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[【经验与求助】] 参加震灾急救的人员必须牢记的一句话!

发表于 2008-5-25 13:40:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
如果你在紧急情况下给出血的伤员上止血带, 请把上带的时间记下放在非常显眼所有人看得到的地方 ; 如果伤员已经上止血带超过20分钟 , 如果你不是在这方面有丰富经验的医生并手头没有必要的设备时,千万不要急于解开止血带, 超过二十分钟的压迫止血, 局部已经积压了足够的致命代谢物, 一旦不谨慎进入血液循环, 造成心跳骤停或者肾衰而死亡, 这是抗震救灾时有些救出的伤员很快死亡的机理

伤员在倒塌的重物压力已经超过一定时间, 在解救出来之时, 如果救护人员和现场医务人员缺乏一定的预计和相应措施, 被救伤员死亡是不可避免的

让我们来看看这方面的原理 :

当伤员受压时, 部分组织甚至是大面积的组织血液循环受阻, 正常情况下组织里细胞内钾离子的浓度大于细胞外组织, 在细胞内外离子交换过程中,细胞内的钾离子出多于进, 细胞内外的钾平衡电位可表达为 :……
Saw the clip on TV, the moment supposed to be a joy and happy, suddenly turned into a tragedy, very very sad…
Thoughts on the causes of death,
1) Agree with Masheng, reperfusion injury, either severe myocardial depression by released ischemia mediators, or hyperkalemia, the question was there some signs on the limbs suggesting ischemia
2) Consider pulmonary emboli, a big clot got dislodged (72 hr immobile)
3) Unrecognized cervical spine injury, the movement of retraction caused a high spinal cord transaction injury
4) Head injury especially unrecognized brainstem involvement, could occur suddenly with the movement
5) Preexisting unknown cardiac arrhythmia
6) Other less likely causes might be: cardiac tamponade, dissected aortic artery, etc

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