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发表于 2005-1-11 13:52:21
1999 Passage 1
It's a rough world out there. Step outside and you could break a leg slipping on your doormat. Light up the stove and you co
compensate /5kCmpEnseit/ (补偿,赔偿)看作com+pens+ate,com-前缀“一起”,pens钢笔,-ate动词后缀,“把钢笔全都给你”→赔偿;
名词形式为compensation/kCmpen5seiFEn/ ←com+pens+ation名词后缀。True tragedy may be defined as a dramatic work in which the outward failure of the principal personage is compensated for by the dignity and greatness of his character.真正的悲剧可以这样定义:一部剧作,剧中主人公的表面失败由其人格的高贵伟大予以补偿。
misfortune /mis5fC:tFEn/ (不幸;灾难)←mis+fortune,mis-否定前缀,fortune(运气;财产)见2003年Text 3。No misfortune can be as great as the loss of time.再大的不幸也比不上时间的损失。
anticipate /An5tisipeit/ (预料,期望)即anti+cip+ate,anti-前缀“先前的”(如antique→anti+que后缀→古老的;古玩),cip词根“抓”(参participation,2001年Passage 1),-ate动词后缀,于是“在事情发生之前就在脑子里将其抓住”→预料。What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we lest expected generally happens.我们所预料的事很少发生,最预料不到的事却往往出现。
stepladder /5steplAdE/ (一种通常在顶端有个小平台的活动梯子)←step台阶+ladder梯子。
interaction /7intEr5AkFEn/ (互相作用)←inter互相+act作用+ion名词后缀。It is the interaction of his personality and period that results in the formation of a composer's style.作曲家风格的形成,是其个性与时代相互作用的结果。
regulation /re^ju5leiFEn/ (调整;校准;规章)即regul+ation,regul词根“规则”=rule(如regular→定期的;规则的),-ation名词后缀;动词形式为regulate(调整;校准;管制)←regul+ate。The use of travelling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.旅行的价值在于用显示校正想象,目睹事物的本来面目,而非臆想它们可能如何。regulation — the substitution of error for chance 规则——用错误代替变化。
defendant /di5fendEnt/ (辩护的;被告)←defend(防卫;辩护)+ant后缀。I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.我不同意你说的话,但我愿誓死捍卫你说这话的权力。←这是18世纪法国启蒙运动领袖伏尔泰(Voltaire)的名言。
recommendation /7rekEmen5deiFEn/ (推荐)即re+commend+ation,re-反复,commend称赞,-ation名词后缀,联想记忆:考研辅导班上某名师反复(re)称赞(commend)某本辅导书,这一定是不怀好意的“推荐”(recommendation)。A good presence is letters of recommendation.良好的仪表就是推荐信。
guideline /5^aidlain/ (指导方针)←guide+line。
tort /tC:t/(民事侵权行为)与torture(v.n.折磨;拷问)一起记,“折磨拷问别人是一种民事侵权行为”。
bombard /5bCmbB:d/ (v.炮轰,攻击)为象声词。
triviality /trivi5Aliti/(琐事)←trivial琐碎的+ity名词后缀。In important matters, we expose our best sides; in trivial matter, we disclose ourselves as we really are.我们在重要的事件中显示自己最好的方面,在无关紧要的小事中露出自己的本来面目。
mention /5menFEn/ (v.n.提及)看作men+tion,“提起了男人”。One measure of friendship consists not in the number of things friends can discuss, but in the number of things they need no longer mention.友谊的尺度之一不在于朋友们可以讨论的事情的数量,而在于他们无须再提及的事情的数量。
oblige /E5blaidV/ (v.迫使,责成)。My ideal of a picture is that every part of it should oblige the looker-on who has any real sense for a whole to see the rest.我理想中的画是这样的:它的每个部分都会促使具有任何真正整体感的观者去看其余的部分。
