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[【学科前沿】] 医生应紧急训练准备与梅毒传播的战斗

发表于 2008-3-31 10:59:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Doctor training urged to fight syphilis spread
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Syphilis is making a comeback in developed countries, spurred by illicit drug use and high-risk sexual behaviors, and many doctors are unprepared to recognize and treat it, U.S. researchers said on Monday.
芝加哥(路透社) 在发达国家中梅毒卷土重来,主要是药品不正当应用和高危险的性行为,以及许多医生是事先没有正确的辨认和治疗。美国研究员在星期一说。
They said syphilis has been on the rise since the beginning of the 21st century in high-income countries, but because the disease had been well controlled in the 1990s, doctors may not be screening for it.
\"The key message here is that syphilis is again on the rise in several developing countries. In many of these countries we are seeing very high rates in men who have sex with men,\" said Dr. Kevin Fenton of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, whose study appears in the journal Lancet.
“这里关键消息是梅毒发生率在几个发展中国家上升。 在我们看来在很多国家中男同性恋的发生率很高”美国疾病控制预防中心的Kevin Fenton博士说,他的研究发表在《柳叶刀》。
Fenton said the resurgence demands new training efforts among health-care professionals. \"In many countries, physicians may have lost some of the skill sets associated with diagnosing syphilis,\" Fenton said in a telephone interview.
Fenton说要紧急要求对医疗保健专家进行训练。 “在许多国家,医师可以丢失了诊断梅毒某些技能”, Fenton在电视采访说。
The CDC last week said the U.S. syphilis rate rose once again in 2007, marking the seventh consecutive year of increases. Homosexual and bisexual men accounted for 64 percent of syphilis cases in 2007, up from about 5 percent in 1999.
CDC上星期说在2007年美国梅毒感染率再次上升了,连续七年发生率上升。 在2007年同性恋和两性的人占梅毒案件的64%,比1999年大约上升了5%。
Syphilis infects some 12 million people worldwide every year. Most cases are acquired through sexual contact with a syphilis sore. Pregnant women can pass it on to their babies.
The recent resurgence is among a sub-group of men who have sex with men and engage in high-risk sex with multiple partners.
If not addressed, Fenton said the disease could become far more widespread.,
\"We have seen with other epidemics of sexually transmitted diseases that even if the initial rise occurs in men who have sex with men, it is unlikely to stay in that group for any long periods of time,\" Fenton said.
“我们看见了其他流行性性传播疾病,即使最初在男同性恋患者上升,在那个群体中感染的时间也不会太长”, Fenton说。
\"The data suggest we are now seeing increases among heterosexuals in the U.S. and in Europe as well,\" he said.

Fenton and colleagues argue that the resurgence calls for swift public health intervention, including screening programs to prevent the spread of the infection, mass media campaigns, efforts to change behavior in high-risk groups and distribution of condoms.
\"Efforts must be made to incorporate and evaluate new diagnostics tools, social network approaches, innovative evidence-based prevention interventions, robust disease surveillance and systematic monitoring and evaluation of prevention, treatment and care activities,\" they wrote.
Like many other sexually transmitted diseases, syphilis raises the likelihood of infection by or transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus, which causes AIDS.
Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema palladium. It starts out as a sore, but progresses to a rash, fever, and eventually can cause blindness, paralysis and dementia.
梅毒是由细菌密螺旋体造成的。 它开始发病为溃疡,但是进一步发展为皮疹,发热和最终可能导致目盲、麻痹和老年痴呆。


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