Hypnosis: Medical, Scientific or Occultic?
ISBN: 0941717186
EastGate Publishers | 2001 | ISBN: 0941717186 | 142 pages | PDF | 11
The Bobgans examine hypnosis from scientific, historical, and
biblical perspectives. They explore and answer such questions as:
What is hypnosis? Is hypnosis a natural experience? Can the will be
violated? How does the induction process work? What is hypnotic
memory? Is all hypnosis the same or are there different types or
varying degrees? Is there a difference between medical and occult
hypnosis? What does the Bible say about hypnosis? Is hypnosis an
acceptable medical practice for Christians?
Table of Contents
1. Hypnotic Origins
2. What Is Hypnosis?
3. Is Hypnosis a Natural Experience?
4. Can the Will Be Violated?
5. Induction/Seduction
6. Age Regression and Progression
7. Hypnotic Memory
8. Deep Hypnosis
9. Hypnosis: Medical, Scientific,
or Occultic?
10. The Bible and Hypnosis
11. Hypnosis in Unexpected Places
12. Conclusion
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