indifferent /in5difErEnt/ (冷漠的;不积极的)即in+different,in-否定前缀,different不同,“无论怎样都感觉不到什么不同”→漠不关心的。The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them; that's the essence of inhumanity.我们对作为同类的其他人所犯下的最大罪过不是憎恨,而是漠不关心,那是不近人情的本质。The true secret of giving advice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not, and never persist in trying to set people right.提出忠告的真正秘诀在于:诚心诚意地提出之后,就不再关注它是否被采纳,并且决不固执己见地要求别人按自己的意见行事。
objective /Eb5dVektiv/ (客观的;目标)去e加-ity即为objectivity(客观性)。After many years I have reached the firm conclusion that it is impossible for any objective newspaperman to be a friend of a President.许多年之后,我得出了这个坚定的结论:任何客观的新闻工作者都不可能成为一个总统的朋友。objectivity — subjectivity, expressed statistically 客观性——以统计数字表达出来的主观性。
1999 Passage 2
pathway /5pB:Wwei/(小径;通路)←path+way。
establish /is5tAbliF/ (建立;安置)即e+stabl(e)+ish,e-加强前缀,stable稳定,-ish动词后缀。We must establish the respectability of peace and get rid of the false glamour surrounding war.我们必须确立和平的崇高地位,除去萦绕着战争的欺骗性的魔力。
intranet /intrE5net/ (内部互联网)←intra内部的+net。
customize /kQstEmaiz/ (按客户要求定制)←custom+ize动词后缀。There are three means of believing, by inspiration, by reason, and by custom.信仰有三种:神灵感应、理性思维,以及从俗。
contempt /kEn5tempt/ (n.蔑视)可看作con+tempt,con-全部,tempt单词“v.诱惑”,对所有人都进行诱惑→这种行为是令人“蔑视”的。Familiarity breeds contempt.熟悉引起轻视。contempt — the weapon of the weak and a defense against one's own despised and unwanted feelings 轻蔑——弱者的武器和抵御自己所蔑视的有害感情的自卫手段。
promotion /prE5mEuFEn/ (促进;提升)即pro+mot(e)+ion,pro-向前,mote词根“运动”=move,-ion名词后缀;动词形式为promote←pro+mote。No true and permanent fame can be founded except in labors which promote the happiness of mankind.真正的、永恒的声望只能在增进人类幸福的劳作中求得。
prospect /5prCspekt/ (展望;前景)←pro向前+spect看;参spectacle(场面;奇观),2000年Passage 5。Prospect is often better than possession.预期往往胜于拥有。
resort /ri5zC:t/ (求助于;胜地;手段)可看作re+sort,re-反复,sort单词“分类”,联想:某游客对众多“胜地”无所适从,只能“求助于”导游的反复(re)分类(sort)。I never resort to a prepared script — anyone who does not have it in his head to do 30 minutes extemporaneous talking is not entitled to be heard.我从不求助于事先准备的讲稿,任何想不出30分钟即席讲话内容的人就没有资格让人来听。Home is the resort of love, of joy, of peace, and plenty, where supporting and supported, polished friends and dearest relatives mingle into bliss.家是爱、欢乐、和睦与富足的胜地,养育者与被养育者,优雅的友人与最密切的亲属在这里共享天赐之福。
interactivity /7intErAk5tiviti/ (交互性)←inter互相+act作用+ivity名词后缀表“性质”;参interaction,1999年Passage 1。
hospitality /7hCspi5tAliti/ (好客;款待)看作hospital+ity,“医院是好客的”←医院为提高效益而唯恐别人不生病。When hospitality becomes an art it loses its very soul.待客殷勤一旦成为技巧,就失去了真正的精髓。
security /si5kjuEriti/ (安全)←secur(e)安全的+ity。Security is the mother of danger and the grandmother of destruction.安全感是危险的母亲、毁灭的祖母。
