth mother),而且又把“open”即“开放式”误译成“公开”了
  24. subornation of perjury a crime consists of encouraging and persuading another to make a false oath 伪证教唆罪→伪誓教唆罪
  25. informed consent except in the case of an emergency,a doctor must obtain a patient's agreement(informed consent)to any course of treatment. Doctors are required to tell the patient anything that would substantially affect the patient's decision. Such information typically includes the nature and purpose of the treatment,its risks and consequences and alternative courses of treatment. 承诺通知→病家经医家告知有关情况后才表示的同意(某种治疗)
  26. inmate one is committed to an institution such as a prisoner at a prison 同居者;同住者→此译之荒谬绝伦在于:英语原文指的是大墙之内者,而其汉语译文却摇身一变――变成自由天地间的“同居者”了!这不是千年难得的英译汉高级反面教材吗?!
  27. infirm a weak person 虚弱的→虚弱的人 把那应译成“虚弱的人”的给错译成“虚弱的”了――这该是初中程度英译汉反面教材吧?!
  28. undisclosed principal one of whose existence the party dealing with the agent is not aware。The third party does not know he or she is dealing with an agent 未被披露→未公开的本人;不出面的本人 原译为打了对折的
  29. wrong the violation of the legal rights of another,the breath sic of a legal duty 侵犯权利→+违反法律义务 漏译
  30. youthful offenders youths accused of crime who are processed in the juvenile court system,and so are treated as delinquents rather than as adult criminals 少年犯→罪错少年 原译作“犯”,有背原立法意图:为有利其改造,故意不给戴上“犯人”(criminal)的帽子,而称之为含糊其词的 “(youthful)offender”,故试译之为“罪错少年”
  31. wiretap the acquisition of the contents of communication through the use of any electronic,mechanical or other device 窃听电话→窃听 按原文,窃听而已,何必“电话”?!
  32. usufruct the right to use and enjoy property vested in another,and to draw from it all the profit and utility it may produce,provided it be without altering the substance of the thing 使用收益权→用益权 原译并非错误,但“用益权”为历来的习惯用语
  33. utmost resistance the degree of resistance that a woman traditionally has been required to offer her attacker in order to charge that she has been raped;the maximum resistance of which a woman is capable in resisting rape 以最大限度的反抗不使强奸者得逞;妇女能抗拒强奸之最大力度
  34. spousal right the entitlement of one spouse to inherit property from the other spouse.The right varies from state to state.婚姻权→配偶相互继承权
  35. institution correctional institution,penal institution 法律;制度→制度:矫治制度;刑罚制度
  36. intendment of law the true meaning or purpose behind a law 法律上的正确理解→法(律)之真谛
  37. integration the process by which the parties to an agreement adopt a writing or writings as the full and final expression of their agreement and the writing or writings so adopted 取消种族隔离;一体化→协议各方以一件或多件文书充分并最终表述该协议之全过程及各该文书 原译规避全体英语原文而只抓住某一点(即 “integration”)。死译加硬译,其怪胎即与全体原文风马牛的原译――“取消种族隔离;一体化”!
  38. action a court proceeding wherein one party prosecutes another party for a wrong done,or for protection of a right or prevention of a wrong 民事诉讼;诉讼行为→诉讼 不问民、刑
  39. prior lien a first or superior lien entitled to satisfaction before others 优先留置权→首先受偿之优先留置权
  40. prose(pro say) 拉丁 for himself. A person who represents himself in court alone without the help of a lawyer is said to appear prose。亲自;自行;为自己→不请律师自行到庭
  41. prosecutor the public official who prepares and conducts the prosecution of persons accused of crime 起诉人;检举人→检察官
  42. promise a declaration of one's intention to do or to refrain from doing something 承诺;诺言→允诺 “承诺”乃“acceptance”;“诺言”非法律概念!
  43. prospectus refers to a document that discloses financial information about a corporation to potential investors and explains the company's plans and objectives 计划书;发起书→ 证券 公司(披露其有关信息的)说明书
  44.punitive damages money awarded to a victim that is intended to punish a defendant and stop the person or business from repeating the type of conduct that caused an injury exemplary damage 惩罚性损害赔偿→惩罚性损害赔偿金 单数“damage”为“损害赔偿”;复数“damages”为“损害赔偿金”!不可不辨!!
  45. products liability a concept in the law of torts holding a manufacturer strictly liable in tort when an article the manufacturer places on the market,knowing it is to be used without inspection for defects,proves to have a defect that causes injury to a human being 产品赔偿责任→产品责任 按“产品”的英语,单、复数由之;故英语应以“product(s) liability”立目为宜。又,“产品责任”不能缩小为“产品赔偿责任”而损害消费者权益!原译之谬误亦在于此!
  46. quotation refers to a statement of the price of an item and the price stated in response to an inquiry 引语;引证→行情;报价 原译根本没有把英语释义放在眼里。反而拿与之风马牛的“引语”、“引证”来同吾辈读者打哈哈!
  47. joint and several refers to the sharing of rights and liabilities among a group of persons collectively and also individually 共同和各自的→连带的 原译不能算错;但“连带”才是与“共同”对称的法律习惯用语!
  48. judgment creditor refers to a creditor who has obtained against a debtor a judgment through which the creditor can obtain the sum due him or her 判决确定的债权人
  49. judgment debtor refers to a person against whom there is a legal judgment for repayment of a debt 判决债务人
  50. jury trial the trial of an issue of fact before a jury 陪审→陪审团的事实审
  51. marital communications privilege principle that either spouse is precluded from disclosing a confidential communication made by one together “one another”之误
  52. tax evasion refers to the fraudulent and willful underpayment of or nonpayment of taxes …underpayment,or nonpayment,of taxes原译先后用了两个“of”,虽尚不能算错,但作为法律(词典)文字,第一个“of”以略去为宜。同时,相应的标点,亦宜做如上处理
  53. territorial waters all inland waters,waters between the line of mean high tide and mean low tide,and all waters seaward to a line tree 为“three”之误 geographical miles from the coastline generally constitute the territorial waters of a country
  54. yellow dog contract an employment contrast “contract”之误 expressly prohibiting the named employee from joining labor union under pain of dismissal
  55. wrong the violation of the legal rights of another,the breath “breach”之误 a legal duty 侵犯权利
  56. withholding tax or the amount of income tax withhold 此处应作“withheld“――表示被动嘛 from employees’ wages or salaries
  57. words of art words that have a particular meaning in law or in a particular area of study and that either that have either no meaning or different meaning outside that field
  58. ward-ship 为“wardship“之误 the office of guardian,a form of guardianship
  59. voting trust the accumulation in a single hand,or in a few hands,of shares of corporate stock belonging to many owners,for the prose 为“purpose“之误 of exercising contract over the business of the company
  60. vexatious litigation civil action to have been instituted maliciously and without probable case “cause“之误 , and that may be protected against by injunction

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