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[【学科前沿】] 抗胆固醇类药物遭到攻击

发表于 2008-3-31 16:32:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Shock to the system
Cholesterol drugs are under attack
“I SEE profound consequences arising from this,” says Steven Nissen of the Cleveland Clinic, an American research hospital. Dr Nissen, a leading cardiologist, is up in arms over the way Merck and Schering-Plough, two American pharmaceutical giants, have handled a clinical trial of Vytorin, a blockbuster anticholesterol
drug produced jointly by the two firms. Could this controversy upend the $25 billion
cholesterol-fighting industry?
Cleveland 临床研究中心的Steven Nissen说:“这件事情所引起的后果将是非常深远的。” Nissen博士,这位美国知名的心脏病专家,激烈的反对两个美国大型制药公司默克和先灵葆雅对Vytorin(一种由这两家公司联合研制的重磅炸弹级别的抗胆固醇的处方药)的临床试验所采取的做法。这场正在进行的争论会使价值250亿美金的抗胆固醇市场走向崩溃吗?
For years, the drugs of choice in combating heart disease have been statins such as Pfizer's Lipitor and AstraZeneca's Crestor. Concerned that the patent for its own statin, Zocor, was due to expire in 2006。
Merck found a clever way to rejuvenate its franchise. It combined Zocor with Zetia, a cholesterol drug developed by Schering-Plough, to create Vytorin. (Statins reduce the formation of so-called “bad cholesterol”, or LDL, in the liver; Zetia reduces its absorption.) But the Vytorin study, completed nearly two years ago and released only in January, found that on one important measure, the pricey branded
drug was no more effective than the generic version of Zocor on its own, which costs one-third as much. Merck and Schering-Plough insist they have done nothing wrong, and are adamant that Vytorin remains an important drug.
On January 25th America's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said it would scrutinise the study's results over the next eight months. A committee of the House of Representatives is also reviewing the handling of the study.
Andrew Cuomo, New York's attorney-general, launched his own
investigation on January 26th. His office will examine whether senior executives engaged in insider trading after learning of the results of the study, and whether Vytorin's lavish marketing campaign, which continued to run after the study was completed, violated the state's laws on false advertising claims.
纽约的首席检察官Andrew Cuomo于1月26日开始对此事进行独立调查。他的办公室将调查这两家美国制药公司的高级管理人员是否存在在已经知道研究结果后蓄意隐瞒对Vytorin不利的研究结果并继续开展大规模的营销活动,如果两家公司果真存在这样的行为,它们将可能因为涉嫌发布虚假广告而受到指控。
Meanwhile, several class-action suits have been filed in New Jersey, the home state of both pharmaceutical firms.
These legal and political troubles for Merck and Schering-Plough have been accompanied by a frenzy of negative media coverage and a public outcry over Vytorin, a popular drug which was prescribed 22m times in America last year, raising wider questions for the industry. Some are even challenging the
scientific orthodoxy underpinning anti-cholesterol drugs, which maintains that reducing the level of LDL cuts the risk of heart disease.
Viren Mehta, an industry expert, calculates that global sales of Vytorin and Zetia will fall by 10% in 2008 and remain flat until 2011, when a more detailed study of Vytorin will be completed. Sales of Lipitor and other statins unrelated to the Vytorin study have already been hit. But John Boris of Bear Sterns, an
investment bank, reckons this is just a temporary setback caused by irresponsible media reports, and that sales will pick up again before long.
一位叫Viren Mehta的业内专家计算08年全球Vytorin和Zetia这两种药物的销售量会下滑10%,2011年(这一年会有一项与Vytorin有关的更详细的临床研究出结果)之前都不会出现增长;贝尔斯登(知名投资银行)John Boris却认为这只是一场由某些媒体不负责任的报道而导致的短暂挫折,销售量会很快恢复到这之前的水平。
It is probably too soon to assess the damage to Vytorin. If doctors and patients grow skittish and stick with plain old statins instead, as they are now doing, that could deal a big blow to its prospects.
Roger Blumenthal of Johns Hopkins University says Vytorin should not be tried as the first anti-cholesterol remedy for new patients: statins should.
约翰霍普金斯大学的Roger Blumenthal认为Vytorin将不会被当作降低胆固醇的首选药物,但是他汀类药物本身还应当是首选。
Only if patients reach the maximum tolerable dose of statins, or face unbearable side effects, should they try Vytorin. If that advice were really followed, however, it would wipe out much of the drug's future earnings, because some 40-45% of doctors, Mr Boris estimates, prescribe Vytorin right away as a “front line” therapy.
Daniel Jones, head of the American Heart Association, blames the aggressive marketing tactics of drug companies for pushing doctors into prescribing Vytorin in the first instance. Vytorin may yet have a bright future as a targeted remedy for a much smaller population group, rather than as a blockbuster.
美国心脏病协会的主席Daniel Jones先生批评这些制药公司采取过度的市场营销策略导致医生将Vytorin作为首选处方. Vytorin如果作为一种针对少数人群的靶标药物而非重磅炸弹药物,那它的前景应当是光明的。
And even Dr Nissen, a leading critic of Vytorin, concedes that those claiming that
all cholesterol science is bunk are going too far; he thinks statins, at least, have a bright future. The lasting effect of the Vytorin saga, he suggests, may be to change the way that drug trials are conducted. At the moment the FDA very rarely asks companies to conduct large-scale follow-up trials of new drugs after launch, and even when it does, its requests are often ignored. In future, regulators are more likelyto insist on such trials—and on the timely disclosure of their results. As Merck and Schering-Plough are discovering, sunlight can be a powerful disinfectant.


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