enterprise /5entEpraiz/ (企业;进取心)看作enter+prise,enter进入,prise奖赏=prize,“进入奖赏”→以“进取心”办“企业”就会获得奖赏。There is no resting place for an enterprise in a competitive economy.在竞争的经济中没有企业休息的处所。What recommends commerce to me is its enterprise and bravery.在我看来,商业的可取之处在于它的进取与无畏。enterprise — the hope of our future 事业——对未来的希望。
1999 Passage 3
radical /5rAdikEl/ (根本的;重要的;激进的)即radi+cal,radi词根“根”,-cal形容词后缀;
副词为radically /5rAdikEli/ ←radi+cal+ly。因为植物的“根”呈放射状排列,故radi作词根时亦表“放射”,如:radiate→radi+ate动词后缀→辐射;radium→radi+um后缀表“元素”→有放射性质的元素→镭;radius→radi+us后缀表“物”→从圆心放射出来的东西→半径。I never dared be radical when young for fear it would make me conservative when old.我年轻时从来不敢激进,因为害怕那会使我年老时保守。radical — ①anyone whose opinion differs from yours ②a person whose left hand does not know what his other left hand is doing 激进分子——①任何与你持不同观点的人 ②一个他的左手不知道他的另一只左手在干什么的人。
conception /kEn5sepFEn/ (概念;构想)是conceive(v.构想)的名词形式,参perceive(察觉;感知),2002年Text 2;
concept /5kCnsept/ (概念)。In the last analysis, it is our conception of death which decides our answers to all the questions that life puts to us.归根结底,是对死亡的看法决定了我们对生活所提出的一切问题的回答。No theory is as good as experience. No concept is as good as facts.理论不等于实践。概念不等于事实。
forsake /fE5seik/ (v.抛弃)可看作for+sake,联想:为了(for)什么缘故(sake)而“抛弃”(forsake)我?←因考研而被女友抛弃的周星星说:给个理由先!To abstain from sin when a man cannot sin is to be forsaken by sin, not forsake it.在无法犯罪时放弃犯罪是被罪行抛弃,而非抛弃罪行。
betray /bi5trei/ (v.背叛;泄露)可看作be+tray,be是,tray盘子,“是已经和盘托出了”→泄露(若向敌人“泄露”则为“背叛”)。When we fail our pride supports us, when we succeed, it betrays us.失败时自尊支撑着我们,成功时它使我们露出本来面目。
pessimism /5pesimizm/ (悲观;悲观主义)参pessimistic(悲观的),2001年Passage 4。pessimism — ①a luxury a Jew can never allow himself ②the wisdom of the experienced 悲观——①犹太人决不会允许自己享受的一种奢侈品 ②有经验者的智慧。
presumptuous /pri5zQmptjuEs/ (专横的,自以为是的)看作presumpt(ion)假设+uous形容词后缀,“只凭假设就给人下结论的”→自以为是的。
acquaintance /E5kweintEns/ (认识;熟人)即ac+quaint+ance,ac-否定前缀,quaint离奇的(俞敏洪说:把quai看作guai,音“怪”),-ance名词后缀,“不奇怪”→见怪不怪→已经认识的→熟人。I look upon every day to be lost, in which I do not make a new acquaintance.哪一天不新结识一个人,我就把那一天视为虚度。acquaintance — somebody you nod to if he nods first 熟人——如果他先对你点头,你也会对他点头的人。
complementary /kRmplE5mentEri/ (补充的;互补的)←complement(v.n.补充;补足物)+ary形容词后缀。compliment(v.n.恭维)与complement一字母之差,i像一支燃烧的蜡烛→拿着蜡烛在神灵面前→“恭维”,e想成维生素E→“补充”维生素E。Guilt always hurries towards its complement, punishment; only there does its satisfaction lie.罪行总是匆匆赶向它的补充——惩罚,只有在那里它才能得到满足。
dubiously /5dju:bjEsli/ (可疑地;怀疑地)←dub+ious+ly,dub怀疑=doubt,-ious形容词后缀,-ly副词后缀。
reformatory /ri5fC:mEtEri/ (改革的)←reform改革+atory后缀。To reform a man is a tedious and uncertain labour; hanging the sure work of a minute.改造人是冗长而无把握的工作,绞刑则是举手之劳。
disguise /dis5^aiz/ (v.n.假装,伪装)可看作dis+gui+s+e,dis-否定前缀,gui拼音“鬼”,s复述词尾,e小词,以蒲松龄《聊斋志异》联想:真正的鬼总是要伪装(disguise)自己,说自己不是(dis)鬼(gui)。Praise undeserved is satire in disguise.溢美之词是披着伪装的讽刺。Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them.机会通常伪装成艰苦的工作,所以大多数人认不出它们。
