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[【工具软件】] openbsd ftp

发表于 2009-8-15 00:31:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

[1] 连接到
[1] 连接到
[1] 220 openbsd.srv.ualberta.ca FTP server ready.
[1] USER anonymous
[1] 331 Guest login ok, send your email address as password.
[1] PASS (隐藏)
[1] 230-  Welcome to ftp.openbsd.org at the University of Alberta
[1] 230-  in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
[1] 230-  For other mirror sites visit http://www.openbsd.org/ftp.html
[1] 230-
[1] 230-     _____         ____  _____ _____
[1] 230-    / ___ \\        | _ \\ / ____| __ \\
[1] 230-    / / / /___ ___ ____ | |_) | (___ | | | |
[1] 230-   / / / / __ \\/ _ \\/ __ \\| _ < \\___ \\| | | |
[1] 230-   / /__/ / /_/ / __/ / / /| |_) |____) | |__| |
[1] 230-   \\_____/ .___/\\___/_/ /_/ |____/|_____/|_____/
[1] 230-     /_/
[1] 230-         |  .      The proactively secure Unix-like
[1] 230-       .  |L /|  .    Operating System.
[1] 230-     _ . |\\ _| \\--+._/| .   Please visit the OpenBSD web site
[1] 230-    / ||\\| Y J )  / |/| ./   at http://www.openbsd.org/
[1] 230-    J |)&#39;( |    ` F`.&#39;/
[1] 230-   -<| F     __   .-<   All transfers are logged, if you don&#39;t
[1] 230-    | /    .-&#39;. `. /-. L___ like this policy, disconnect now!
[1] 230-    J \\   <  \\ | | O\\|.-&#39;
[1] 230-   _J \\ .-  \\/ O | | \\ |F
[1] 230-  &#39;-F -<_.   \\  .-&#39; `-&#39; L__ OpenBSD 4.5 is available for order!
[1] 230-  __J _  _.   >-&#39; )._.  |-&#39; You can order a CD of OpenBSD 4.5
[1] 230-  `-|.&#39;  /_.      \\_|  F  from http://www.openbsd.org/orders.html.
[1] 230-   /.-  .        _.<  CD sales are important to support the
[1] 230-  /&#39;  /.&#39;       .&#39; `\\   continued development of the project.
[1] 230-   /L /&#39;  |/   _.-&#39;-\\
[1] 230-  /&#39;J    ___.---&#39;\\|
[1] 230-   |\\ .--&#39; V | `. `
[1] 230-   |/`. `-.   `._)
[1] 230-     / .-.\\
[1] 230-  VK  \\ ( `\\
[1] 230-     `.\\
[1] 230-
[1] 230-  *DO NOT* mirror openbsd from this site! use one of the
[1] 230- \"second level mirrors\" listed at http://www.openbsd.org/ftp.html
[1] 230- instead of this site. If you mirror from this site you will lose
[1] 230- access to it.
[1] 230-
[1] 230- E-mail comments, questions, trouble reports, and complaints
[1] 230- to beck@openbsd.org. Please drive safely.
[1] 230-
[1] 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
[1] SYST
[1] 215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-199306
[1] TYPE A
[1] 200 Type set to A.
[1] REST 1
[1] 350 Restarting at 1. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[1] REST 0
[1] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[1] FEAT
[1] 500 &#39;FEAT&#39;: command not understood.
[1] PWD
[1] 257 \"/\" is current directory.
[1] PASV
[1] 227 Entering Passive Mode (129,128,5,191,226,203)
[1] 打开数据连接到主机: 端口: 58059
[1] LIST
[1] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for &#39;/bin/ls&#39;.
[1] 226 Transfer complete.
[1] 列表完成: 传输 93 字节 使用 0.37秒 (0.25KBps)

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