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楼主: capricorn_ye

[探索发现♡] 实践  小小农夫之《池塘捞蜈蚣》 (007-photograph)

发表于 2008-7-8 02:30:44 | 显示全部楼层
copy  n.复制品,摹本;v.复制,复印

A copy of a painting复制画

Using the photo--copying process, anyone can have a copy of anything from cook-ing recipes to Greek poetry.


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发表于 2008-7-8 02:49:42 | 显示全部楼层
set   v.调整;设置

set the camera for a long-disdance shot调整照相机拍摄远景。

set the stage for a scene in a play.为一场戏设置布景。


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发表于 2008-7-8 03:05:59 | 显示全部楼层
nip    v.捏,夹;剪断
Nip off the side shoots of a plant .剪掉植物的岔枝。
Nip off the dead leaves 掐掉枯死的叶子。

toe n. 脚趾
My shoe presses my toe. 我的鞋夹脚。

tot   v.加起来,合计
The waiter quickly tot up our bill for the dinner.

hoot    v.呵斥,轰赶
Hoot away the speaker .把演说者轰走。

rep   n.推销员
Each rep is provided with a company car. 每位推销员都备有一辆公司的汽车。
I am a sale rep for General Electric. 我是通用电气公司的一名推销员。

coo  n.鸽子叫声;v.咕咕地叫;轻柔低语,说情话
Pigeons preened their wings and cooed. 鸽子用喙整理翅膀,咕咕地叫。
Let’s leave the two young people to bill and coo together. 咱们让这对年轻人单独在一起谈情说爱去吧。

engrave   v.雕刻
It is difficult to engrave in marble. 在大理石上雕刻是困难的。

grave   n.坟墓
Both rich and poor equal in the grave. 一堆黄土掩贫富。

hop  v.跳
Hop a freight train. 跳上一辆货车
Hop a ditch two feet wide. 跳过两英尺宽的水沟

tut  int.t嘘  v.发出嘘声

Tut! There are other Trohans that thou dreamest not of.嘿!咱们一伙里还有几个大名鼎鼎的好汉,你做梦也想不到的.

raft  n.木筏;v.乘筏
Sightseers drifted downriver on a raft. 观光客们乘着木筏漂向下游。
Raft the Colorado River. 乘筏渡过科罗拉多河。

cart  n.手推车,二轮车;v..用车推
The overturning of the cart in front is a warning to the carts behind. 前车之履,后车之鉴。

hem   n.边,摺边 ;v.包围
Face a hem with lace. 给衣服边镶上花边
The building was hemmed in by flowers. 这座建筑物被花海包围着。

hemp   n.大麻,大麻纤维
Twist a length of rope from strands of hemp. 用几股麻搓成了一段绳子

rot  v.腐烂
The vegetable and fruit rot. 蔬菜、水果腐烂了。

vat  n.大桶
To put into or treat in a vat. 放入大桶中或在大桶中处理。

rent   n.租金
Get behind with rent 拖欠房租。

lust   n.渴望;v.贪求
A lust for life. 对生活的渴望
Mercenary men lust for wealth. 唯利是图的人贪求财富。

lose  n.失去
He that loses his honesty, has nothing else to lose. 失去了诚实,失去了一切。

rise  v.上升,增加

Costs have risen, and prices will rise proportionately. 成本增加了,价格也要相应提高.

door   n.门
He sells brushes door to door. 他挨家挨户卖刷子。

get  v.得到
Tom gets lots of letters but Ann doesn't get many. 汤姆收到许多信,但安的信不多。


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-8 07:45:02 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2008-7-9 05:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
引用第23楼capricorn_ye于2008-07-08 07:45发表的 :

1. capture  v.(用照片等)留存
capture sb’s charm on canvas使某人的美貌保存在画布上。
Capture a likeness in a painting. 保存一幅油画中的人物肖像。

2.cinematize  v. 摄成电影

3.closeup n.(照相、电影等)的特写镜头
The most common close-ups are ones of actors' faces.最常见的特写镜头是演员的脸部。

4.copy n.复制品,摹本;v.复制,复印
A copy of a painting复制画
Using the photo-copying process, anyone can have a copy of anything from cooking recipes to Greek poetry. 用照相复制的方法人们可得到任何东西,一本烹饪食谱乃至希腊诗篇。

5.film n.胶片,胶卷;v.拍摄
buy a faster film买一个快速胶卷
film the King’s arrival in the capital拍摄国王抵达首都的场面。

6.illustrate   v.给……作插图
The publisher will illustrate the book. 那个出版商将给这本书配图。

7.lens n.镜头
I have get a twin-lens reflex camera. 我有一架双镜头反射式照相机。
Do not obstruct the lens with your finger. 别让手指遮住镜头。

8.microfilm  n. [摄]缩影胶片;v. 缩微拍摄
Can I get a photocopy of some material on microfilm? 我可以复印缩微胶片上的一些资料吗?
There are 90,000 rolls of microfilmed documents.那里有90万卷拍摄在缩微胶卷上的资料。

9.photo n.拍照;v.给……拍照
I'll keep the photo. 我要把这张照片珍藏起来。
She posed while the camaraman photoed her.她摆好姿势让摄影师替她照相。

10.photoengrave v. 照相雕刻,制作……的照相凸版

11.photostat n.直接影印机;v. 复印照片,照相复制
a photocopy made on a Photostat machine. 在直接复印机上复印出的影印本。

12.picture v.画,拍摄
The painter pictured the general sitting on a horse.画家给骑着马的将军画像。

13.print  v.印;n.照片,画
The photograph does not print well. 这张照片印得不好
a print made from a woodcut. 用木刻印板印出来的画。

14.record  v/n.记录
A graphic record of the electrical activity of a muscle is recorded by an electromyograph.

15.reproduce v.复制,印……的翻版
Reproduce those documentson microfilm. 把那些文件拍摄在缩微胶卷上。
This photograph of the painting reproduce the colors of the original extremely well. 这张画的照片把原作的色彩印得十分清晰。

16.roll n.一卷
A roll of film.一卷胶片。

17.shoot v.拍摄
Shoot a woman riding a horse 拍摄一个骑著马的女子

18.snap n.快照;v.拍快照
Here is some of our holiday snap. 这是我们的一些假日快照。
'll snap the child when he runs to me. 我要在这孩子朝我跑过来时,给他抢拍一张。

19.snapshot n.快照;v.快镜拍摄
This snapshot hasn't printed very well. 这张快照印出来不太清楚。
This album is full of snapshots of Dick and Jack. 这相簿全是迪克和杰克的快照。

120.take  v.摄(影),为……摄(影)
take a photo 拍照
take a scene from the top取俯角拍摄一个场景

21.turn  v.转动
I turn the lens.我转动镜头。
Now please turn round. 现在请转过身来。


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