auxiliary /C:^5ziljEri/ (辅助的)即aux+iliary,aux词根“增加”(同aug,如augment→aug增加+ment后缀→v.增加),-iliary形容词后缀,“起增加作用的”→辅助的。
highlight /5hailait/ (v.使显著n.最重要的部分)即high+light,用高(high)强度的光(light)照某物体→使显著。
on behalf of 为……的利益;go to the heart of 涉及……的核心问题。
1999 Passage 4
startle /5stB:tl/ (使吃惊)即start+le,start开始,le拼音“了”,监考老师说:考试“开始了”,于是同学们“大吃一惊”。Poetry should be great and unobtrusive, a thing which enters into one's soul, and does not startle it or amaze it with itself, but with its subject.诗歌应当既不寻常又不唐突,它深入人心不是以其本身,而是以其主题使心灵震动或惊奇。
husbandry /5hQzbEndri/ (n.耕作;饲养)看作husband+(d)ry,让丈夫(husband)口干舌燥(dry)的事→耕作;饲养。
feverishly /5fi:vEriFli/(激动地,狂热地)←fever+ish+ly。
indefinitely /in5definitli/ (不确定地)即in+de+fin+ite+ly,in-否定前缀,de-向下,fin词根“界限”,-ite形容词后缀,-ly副词后缀,“不能下定界限地”→不确定地。definite(明确的)←de+fin+ite。参define(下定义;限定),2002年Text 4。Liberty does not consist in mere declarations of the rights of man. It consists in the translation of those declarations into definite actions.自由并不仅仅是人权宣言,自由在于使这些宣言化为明确的行动。
restriction /ris5trikFEn/ (限制,约束)即re+strict+ion,re-一再,strict单词“严厉的”,-ion名词后缀,“一再严厉的事”→约束;动词形式为:restrict←re+strict。Read your job description but never be restricted by it.读工作任务条例但不可受其限制。
molecular /mEu5lekjulE/ (分子的)即mole+cul(e)+ar,mole单词“痣”,-cule后缀表示“小”,-ar形容词后缀,于是“像小痣一样的”→分子。分类记忆:molecule分子;atom原子;neutron中子;proton质子;nucleus原子核;ion离子。If the molecules in one drop of water could be converted into grains of sand, there would be enough sand to build a concrete highway, half a mile wide and one foot thick, from New York to San Francisco.假如一滴水里的分子可以变为沙粒,形成的沙子就足以建造一条半英里宽、一英尺厚的混凝土公路,从纽约直到旧金山。
legislation /7ledVis5leiFEn/ (立法;法规)看作leg+is+lat(e)+ion,leg词根“法律”(参allegation宣称,2003年Text 2),is是,late迟的,-ion名词后缀,“法律是迟的”→旧法律难以适应新事物→所以要不断“立法”→“立法”之产物即“法规”。Inflation is the one form of taxation that can be imposed without legislation.通货膨胀就是那种无须立法便可实施的征税方式。
consensus /kEn5sensEs/ (意见一致)即con+sens(e)+us,con-一起,sense感觉,-us名词后缀,“共同的感觉”→意见一致。consensus — ①the security blanket of the insecure ②the negation of leadership 多数人的意见——①不安全的安全覆盖物 ②领导的对立面。
nuclear /5nju:kliE/ (核的,原子核的)即nuc+le+ar,nuc=nut坚果,-le后缀表示“小”,-ar形容词后缀,“像小坚果一样的”→原子核的。nucleus(核心,原子核)←nuc+le+us名词后缀,
复述形式为nuclei /5nju:kliai/ 或nucleuses。Pro football is like nuclear warfare. There are no winners, only survivors.职业足球有如核战争,其中没有赢家,只有幸存者。
embryo /5embriEu/ (胚胎;胚胎的)即em+bryo,em-“使”,bryo词根“膨胀的”(联想bra),“正蓬勃生长的”→胚胎。
impose /im5pEuz/ (v.强加;征税)即im+pose,im-加强前缀,pose词根“放”,“强制性地放”→强加→引申为:征税。When one has had to work so hard to get money, why should he impose on himself the further hardship of trying to save it?已经是为了赚钱而不得不如此辛苦地工作,为什么还要把极力省钱这种更苦的事强加给自己呢?
