Author: Anonymous
Published: 1911
Language: English
Wordcount: 10,146 / 38 pg
When ironing fine pieces, instead of sprinkling afresh, take a piece of muslin, wring it out in cold water, and lay on the ironing board under the article; press with a warm iron; remove the wet piece and iron.
When making starch for light clothes use Wool Soap in the water. This will give the clothes a glossy appearance and the irons will not stick.
Badly scorched linen may be improved by using the following solution: Boil together well a pint of vinegar, an ounce of Wool Soap, four ounces of fuller's earth, and the juice of two onions. Spread this solution over the scorched spots on the linen and let it dry. Afterward wash the garment and the sco
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