探索 趣味数学类-有关面积的问题(黄容之二)(含笑饮砒霜和shenxiu做了一回聪明的小黄蓉^_^)
点睛评:A miss is as good as a mile.
Although I learned a little maths and used to be amazed by its beauty, I can't remember any terms or formulae. So such a geometry question is pretty hard to me. Trying to solve it, I have racked my wits only to get nowhere. It seems so easy to assume the answer, but it's impossible to prove it, at least for me.
To know is easy, while to know the hows and the whys is not. Sometimes, A miss is as good as a mile. Maybe that's the differeces between BA and BS
Anyway, for me there is still a lot to learn. |