ethical /5eWikEl/ (伦理的,合乎道德的)←eth+ical,eth词根“道德”,-ical后缀;ethics(伦理,伦理学)←eth+ics后缀表“学科”←研究道德的学问。ethics — aesthetics from within 伦理学——出自内心的美学。
explicitly /iks5plisitli/ (明晰地;坦率地)即ex+plic+it+ly,ex-(=out of),plic词根“折叠”,-it形容词后缀,-ly副词后缀,“没有折叠地”→完全显露地→清楚地。参complicated(复杂的;难解的),2002年Text 2。
panel of experts 专家小组;up in the air 悬而未决。
1999 Passage 5
supposedly /sE5pEuzidli/ (大概;据推测)即suppose+(e)d+ly,suppose(猜想;假设),-ed形容词后缀,-ly副词后缀。My own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.我个人隐约觉得,宇宙之奇异不仅超过我们所料想的,更超过我们所能够料想的。We can not suppose that some men have a right to be in this world, and others no right.我们无法假定一些人有权力活在世上而另一些人没有。
particularly /pE5tikjulEli/ (特别地;显著地)即particul+ar+ly,particul(=particle)微粒,-ar形容词后缀,-ly副词后缀,“连细微处的性质都具备地”→特别地;形容词形式为particular←particul+ar。Particulars are not to be examined till the whole has been surveyed.在概括地考察整体之前先不要探究细节。In heaven an angel is nobody in particular.在天堂里天使不是什么特别的人物。
substitute /5sQbstitju:t/ (v.替代n.替代物)即sub+stitute,sub-“在下”,stitute词根“放置”,于是“在下面放置的”→“准备用作替换的”→替代或替代物。参constitutional,2002年Text 4。There is no substitute for hard work.任何东西都代替不了勤奋工作。Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.民主政治以无能的多数进行的选择代替腐败的少数作出的委任。
imaginative /i5mAdVinEtiv/ (富想象力的)即imagin(e)+ative,imagine(v.想象),-ative“多……的”。Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real.一个人能够想象出的任何东西都会有别人把它变为现实。
conference /5kCnfErEns/ (会议)即con+fer+ence,con-一起,fer词根“拿来”=bring,-ence名词后缀,“把意见拿到一起来讨论”→会议。A conference is a gathering of important people who singly can do nothing, but together can decide that nothing can be done.会议就是重要人物的聚会,他们独自干不了什么事,但是在一起能决议什么事也干不了。conference — just an admission that you want somebody to join you in your troubles 会议——仅仅是一种加入权,即你遇到麻烦时,想要别人加入进来与你分担。
budget /5bQdVit/(v.n.预算)看作bud+get。The only good budget is a balanced budget.只有平衡的预算才是好的预算。budget — just another name for a family quarrel 预算——家庭纠纷的代名词而已。
worthwhile /5wE:T5(h)wail/ (值得的)←worth+while。Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.爱情并不推动世界,它只是使人生值得。
speculate /5spekju7leit/ (推测;投机)即specul+ate,specul词根“看”=spect,-ate动词后缀,联想:考研阅读题每个都不会做,对四个选项“看”来“看”去,希望看(推测)出答案,未果,最后只能看天由命(投机)了,于是悄悄拿出两枚硬币……There are two times in a man's life when he should not speculate; when he can't afford it and when he can.人的一生中有两个时候不应投机:投机不起的时候和投机得起的时候。
victim /5viktim/ (受害者,牺牲品)。Men who do not make advances to women are apt to become victims to women who make advances to them.不追逐女人的男人容易成为追逐他们的女人的牺牲品。
