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[【推荐】] 最佳免费备份软件

发表于 2010-6-16 08:54:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
最佳免费备份软件介绍了Titan BackupFBackupCobian BackupFileHamsterToucan以及Areca BackupComodo Backup。这些备份软件各有特点,大家可根据自己的需求进行选择。总体结论Titan Backup最为易用,善用佳软更偏好Toucan,Areca Backup更能满足Geek需求
本文由eleven、Jacky Lan、xbeta 译自Tech Support Alert,并对文章内容进行了补充,Crend King补充Areca Backup软件,xbeta补充了Comodo Backup软件。可参照最佳46款免费软件最佳免费文件夹同步软件(英文)最佳免费磁盘镜像软件(英文)阅读。
1. Titan Backup:普通用户首选备份方案[sup][/sup]
Titan Backup是我提供给普通用户的首选。Titan Backup 是 Neobyte Solutions 公司的商业化备份解决方案。但作者为Gizmo网站的读者提供了一个免费版本。尽管商业版有了更新版本,但这个免费版本仍旧非常实用。本软件的易用性相当好,可以选择加密或不加密方法,以ZIP文件形式备份。其任务计划也相当好用,支持把备份存放到不同的网络位置。可以进行增量和差异备份,你也可以使用它来恢复整个压缩文件或者其中的一部分。请注意:免费版本不能备份正在被打开或者使用中的文件(如果你有这方面的需求,请看下文)。在你安装Titan Backup免费版之前,请先获取注册号
补充:免费版序列号 000020-ACM8KK-1YXPMT-JZT49Z-05Z6JZ-7C68TR-9Y7FU9-6PD2P8,更多说明(英文)
2. FBackup:普通用户备份的第二选择[sup][/sup]
FBackup是我推荐给普通用户的第二选择。FBackup是一个免费的备份软件,与大名鼎鼎的商业备份软件 Backup4All 师出同门。它拥有可以支持Backup4all插件的独特向导,可以帮助你自动备份各种程序生成的数据。比如你在使用Firefox或者Opera浏览器,你就可以下载安装相应的插件,启用该插件后它就可以自动的帮助你备份诸如书签、历史和已保存的密码等各种数据。(点此链接获取插件)FBackup支持卷影拷贝,所以你也可以用它备份正在使用的文件。
9.85MB,v4.0,无限制免费软件,≥Win XP
3. Cobian Backup[sup][/sup]
Cobian Backup早已盛名在外,尽管功能有限,但是就总体而言,它是相当值得信赖的。我说的“功能有限”的意思是——它甚至不能还原你的备份!(坦白说,这一点我不能理解)然而,它正在被数以千计的组织和个人使用,有着广泛的用户社区优势。它分为Unicode版本(仅支持Windows NT及其后续系统)与非Unicode版本(支持所有windows平台)。它支持卷影像复制,因此可以备份使用中的文件。
9.83 MB,V9.5.1.212,完全免费,≥Win NT
4. FileHamster[sup][/sup]
5 MB,v1.7.0.3,有限制的免费版(商业版无限制),≥Win XP,需.Net 2.0,有便携版。
5. Toucan:结合备份与同步的开源便携方案[sup][/sup]
Toucan:如果你想找一款小巧、便携的备份工具,则可以选择Toucan。它的功能兼顾备份和同步风格,支持增量与差异备份(incremental and differential backups)、zip 或 7-zip 压缩、通过 ccrypt 实现 AES256 位加密,以及简单易用的恢复功能。

  - Copy:把源目录内容完全复制一份到备份目录 。
  - Update:同上,但只复制更新过的内容。
  - Mirror(Copy) :先进行一次copy;然后检查备份目录,删除与来源目录不相同的内容。
  - Mirror(Update) :来源目录有更新过的档案,或是有新增的档案,拷备到备分目录,并将备份目录与来源目录不相同的档案删除。
  - Equalise:先来一次update,再来一次反向update。
  - 完整。
  - 增量:只备份新文件。
  - 差异:第一次备份生成一个基本包,然后每次备份生成一个包。恢复时,需要基本包和最后一个差异包。
6. Areca Backup:Geek的选择[sup][/sup]
Crend King: 2009-03-07 12:21留言如下:
绝对推荐 Areca Backup!Areca Backup 是一个开源的备份软件,用 Java 写成。Areca Backup 支持一般用户甚至 Geek 们备份需要的几乎所有功能,比如压缩,加密,定时,命令行,多种过滤器(比如有上面所有软件都没有的正则表达式过滤,按文件大小、时间等等),多种方式搜索备份目录。
更优秀的是,它是我能找到的唯一一个支持“增量+版本”备份的免费软件。也就是说,你有一个 1G 大小的文件,你删除、添加或者修改了其中的 1 个字节,下一次备份的时候 Areca Backup 只会保存这改变的 1 个字节。由于是按版本备份的,你可以恢复到修改前或者修改后的状态,同时大大节省空间。
相比起来,以上介绍的软件就或多或少欠缺一两个不可或缺的功能,比如 Titan Backup 和 FBackup 似乎只会保存文件的最新状态,没有文件版本的能力。FileHamster 似乎有版本的功能,却没有增量。Toucan 同 Titan Backup,而且必须打包成 zip 或者 7z,这样存在一个问题:如果无法启动操作系统,需要在 DOS 下恢复已备份的文件,还必须有解压工具。
总之,十分推荐 Areca Backup。它名气不大,好像也只有一个程序员在维护,但十分活跃。我昨天发现了它 7.0.5 版的一个 Bug,今天就放出了解决了 Bug 的 7.0.6。
7. Comodo Backup及其他软件[sup][/sup]
善用佳软看来,备份软件的基本功能差别不是很大。在这种情况下,如果你对这些软件缺乏了解的话,选择一个有口碑的大公司产品就是最稳妥的做法。Comodo Backup是著名安全厂商Comodo公司提供的免费备份软件,除了基本功能之外,在备份排程(即设定计划自动备份,见下图)方面的尤为强大。

