【摘 要】现代性,是中国文化现代转型的主题。中国文化的现代性追求,是一个充满艰辛、困惑的曲折过程,这一过程存在着民族性与现代性之间的巨大张裂,它主要体现在激进主义思潮与保守主义思潮之间的对立和斗争。本文探讨了如何在民族性视域下正确对待现代性的理想价值,同时展望了中国文化的未来发展方向。文章认为迷失自性,完全脱离传统的中国文化现代性追求是应摒弃的。
Chinese Culture’s Modernity Pursuit from the Nationality Perspective
Ji xianzhong
(Nanjing, Jiangsu Administration Institute, 210004) Abstract:Modernity is the theme of modern transformation Chinese culture. Its modernity pursuit is a strenuous and puzzling process simultaneously, which embodies the large gap between modernity and nationality together with the contradiction and conflict between radicalism and conservativeness .This article is to discuss how to treat Chinese culture’s universal ideal value and its future from the nationality perspective. The losses of selfness and Chinese culture’s modernity pursuit away from traditional Chinese culture are supposed to be disposed. Keyword:Nationality; Chinese culture; Modernity pursuit
【作者简介】吉献忠(1971-)男,汉族,河南泌阳人。硕士, 讲师。研究方向:马克思主义哲学,(手机:13611514387)地址:南京市建邺路168号江苏行政学院研究生处3#信箱。