consistently /kEn5sistEntli/(始终如一地)即con+sist+ent+ly,con-一直,sist词根“站”,-ent形容词后缀,-ly副词后缀,“一直站在那里地”→始终如一地;形容词形式为consistent←con+sist+ent;名词形式为consistency←con+sist+ency名词后缀。Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are the dead.一成不变违反自然、违反生命,能够做到完全始终如一的只有死人。consistency — ①what requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago ②the last refuge of the imaginative 前后一致——①要求你今天像一年前一样无知 ②富有想象力的人的最后避难所。
convince/kEn5vins/(使信服)。The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his own way.使愚人认识错误的最好办法,是让他走自己的路。
faithfully /5feiWfuli/ (忠实地;守信地)←faithful+ly。Books are those faithful mirrors that reflect to our minds thoughts of sages and heroes.书籍是忠实的镜子,把圣贤英杰的思想反映到我们的头脑中。faithful woman — a woman who doesn't want two men to suffer as the same time 忠实的女人——不愿让两个男人同时受折磨的女人。
auditor /5C:ditE/(审计员)用熟词editor(编者)记:auditor与editor的工作都是审查,但auditor审查的是钱,故以au开头←金的化学符号即Au。
distract /dis5trAkt/(v.分散;扰乱)即dis+tract,dis-(=away),tract词根“拉”,“把注意力拉出去”→分散注意力。The reason why we are so pleased to find out other people's secrets is that it distracts public attention from our own.我们所以如此乐于发现别人的秘密,是由于它能分散大家对我们自身秘密的注意。
register /5redVistE/ (注册;自动计数器)。History, which is, indeed, little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind.历史实在不过是人类的罪行、蠢事与不幸的记录。
conformity /kEn5fC:miti/ (遵守;顺从)←conform+ity名词后缀。conformity — the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth 顺从——自由的狱卒,成长的大敌。
inquire /in5kwaiE/ (v.调查;询问)=enquire。Luck stops at the door and inquires whether prudence is within.好运在节俭的门前止步,问讯它是否在家。
neglect /ni5^lekt/ (v.n.忽视;忽略)即neg+lect,neg-否定前缀(如negative→neg+ative形容词后缀→否定的;负的),lect词根“选择”(如elect→e+lect→v.选举,e-前缀=ex-)。Paying attention to simple little things that most men neglect makes a few men rich.注意多数人忽视的简单小事使少数人致富。A little neglect may breed mischief,... for want of a nail the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse was lost; and for want of a horse the rider was lost.微小的疏忽可能酿成祸害,……缺一根钉子就会掉一块蹄铁,掉一块蹄铁就会失去一匹马,失去一匹马就会失去一名骑手。
profitable /5prCfitEbl/(有益的,有利可图的)即profit+able,profit(v.n.收益;利润),-able可……的。Genuine ignorance is… profitable because it is likely to be accompanied by humility, curiosity, and open-mindedness.真正的无知……不无益处,因为它很可能伴有谦虚、好奇、及思想开放。That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.使人怀着期待打开、带着收益合上的书就是好书。Great men are those who profit the most from the fewest mistakes.伟人是由最少的错误获得最多益处的人。
underestimate /5QndEr5estimeit/ (v.n.低估)←under+estimate估计;反义词为overestimate→over+estimate→高估。Never underestimate a man who overestimates himself.切勿低估一个过高估计他自己的人。 |