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[【学科前沿】] 研究表明:嚼香口胶能加快胃肠道术后恢复

发表于 2008-3-18 14:44:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Chewing Gum Speeds Recovery From Gastrointestinal Surgery, Study Shows
ScienceDaily (Feb. 28, 2008) — New research has resulted in an immediate change in the way physicians treat their patients -- giving them chewing gum to speed recovery following stomach-related surgery. Researchers find chewing gum is a simple solution to the recovery of bowel function after gastrointestinal surgery -- a problem that has troubled patients and physicians for decades.
每日科学(2008年2月28日消息) 新的研究结果使得医生治疗病人的方法发生了直接的改变,即在胃相关手术后给他们嚼香口胶来加快手术恢复。研究者发现,在胃肠道手术后,嚼香口胶是一个能促进肠道功能恢复的简单方法,而在此之前,怎样促进病人肠道功能恢复已经困扰了病人和医生数十年。

Authors of the paper published in Urology* evaluated 102 patients undergoing gastrointestinal surgery and gave half of them 5 pieces of chewing gum per day after their operation.

Chewing the gum is thought to stimulate the smooth muscle fibers and secretion from the salivary glands and liver. The 51 patients who chewed gum recovered their bowel movement significantly faster than those who did not.

Pediatric Urologist, Kropp. of Faculty of 1000 Medicine, will be giving his patients undergoing reconstructive surgery a piece of gum following their operation. He says, \" In today's high-tech, molecular-driven scientific world, it is nice to come across an article that can be implemented immediately into our practices without increased healthcare cost.\"
来自1000 Medicine医学院的儿科泌尿学家 Kropp.将要给他的那些接受了胃肠重建手术的病人一块香口胶。他说:“在当今这个由高技术,分子驱动的科学世界里,很高兴看到一篇文章能够马上在我们的实践中被执行,而没有增加医疗负担。“

Kropp also adds, \"Just think how much a pack of gum would cost today had the pharmaceutical industry come across this information first.\"

  {本人拙见本文还是有一些道理的,咀嚼口香糖还有转移病人注意力、缓解神经紧张的作用,对术后恢复有一定好处。 但还有待于我们在临床中去检验,正所谓实践是检验真理的唯一标准。至于五香豆,有一些食物残渣,估计不好用,不过提供了一种思路,也许还有比口香糖更好的替代品,而且嚼口香糖有无其它的不良反应,有待考究}

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