电脑玩物还详细介绍过Allway SyncSyncToy 2Any Backup三款备份软件。
很长时间以来,读者询问备份软件时,善用佳软都推荐过SyncBack。(注: SyncBack是免费版,SyncBack SE和Pro是收费版)

8. 总结[sup][/sup]
- 使用ThinkPad,对硬件比较放心,所以,在硬件使用的前几年备份压力较小。
- 不认为自己的资料有多重要,或者说,大多数资料的重要性结合毁损机率,不需要经常备份。
- 如有需求,使用压缩软件的命令行脚本处理经常性备份,使用Total Commander的同步功能进行偶尔备份。
如果你认为本文介绍的备份软件过多,则下面的话可作为简易选择结论:大众化选择Titan Backup;善用佳软偏好Toucan和SyncBack;Geek选择Areca Backup。(完)


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-16 08:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
Best Free Folder Synchronization Utility
Updated Mon, 02/01/2010 - 05:49 by Ritho
File synchronization utilities help you keep updated copies of files or folders in two or more locations, such as different computers, network drives, USB drives, or online storage. While a file sync utility could be used as a simple backup tool (called one-way syncing), its real power lies in keeping an identical set of working files in two or more locations. An example of this would be keeping current versions of the same data files on both your home computer and office computer (two-way syncing). File sync utilities keep track of which files you create or change, or even delete in one location, and can create, change, and delete those same files in the other location.
Criteria for the Evaluating a Synchronization Utility: A good synchronization utility would have most or all the following features.
    [li]Should support two-way synchronization of files. [/li][li]Should be able to replicate any source folder even if the files are in use. [/li][li]Should detect conflicts or file collisions. These occur when a file has changed in both locations since the last sync operation. This requires that a database or journal be kept by the utility. [/li][li]Should propagate deletions and detect file renames. This also requires a log file of previous operations. [/li][li]Should support filters and rules for fine tuning what files are, or are not included in the sync operations. [/li][li]Should show a preview of what is going to take place during a sync operation, and allow the user to easily over-ride any actions desired. [/li][li]Should have a job scheduler and the ability to automatically detect and launch sync operations when a destination becomes active. (Such as plugging in a USB drive) [/li][li]Should support syncing to both local and network locations. [/li]
There are are a lot of contenders in this category, but based on the criteria above, three stand out.

PureSync is the top pick in this category. The only major feature that I found it lacks is the ability to copy open or locked files in the free edition. It has a fairly good set of filters and rules to fine tune what files are included in the job operations. It creates a database during the initial sync operation which it uses to detect file collisions or conflicts, and propagate deletions thereafter. It has a good preview of what files are going to be copied, updated, or deleted when performing a sync job. It has a nice scheduler and supports enabling auto sync for storage such as USB drives. It also has some special options for copying photos from digital cameras. Be aware that while it supports syncing to network locations, syncing with FTP is only supported in the paid version. Over all I was very pleased with its numerous features and ease of use, and heartily recommend it to the average user.

FreeFileSync is another solid contender here. In fact I had a hard time choosing between FreeFileSync and PureSync for my top pick. The thing I like the best with this utility is its very clear and informative interface. The preview is very easy to understand, and file collisions and deletions are more readily recognizable than in PureSync. If you require a sync program that can copy files that are in use or locked, FreeFileSync has you covered there too! Unfortunately it only has very basic filters, no auto sync feature, and no direct support for FTP. My final complaint would be that its help file is a little sparse. Those few flaws aside, I found it to be well designed and easy to use.

Allway Sync is my third recommendation. It is a very well rounded product with loads of features. It has a very robust filter and rule set and definitely has the edge here over the other two previously reviewed products. It also offers support for FTP, scheduling, and auto syncing. It has a very thorough help file which can be of great benefit especially to those who are new to synchronization programs. One draw back I found is that while it does detect file collisions and deletions, it is not very clear how to choose which versions of conflicting files to keep and which to overwrite. You should also be aware that in the free version of Allway Sync there is a file copy limit of 40,000 files in any 30 day period. So if you have a large amount of files to synchronize on a daily basis you might need to look at a different choice. Also note that it does not support copying locked files as the developers feel it could compromise data integrity.
Honourable Mentions.
SyncBack: Supports file compression, and can verify file integrity after job completion.
Synkron: Had a lot of votes for this one in the comments section.
File Synchronizer: Is good if you are looking for a minimalistic or simplistic utility.

Quick Selection Guide
Lots of features
Lacks locked file copy and FTP support
4.6 MB   2.1.9   Free for personal use Win 98 - 7
Very easy to understand and use "straight out of the box."
Very few filter options, no ftp, no auto sync, very sparse help.
1.3 MB   3.1   Unrestricted Freeware   Win XP - Vista
Linux Operating System Support
Allway Sync  
Very robust set of filters and rules, support for FTP
Monthly file copy limit of 40,000 files, no support for copying locked files
6 MB   9.4.11 Free for personal use   Win XP - 7
Portable versions available
Other languages available


使用道具 举报

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